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Warming the Bed
ok, so i can hardly call myself a "vetran" or anything of this site (i doubt if i've made ten posts since i first stumbled accross swingingheaven, but i hope that the people i have spoke to on here can vouch that i am as genuine as they come)
but i was just wondering, how high has the interest in this site been boosted since the stan collymore incident etc??
krissxxx wrote:
but i was just wondering, how high has the interest in this site been boosted since the stan collymore incident etc??

Checking the site members register shows that 350 new people have joined up since the 2nd March. From the number of posts put up since that date, it is obvious that a great many have had this site brought to their notice by various articles in The Sun, Sport, radio and TV all since Collymore hit the headlines. sad :(
Some of these newbies, are probably genuine swingers, many are probably young men, who having read, The Sun, think they can get an easy 'lay' by simply joining this site. (Sad demented fools). A few have been trouble makers. This latter group have already been removed from this site permanently. If you read some of the locked threads in various sections of The Forum, you will see why. Finally there have been several journalists looking for news stories (Sad gits). rolleyes :roll:
The Chatroom has gone from an average of 60 or so members at a time to over 160 at peak times. Again nearly all newbies, who haven't a clue how to behave in a chatroom at all. Very few, if any, have read the rules concerning conduct and chatroom proceedure and consequently get kicked out by the room SysOps or Moderators. I mean can you really expect a message saying, "25yr old Essex male, well hung, into all forms of sex PVT me now" is even going to get a single reply. I don't think so. But that's what is happening. mad :x :x
Many newcomers to the chatroom have pretended to be, or have used a nickname suggesting they are, Collymore, not any longer though, as virtually all permutations of his name are on 'autokick' so these 'wannabees' can't enter and stay, and are booted out immediately. lol :lol:
It has been a very frantic week for all the Forum and Chatroom Moderators and despite all of us being fairly laid back and easy going, many of us are now burning on a very short fuse. evil :evil:
Swingers and Doggers are a Minority Lifestyle Group in Britain, and therefore fair game for the 'gutter press' when 'real news' is slow. Their 'Headlines' are augmented by articles from various 'Agony Aunts' along with TV and Radio programmes who's presenters, simply haven't a clue what they are talking about. :shock: :shock:
All this media rubbish gives the general public the false idea that Swingers are a degenerate group. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are, with very few exceptions, very responsible adults. But trying to convince the media of that is impossible.
:taz: Rant over.
Warming the Bed
Quote by krissxxx
ok, so i can hardly call myself a "vetran" or anything of this site (i doubt if i've made ten posts since i first stumbled accross swingingheaven, but i hope that the people i have spoke to on here can vouch that i am as genuine as they come)
but i was just wondering, how high has the interest in this site been boosted since the stan collymore incident etc??

I've got to admit I'm one of the new "Collymore generation". I've always been interested in the idea of a swinging lifestyle - boosted by a foursome some time ago, but I'd never heard of dogging before the crappy tabloids went to work on Collymore.
Think you're being a bit harsh Harry. I'm not expecting an "easy lay" and don't believe taking an interest makes me a "sad, demented fool". I am a single bloke ( until I can convince the gf smile ), but how can people in my situation increase their awareness, or act upon their interests if not through sites such as this one? That said, I expected a backlash from the extra interest that the recent media attention would lead to. Its probably a phase, and hopefully the time wasters/wind ups will die out soon
Sex God
Harry was NOT meaning you specifically - just the blokes who rushed on here last week in general!! Don't take offence, cos what he is saying is so very true.
My fuse is very very short indeed even after a proper sleep but I was up until almost m. deactivating one stupid person who was offensive, rude, incoherent and probably drunk.
Enjoy yourself here.
Quote by harry0
All this media rubbish gives the general public the false idea that Swingers are a degenerate group. Nothing could be further from the truth. We are, with very few exceptions, very responsible adults. But trying to convince the media of that is impossible.

Harry - not only responsible adults, the vast majority are far better educated and far nicer people than those so called 'journalists' - I used the term loosely.
Sex God
I'm just going to pop this discussion in the cafe - hold tight!
Quote by harry0
Again nearly all newbies, who haven't a clue how to behave in a chatroom at all. Very few, if any, have read the rules concerning conduct and chatroom proceedure and consequently get kicked out by the room SysOps or Moderators. I mean can you really expect a message saying, "25yr old Essex male, well hung, into all forms of sex PVT me now" is even going to get a single reply. I don't think so.

To be fair, in my experience the chatroom was full of that type of stuff even before the current hullabaloo.
JonahJ wrote:
Think you're being a bit harsh Harry. I'm not expecting an "easy lay" and don't believe taking an interest makes me a "sad, demented fool".

If you re read my post JonahJ I was not tarring all newbies with the same brush but wrote:
many are probably young men, who having read, The Sun, think they can get an easy 'lay' by simply joining this site. (Sad demented fools).

This is not an all inclusive term. The word many does not mean all.
But have a look at what the Moderators in both the Forum and Charoom have had to put up with during the last few days, and I think you might agree that there are a lot of newbies who do fit my 'Sad demented fool' comment.
Sadly many people do not appreciate what Swinging is, and dive into the water without taking the temperature first. Some get their balls burnt off, others will freeze to death waiting for something, that in all probability, will not happen.
Swinging is a lifestyle. What it is not, is a simple method for some people to get their end away. Unfortunately that's the impression that the 'Press' and other 'Media' give out.
If you are genuinely interested in the Swinging life style you are very welcome here, but as a single male, you may have a long while to wait, before making contact. However, if your girlfriend is also interested in Swinging, you may well be off to a good start. Couples always find other couples much easier to contact, than single men do. Have fun.
The first doggers used to arrive in horse drawn cabs. lol
Sex God
What Harry O and I have said in this thread in dogging is appropriate here too
It would be worth some of you new guys clicking about in the threads as there is advice to specific tpoics that might help you out
Alexandra wrote:
Harry - not only responsible adults, the vast majority are far better educated and far nicer people than those so called 'journalists' - I used the term loosely.

I couldn't agree more Alexandra. In my humble opinion the Tabloid 'journalists' are lower than the bottom man on a Red Indian Totem Pole. (Apologies to MissChief if she reads this)
rotflmao :rotflmao:
roger743 wrote:
To be fair, in my experience the chatroom was full of that type of stuff even before the current hullabaloo.

That's a fair point Roger743, but the Chatroom is currently an open public Chatroom accessible at present by anyone with access to the Internet. Where as The Forum can only be accessed for 'Posting' by registered Swinging Heaven members. However moves are afoot to change access to the Chatroom which will cut out the occasional 'drop in' visitor. A lot of work has been going on recently in the background by Mark the site operator and the SysOps to change that. Hopefully, this will solve a lot of the problems encountered in the Chatroom in recent months and return it to what it once was, i.e. A very pleasant place to visit. 8)
System Op, with sore fingers from typing out warnings, and
worn out boots from kicking miscreants out of the Chatroom. rolleyes :roll:
Quote by harry0
I couldn't agree more Alexandra. In my humble opinion the Tabloid 'journalists' are lower than the bottom man on a Red Indian Totem Pole. (Apologies to MissChief if she reads this)
rotflmao :rotflmao:

Oooooh Harry - don't give the journos chance to get anywhere near Misschiefs totem pole - they're not worth that pleasure and privilege ! They aren't fit to kiss the ground her moccasins walk on....... wink redface
To be honest, I think a lot of people out for a quick gawp and easy thrill would be quite surprised if they compared the "shock horror" tabloid slant on things and the banter and discussion in the Cafe for example. I realise my point is coloured with a certain rose tint from being a regular on here but I'm still the sort to try and spot a silver lining to all this ruckus......
Carpathian, in a half full and not half empty mood....
Sex God
Well, my opinion (if it counts for much ;) ) is that Journo's all come from that big country house - Forkham Hall smile
I have had dealings with the press of an unpleasant kind, and never read a paper these days, haven't for years! I have had first hand personal experience of several events that have taken place, and when I read about them could not believe the articles were about the same thing! - they must have been at a similar event elsewhere for the 'accuracy' of the reporting!
I agree that a large proportion of interest may have been generated by recent 'incidents' and press / media coverage, but wonder how long that interest will last..........sure we have had to put up with a few d1ckheads of late on the forum and chatroom, but hey, they'll get fed up and leave before we do :)
oh, and welcome to all the 'real' newcomers wave
Sex God
Quote by Carpathian
Oooooh Harry - don't give the journos chance to get anywhere near Misschiefs totem pole - they're not worth that pleasure and privilege ! They aren't fit to kiss the ground her moccasins walk on....... wink redface

Carpy kiss passionkiss
Place Blushing furiously icon here ~~~>
Was a bluddy funny comment tho Harry rotflmao - it never ceases to amaze me how people think up such comparisons! desperately trying to think of one now and failing miserably
Warming the Bed
ok, fair play. I've said that I'm aware the fact that swinging/dogging has become the new media buzz thing must be frustrating.
Its a bit of a watershed moment for the activity/lifestyle, as its going to attract a lot of attention whilst it remains newsworthy and in the public eye.
It appears that this site has increased re traffic since Stan was set up, which you must have expected. This brings up an interesting issue - is this what you "regulars" would have wanted? I'm not talking about the wind ups etc, but those who have become aware of say dogging and are actively, and genuinely interested. I've only been here a few days and I can see that there is a community feel to the place. The larger the site grows, and the more posters their are, the more likely such a close knit environment will disappear.
Is this an anticipated worry? Or am I just waffling a load of arse? wink
JonahJ wrote:
Its a bit of a watershed moment for the activity/lifestyle, as its going to attract a lot of attention whilst it remains newsworthy and in the public eye.
It appears that this site has increased re traffic since Stan was set up, which you must have expected. This brings up an interesting issue - is this what you "regulars" would have wanted? I'm not talking about the wind ups etc, but those who have become aware of say dogging and are actively, and genuinely interested. I've only been here a few days and I can see that there is a community feel to the place. The larger the site grows, and the more posters their are, the more likely such a close knit environment will disappear.

Yor are correct in most of you assumptions JonahJ. It's not the first time the gutter press had had a dig at we Swingers. Every time it happens, we get an influx of newbies many of whom think they can get a 'quicky' on demand. These inevitably, fall by the wayside after a week or two, but they do cause mayhem until they realise this site is not what it is made out to be by the Media.
In the long run we do gain in the end a few genuine members who do add to the site. Having been a member ( excuse the pun) of this site since just after it's conception (shit another unintended pun) I can say we have suffered several such intrusions into our world by the 'press'. We know what will happen each time the press latch on to our site.
The community does expand and grow each time and in a way we are grateful for that. However, adverse publicity does have a bad side effect. E.G. The Midlands Munch did have a list of 130 wishing to attend. This is now down to 70 simply because the bloody press have been trying their hardest to find out about it. This is a private function to which the press are not invited and it's really pissing them off.
Swinging is a personal lifestyle which regular members enjoy, but as we are a minority group that hasn't the protection of other minorities i.e. Religious and racial groups, we are easy pickings.
The die hard regulars will not be purturbed by the press, and after the brouhaha has died down, we will soldier on until the next expose.
I often wonder how the press would like it, if others pried into their own sexual predelictions, I bet they wouldn't.
The time wasters, dickheads and wankers will be weeded out from this site over the next week or two. The gutter press who have attempted to become members will also be sorted out and removed. We don't want them in here at all.
The publicity has made a lot of work for the moderators and SyOps on this site but we will continue our work despite all the problems that have been caused. We are a community, and a strong one at that, we will survive.
Quote by harry0
The Midlands Munch did have a list of 130 wishing to attend. This is now down to 70 simply because the bloody press have been trying their hardest to find out about it. This is a private function to which the press are not invited and it's really pissing them off.

Is there something "interesting" expected to happen at the midlands munch then? Because I had the impression it was going to be a mostly social affair and you might think "group of people meeting in a pub" would be a llittle too boring for even the gutter press...?
roger743 wrote:
Is there something "interesting" expected to happen at the midlands munch then? Because I had the impression it was going to be a mostly social affair and you might think "group of people meeting in a pub" would be a llittle too boring for even the gutter press...?

The Munches are simply a social meeting, where 'posters' in the various sections of the Forum and Chatroom members can get together, make new friends, meet people they have 'posted' to, or chatted to in the Chatroom. From reports of previous Munches a good time was had by all those attending.
Munches are NOT meetings prior to what no doubt, the 'Press' would consider an orgy. It may happen that friendships made between some people, will lead to other things at a future date. But not on the night of the Munch.
From current postings in the Let's Meet section of the Forum you will see that various Munches are being organised in different parts of the country, simply to let SH members meet socially.
The organisers have, quite rightly, vetted the applications of those wishing to attend. Those who have joined the site after the recent publicity and who are unknown to the majority of SH members are unlikely to get in, unless they are known to a Moderator or SyOp. That's hard perhaps on any genuine new member, but if they stay with this site, post regularly and/or join the the chatroom mayhem, they will be elligible to attend future events. The whole idea is simply to keep it to known and trusted members and not allow the Media to make it into something it isn't.
It would not be the first time the media has tried to turn a Mole hill into a mountain. rolleyes :roll:
Sex God
Quote by harry0
The organisers have, quite rightly, vetted the applications of those wishing to attend.

So you think it would be fair of me to ask for naked and clothes pics from those I have not met yet? :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
Dawn_Mids wrote:
So you think it would be fair of me to ask for naked and clothes pics from those I have not met yet?

I'm not sure I should answer this, whatever I say may land me in deep doodoo. lol
My face is ugly enough without anything else being shown Dawn. redface surprisedops:
I can understand you wanting "clothes" pics, though, just to check that other ladies attending are not going to be wearing the same dress, frock or suit as you at the Munch.
:sparring: :sparring:
Hi all,
Luckily for me I managd to find you through Google, before the Sun ran their story... Still I must admit a munch is a long way off for me and wife, would rather build a few friendships through the Cafe before I take that step. Also need to give my other half time to settle in to this idea, there is no rush from my side.
So hopefully will meet some of you at the next munch or one after that smile Hope to be part of this great adult, open community for some time, glad to hear you going to weather this storm. Worst possible thing that could happen would be losing this site and touch with the people I have spoken to so far...
tallnhairy wrote:
So hopefully will meet some of you at the next munch or one after that

Have a look in the Lets Meet Up section of Forum tallnhairy, there's one on in Croydon on the 3 rd April. just four week away. That's got to be near you.
The Midlands Munch is a 400 mile round trip for me, but that's not going to stop me going.
I am brand new to this but after having the site recommended to me by a friend I must say I wish I had found it earlier. I look forward to getting to know people on here but most of all I hope to participate in some great sex, in time anyway. At least I am honest. The reason I registered is that I love sex and everything that goes with it. I have had a good and varied sex life and if this site lives up to expectation hope to expand my horizons further. I can hope anyway cant I? Any tips to lubricate my entry into swinging?
Quote by Dawn_Mids
The organisers have, quite rightly, vetted the applications of those wishing to attend.

So you think it would be fair of me to ask for naked and clothes pics from those I have not met yet? :giggle:
Dawn :silly:
You mean you didn't do it for everyone!!! You mean it was just me!!! redface
better late than never wrote:
I am brand new to this but after having the site recommended to me by a friend I must say I wish I had found it earlier. I look forward to getting to know people on here but most of all I hope to participate in some great sex, in time anyway. At least I am honest. The reason I registered is that I love sex and everything that goes with it. I have had a good and varied sex life and if this site lives up to expectation hope to expand my horizons further. I can hope anyway cant I? Any tips to lubricate my entry into swinging?

Have a read through the various sections of the Forum section, you will find an abundance of helpful info. Read especially those 'posts' that tell you about swinging for newbies. You tell us absolutely nothing about yourself, your marital status, age, whether you already have a swinging partner etc. Without such info you are unlikely to generate any interest at all.
How do you lubricate yourself into the Swinging Scene.
1. Be a Lottery winner (big bucks).
2. Inherit wealth (big bucks).
3. Be a Hollywood film star. (big bucks).
5. Be a Pop singer. (big bucks).
If you one of these, then there will be enough 'Groupies' following you around to have your pick. lol :lol:
If you are not one of the above. sad
6. Hang around and participate in the Forum and Chatroom on a regular basis until you get known. 8)
7. Work your balls off, like everyone else on this site is doing, to make contacts. 8)
Eventually you may get lucky. It may not be this year or next year, but perceivere and eventually, you may get there. rolleyes
What won't happen, is dozens of women throwing themselves at you feet begging for it.
Should it turn out that you are a journalist, you may find your past life flashing before your eyes a lot sooner than you expected. :twisted: :twisted:
There are Old Journalists, and Bold Journalists,
But, no Old, Bold Journalists.
Warming the Bed
Thought this seemed like a good place to say hello. I don't read the papers and hardly watch telly so haven't got a clue what's going on in the outside world ...
Anyway I'm yet another unattached male ~ (not young at 36 though) but I have had a little bit of experience and my fair share of adventure ~ but what I really want is my unfair share :twisted:
Anyway, I'm going to tread cautiously in here before I post pictures of me or anything like that as people have mentioned press interest etc. After all, I have a reputation to think of wink
Right that's my hello done with ~ you'll get to see that I'm quite a polite chappy really biggrin
... time to flick around and see what else is going on.
Sex God
Hello sickpuppy wave
That was a very quiet entrance you made!
So welcome, have fun in the forums biggrin
Warming the Bed
Hello sickpuppy wave
That was a very quiet entrance you made!
So welcome, have fun in the forums biggrin
I know ~ have to be a little discreet in these places ~ in all honesty I prefer an entrance that makes a bit of noise wink
Warming the Bed
Having been pidgeon holed all my life i can understand peoples frustrations i dont read the sun and probably never will. There are some of us that are genuine and do subscribe to such groups for a variety of reasons. I can only vouch for myself i am genuine i do have my reason and that is not to let life slip by without enjoying it lets not lose site that all we want is fun and friendship.
Forum Virgin
Hi All,
Just read through what seemed like an endless stream of good advice. i too stumbled across this site on google (are there any others??) and am new to the scene. I have read all the advise that was provided by the moderators and regular contributors and would like to thank those who replied to my posting in lets meet up (I later found out that I put it in the wrong place :doh: ). I will try and build up my contact base and get to know people on the site.
I think that as stated in previous posts it would be good manners to introduce myself. I am:
John, live nr to portsmouth, 23 (which I realise might be a disadvantage here :doh: ), I would like to meet ladies (I can hear the groans!!) because I am not sure If I am ready to interact with a couple- for now anyway (yes I know it will automatically rule me out of a lot of people's ideas but, I still hope to get to know you whoever you are!! I hope I'm not banghead ). Anyway I hope that is enough. if you know more then do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for your time & I look forward to meeting you all wave
hi, just wanted to say, we joined after the collymore thing, but to be honest, i actually dont know what its all about? is he the footballer? (you can probaly tell i dont read the papers that often!!)
so, it proves we're genuine!