Hi to you all. Being relatively new to the scene we would like some advice from our - hopefully - soon to be peers.
What denotes a gang bang?
I am pretty confident that a threesome and foursome stand but do we have fivedoms and sixdoms or is it after four that we become a gangbang...
After gang bang It must be an orgy? - and at what number of people does gang bang end and orgy begin - is it twelve or fourteen and at what piont does it become a shagfest .. i imagine it to be anything over twenty four. (Correct me if im wrong)
Advice greatly apreciated as we would like to know what we are entering into before we agree to....
does she wiggle her arse like that all the time???
Sorry what was the question?
:twisted: :P
Does it matter what the group/activity is called as long as you're comfortable with the numbers/activities?
Strangely enough, I remember an almost identical question at a party I went to a few years ago in Bristol. I can't remember what answer we came up with, but since the person who raised that point lives in the valleys I did have to do a double-take on your avatar to make sure I wasn't about to reply to my former housemate.
Surely a gangbang consists of a number of men having sex with one woman, whereas an orgy is just general group sexual activity with any number of people. Who on earth could lay (ahem!) down rules defining numbers!
These days depends what nationality you are, it seems to me.
On American pornsites, a "gangbang" is what I'd call an orgy.
So far as I've ever understood it, 2 blokes + 1 girl is a 3some or MMF and anything more than 2 blokes+1 girl is a GB.
Anything over about 8 blokes is a "Tamworth".
You, er..... had to be there.
Ooh so typically BRITISH of you all to defer from the subject...
that sould have been expected how many threads on here do end on teh same subject as they started
i would say
then orgy
and after that who cares have fun
Hijacked my foot - I am taking note.
English Chris has made about the most sense but he missed the most vital point - grape eating - Roman orgies have always been depicted as cloth draped bodies being fed grapes while the more wealthy of the sect bathing in asses milk.
Hijacked my foot - I am taking note.
English Chris has made about the most sense but he missed the most vital point - Wine - Roman orgies have always been depicted as glistening toga draped bodies being fed grapes & wine whilst parallelagramally slithering and intermingeling over each others bodies. The more wealthy of the sect bathed in asses milk with six to nine slaves washing, drying, dressing them & waiting on them hand and foot. These wealthy Romans have always been depicted as beautiful (Cleopatra) but this i belive to be untrue. One needs to use the human body to keep it fit and active and if everything is fetched and carried and not a finger lifted then the muscles weaken, feign & loose their oomph.
Oooooh I done that twice.
off to get grapes from supermarket,