Quote by awol
A very interesting news item from News:
"A South African inventor unveiled a new anti- female condom that hooks onto an attacker's penis and aims to cut one of the highest rates of sexual assault in the world."
Please read the whole article here:
Do you guys think that the critics are right is saying that the "rapex" condom could escalate violence against women as it may enrage the attacker further?
Or do you think it's about time such a thing was invented?
It's erm, interesting. After reading the article, and grimacing when I studied the picture a few questions and thoughts came into my head.
It looks horrible, but if it were to stop one , fantastic. If a woman chooses to wear one of these things on a night out, well, it's proof that she's already considering her safety and that's a cool thing.
I can see women wearing one of these and after some time, be convinced that her safety cant be compromised and that's not a good thing.
Also, if a woman is a situation where she is under the hands of a (remembering that isn't a sexual act, its an act of violence) she may suffer more violence.
Then, there's .
I dunno, there are so many questions in my head and I guess they cant be answered, because everyone who has suffered has their own unique story. I suppose its up to the individual...