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News: Anti-rape female condom

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This crime should be discussed far more.,
Any public discussion should be conducted in a way that respects those who feel very strongly the exact opposite of this, but cannot express that opinion because that would mean talking about it.
Which, by and large, is the way this discussion has been conducted, and it would be good if it continued that way.
As per my friend Dino's request I think I better qualify my post. I am not saying people who have not fought back are in any way wrong. I am am firmly on the side of anyone , the blame in lies with the in all cases. Everything people say about safety is good advice, but if the worst ever happened not following is no excuse for the , or fault of your own. You should be able to be anywhere you want, anytime, in safety. (Yes that not the real world, but it should be)
Anything you do to get through the experience is what you do to survive, and whatever that was you were right to do it, as you are here talking about it. My approach may be more violent but that is because the thought of makes me so angry, it is one of the few situations I would condone virtually any defence.
Quote by fluffer
having said that though, is escalating at wild rate in Africa and I at least agree with any efforts they are making to prevent it

I was reading about this subject in the papers about a year ago, some guy in africa had a young girl and all the village woman go him, cut off his dick and force fed it him :twisted:
see now they have the right idea of how to deal with such people
just reading all the post here.
i think anyone, who commits rapes, should be castrated.
these people are the lowest of the low.
even lower than a sewer rat.
i think this is a good idea, but would it work practtically.
i cannot see a woman wearing it all day, what if the thing broke.
then the women will end up doing more damage to them selfs.
i wonder if there is another way ?.
This device wont work at all as a deterant!
1) In a short time, it's use will become known of and would be attackers will check whether it's fitted.
2) By the time the attacker has his dick caught in it he has penetrated the women, so although he probably hasn't achieved his goal, she has stil technically been .
I'm no and never will be, so I don't know the mechanics of how they go about their dirty deed, or the exact mechanics of how the device works (although that is fairly obvious)... but..
1) I've never put my penis in a womans vagina without first testing for or stimulating lubrication, with my fingers... and when there is no lubrication, getting it in is nigh on imposible! On that basis a would find the device!
2) From the pictures of the device, it looks as though it requires the penis to open it as it penetrates, so the attacker would feel something in the way!
It is no doubt illegal in this country...
1) It is a device intended for the sole purpose of inflicting bodily harm... on that basis alone British law would make it illegal and any person found with one on their person ('scuse the pun) could be prosecuted... under the same law, where would you buy it? It's not something that Boots or your local chemist could sell!
2) It is very true that the 'victim' of the device could sue in the same way that a burglar can if he's cut to pieces on broken glass or barbed wire while climing over your wall!
3) And what if some women use it maliciously... which is very likely... example, a woman suspecting / knowing her husband is having an affair... it then becomes a weapon on aggression!
Then there is a much more complicated question... why do they do it in the fiest place? Is it an illness or simple desperation, or do they get off on something else, like the violence... in which case they must be sick anyway!
Which brings me to my next point... and this is disturbing.... several contributors to this thread have shown a malicious or vindictive motivation towards revenge, "cut his dick off!" or similar. While I can understand the outrage against such crimes in the heat of a moment.. I believe that calculated violence against any other life form is sadly degenerate and reduces those who perpertrate it to a lower level than the originator of the crime!
To draw a parrallel, in some states of the USA they still have capital punishment (indeed there are poeple in the UK who want it reintroduced).... If someone takes someones life in a moment of rage (diminished responsibility) or is some kind of deranged serial killer (mentally ill) or anything similar.... obviosly they need to be deal with... BUT.. for apprantly sane, officials of any country's authorities to decide in a diplomatic way to take someones life is abhorent.. they are lower than the people they are convicting... but they do it! And we have the audasisity to call ourselves a 'civilisation'!
Civilisation is something that the residents of this insignificant piece of rock we call Earth, are a long way from acheiving and this way of thinking is not condusive to becoming civilised!
I am disgusted that anyone can condone the wilful maming on another person. no matter what their 'crime' is!
Just a thought but I hope that it gets massive publicity along with (even if false biggrin ) regular reports about how popular they are and how well they are selling. Someone going around filling public bins with lots and lots of opened packaging wouldn't go amiss either.
It may, just may, stop 1 or more opportunist rapes 'just in case she's wearing one'. For that alone it's worth the column inches.
At the end of the day this 'thing' will never be legal in this country, i think the very sad fact is there is not protection against , its something that has always been about and always will be, even when things are bough out to try and protect people its soon made ilegal cause but all acounts the criminal has rights too, its ok for a guy to a woman but if she sprays pepper spray in his eyes shes in the wrong, and will more than likely be charged with it, its a odd word we live in when you can't carry things about to protect yourself, and even if the rapest is cough you then have to go thro the ordeal of proving ur the victim which at times can be as bad as the act itsself.
I watched a program a few years ago that whilst it accepted men do get it was predominently against women and whilst it was a "mans world" would never be taken as seriously as it should. I'd give them 10-15 years not few years they get at the moment. mad
Quote by naughtynymphos1
At the end of the day this 'thing' will never be legal in this country, i think the very sad fact is there is not protection against , its something that has always been about and always will be, even when things are bough out to try and protect people its soon made ilegal cause but all acounts the criminal has rights too, its ok for a guy to a woman but if she sprays pepper spray in his eyes shes in the wrong, and will more than likely be charged with it, its a odd word we live in when you can't carry things about to protect yourself, and even if the rapest is cough you then have to go thro the ordeal of proving ur the victim which at times can be as bad as the act itsself.

You may not be able to wander around with pepper spray, but hairspray or deodorant works just as well when sprayed into the eyes or down somebody's throat. Gas-powered attack alarms are perfectly legal and are quite capable of perforating an eardrum if you let one off within a foot or so of somebody's head.
At the end of the day, we have a set of laws that says nobody is allowed to wander around with an offensive weapon. I think that's a good thing, apart from anything else, if it were legal to wander around with pepper spray, how long do you think it would take muggers and rapists to start using the stuff?
Incidentally, can anyone actually point me in the direction of a recent (last 20 years will do) case where somebody has been prosecuted or successfully sued for using reasonable force against an attacker? Before anyone mentions Tony Martin, I'd point out that he shot somebody in the back with an illegally-held shotgun when they were leaving his house and he was on the first floor. I don't think that's reasonable force in the circumstances, and neither did the jury.
Quote by markz
I watched a program a few years ago that whilst it accepted men do get it was predominently against women and whilst it was a "mans world" would never be taken as seriously as it should. I'd give them 10-15 years not few years they get at the moment. mad

The thing with is its a very difficult subject to prove in many cases, if a guy rapes a woman, but has not assulted her in any other way eg hit her etc, and she calls the police and he says she was 'up for it' its his word against hers, i think this in mainly down to the amount of women who have cryed in order to get their own back on a guy for whatever reason, sadly it make the law look doubt full on everyone and its the courts job to prove them guilty not the rapests job to prove themself innocent, many many rapests never even get cough but in cases when they are charged with no doubt that they did it they should be given longer in prison, but its all down to cost and keeping numbers down rather than real justice.
Some good points have already been made here. Just wondering how or whether the device is secured in the vagina. Afterall if the discovers its there whats to stop him from taking it out before ?
Quote by barewolf
Which brings me to my next point... and this is disturbing.... several contributors to this thread have shown a malicious or vindictive motivation towards revenge, "cut his dick off!" or similar. While I can understand the outrage against such crimes in the heat of a moment.. I believe that calculated violence against any other life form is sadly degenerate and reduces those who perpertrate it to a lower level than the originator of the crime!
To draw a parrallel, in some states of the USA they still have capital punishment (indeed there are poeple in the UK who want it reintroduced).... If someone takes someones life in a moment of rage (diminished responsibility) or is some kind of deranged serial killer (mentally ill) or anything similar.... obviosly they need to be deal with... BUT.. for apprantly sane, officials of any country's authorities to decide in a diplomatic way to take someones life is abhorent.. they are lower than the people they are convicting... but they do it! And we have the audasisity to call ourselves a 'civilisation'!
Civilisation is something that the residents of this insignificant piece of rock we call Earth, are a long way from acheiving and this way of thinking is not condusive to becoming civilised!
I am disgusted that anyone can condone the wilful maming on another person. no matter what their 'crime' is!

Hi Barewolf. having just read yet another lengthy feature this weekend on in Africa it is a subject i feel quite strongly about. It is sad but true that the child figures are increasing, possibly in response to witch doctor advice (still very widely used in Africa) that sleeping with a virgin will cure you of AIDS/HIV. So, not only are young girls getting , but toddlers and babies too. Yes, babies! Personally, in the heat of a discussion, which this is, I reserve my right to be so appalled at this information that I would say "cut his dick off". (not that I did but I understand those who did as I was probably thinking the same thing). But from that point it is a far cry from actually introducing laws to do such a thing.
Why draw parallel's between this country and the states? This area of law and punishment of murder is one of the things that makes us different. None of your guilty til innocent and death sentences for us thank you. We have different kind of psyche altogether from the Americans. I would say most people in this country are pretty appalled at the death sentence, regardless of the crime.
I would say I don't condone violence, but if someone my niece I would say I may feel quite differently. It is when it comes to the harming of children that the blood boils, especially as they are so defenceless. it brings out the protective side, hence you get singular acts of violence from relatives, or calls of cut his dick off from some of us. But fortunately, the law is in place to stop that. But in a civilised world no baby should be geeting , so I at least stand by my right vent my anger verbally, if not physically.
Like I said, I can understand people taking drastic immediate action as a result of anger and rage. It's supposedly sane people condoning such acts that I find disturbing. I draw a parallel with the USA simply to point out that on this ever-decreasing-in-size planet where eventually we might all become united one day, there are 'civilisations' still advocating draconian and barbaric measures for dealing with *people*. I don't condone or any other violent crime, but resorting to revenge, which is what we're really talking about, revenge disguised as justice, I beleive makes us lower than the individual we're 'punishing'. And there are people in this country campaigning for the death penalty to be brought back!
To answer someones question about prosecutions of householders for use of unreasonable force, the following Times article reports on a recent Crown Prosecution Publication outlining what is and what isn't allowed. The article quotes Ken Macdonald QC, the Director of Public Prosecutions saying that there have been 11 prosections of householders for excessive use of force in the last 15 years.

The CPS web page outlining the law on this subject and pointing out that even if an intruder dies, you are unlikely to be prosecuted so long as the police are satified that you used reasonable force, also states that the deliberate setting of a trap amounts to excessive force! So I think the use of device this thread is about would be illegal just on that point alone!
Quote by barewolf
I don't condone or any other violent crime, but resorting to revenge, which is what we're really talking about, revenge disguised as justice, I beleive makes us lower than the individual we're 'punishing'. And there are people in this country campaigning for the death penalty to be brought back!

I don't think we are talking about revenge as justice here though BW.
I fully side with the British justice system and deplore any kind of mob rule, lynch mob type mentality. Society would descend into chaos with that mentality. But BW, we arent like that, and are not going to go that way. We were just sounding off at the thought of horrific cases. So whilst you arguments are correct, they are not applicable to the people on here who called for a few castrations in anger.. and your original post did seem to be having a real go at them.
I think we all agree that public hangings and castrations are not something we want to see down the town square on a saturday.
Quote by fluffer
I don't think we are talking about revenge as justice here though BW.
I fully side with the British justice system and deplore any kind of mob rule, lynch mob type mentality. Society would descend into chaos with that mentality. But BW, we arent like that, and are not going to go that way. We were just sounding off at the thought of horrific cases. So whilst you arguments are correct, they are not applicable to the people on here who called for a few castrations in anger.. and your original post did seem to be having a real go at them.
I think we all agree that public hangings and castrations are not something we want to see down the town square on a saturday.

I was having a go at those poeple... OK everyone has a right to freedom of speech and to perhaps verbally vent their anger... but... it could incite others to act on those words... that's often how lynch mobs are motivated... someone says "we should hang him!" and someone else says, "yeah lets do it!" Careless use of words might just light someones fuse! However, I have a 12 year old daughter... if anyone touched her I would probably beat them sensless in an act of rage... but I'm not saying I would be right in doing it!
And just to clarify my position on the original subject of the thread... I have nothing against the use of some kind of measure to deter or prevent ... I was just pointing out fundamental flaws in that particular device, both practically and legally.
I personally do not agree with the death penalty, to many innocent people are sent to jail in order for this to work, i agree that offenders must be punished but what happens if 5 years down the line they find out Jo Bloggs who was given the lethal injection didn't Mrs Brown after all, in a ideal world only guilty people would get charged for crimes they commited but we don't live in a ideal world and it has been know for police to make up or hide evidence to commit people they believe to be guilty only to be bough to light years later these people are not guilty at all

I was having a go at those poeple... OK everyone has a right to freedom of speech and to perhaps verbally vent their anger... but... it could incite others to act on those words... that's often how lynch mobs are motivated... someone says "we should hang him!" and someone else says, "yeah lets do it!" Careless use of words might just light someones fuse! However, I have a 12 year old daughter... if anyone touched her I would probably beat them sensless in an act of rage... but I'm not saying I would be right in doing it!
Hi BW..well it seems we basically agree with each other. My only disagreement is that it's quite a leap from a few angry cries to a public hanging. I appreciate it can and does happen, but lets not jump the gun admonish everyone who verbally vents their spleen at such outrageous acts.
is not about sex it's about power. The kind of man that resorts to is seeking power over his victims and usually has a inferioirity complex with regards to women in general, this is his way of exerting his 'power' over her. Understanding that psychological make up of a would be and it's not hard to understand that any woman that puts up a strong defence stands a better chance of not being than one who meekly submits. It's all down to the character of the woman involved and there is no cut and dried approach on how to defend oneself successfully against .
A strong minded woman will fight tooth and nail against a 'lesser' physical man and she may well beat him off. A strong man, physically, will overcome any woman if he's determined enough. The thing about these 'rapex' condoms is that the inventor has understood one vital factor here - men cannot stand the thought of ANTHING happening to their penises that renders them: useless, damaged or inoperative - if a man is damaged by one of these things I don't think retaliation will be the first thing on his mind - preservation of his penis will take precedence.
Rapists are cowards and most will turn tail and flee if confronted or fought back against. A that kills is not a , he's a murderer who uses sex in his crime and that's an entirely different mindset altogether. A pychopath will kill and he won't leave his victim any means of escaping as his crime is normally carefully planned and orchestrated, a is usually an opportunist.
Quote by Wishmaster
is not about sex it's about power. The kind of man that resorts to is seeking power over his victims and usually has a inferioirity complex with regards to women in general, this is his way of exerting his 'power' over her. Understanding that psychological make up of a would be and it's not hard to understand that any woman that puts up a strong defence stands a better chance of not being than one who meekly submits. It's all down to the character of the woman involved and there is no cut and dried approach on how to defend oneself successfully against .
A strong minded woman will fight tooth and nail against a 'lesser' physical man and she may well beat him off. A strong man, physically, will overcome any woman if he's determined enough. The thing about these 'rapex' condoms is that the inventor has understood one vital factor here - men cannot stand the thought of ANTHING happening to their penises that renders them: useless, damaged or inoperative - if a man is damaged by one of these things I don't think retaliation will be the first thing on his mind - preservation of his penis will take precedence.
Rapists are cowards and most will turn tail and flee if confronted or fought back against. A that kills is not a , he's a murderer who uses sex in his crime and that's an entirely different mindset altogether. A pychopath will kill and he won't leave his victim any means of escaping as his crime is normally carefully planned and orchestrated, a is usually an opportunist.

actually (hang on let me sit down here lol) i agree with everything you have said, however if you are a woman walking down the street and a guy jumps out on you how are you to know if hes a or a murderer who uses sex in his crime? what i mean by that is how do you know wether to fight back or not? ok so the guy could be a opportunist whos just after sex and may well run if fought back but he may not be and fighting back could make it a lot worse for you, personally i think there is no right or wrong answer, people should not do these studies and then put out reports on what you should do in the event of someone jumping out on you, you do what i feel safe doing if u feel you could over power this person then do so, if you fear to then don't hit out just cause some person with a note pad has said its the best thing to do, it does not make u a weak person or the victim for putting ur safty first.
And what happens if the person is a member of your family, how does that work? cause this kind of don't really fall into any of the above, the what ifs are endless.
At the end of the day unless you have been in the possition you can't possabily know how it feels or what you would do, its ok sat here saying i would do this, that and the other, but when ur approched by a stranger who u don't know what they are capable of you can't have any idea what you would do
Take a self-defence course, plenty of ways to hurt people long enough to get away. You will also be taught awareness, which will help too. As someone said earlier, hairspray or deodrant can be used to cause some discomfort to an attacker. Never try to kick a man in the balls, lifting your leg that high makes you unbalanced. Kick them in the shins as hard as you can - less expected and puts them off balance, then push the fucker over. If someone grabs you from behind, step backwards, chances are you will unbalance them and they will let go. If you land on them, give them a good elbowing before getting up. Oh, probably less useful these days, but scream as loud as possible. Shout "Fire", rather than - this will appeal to the ghoulish nature of most people.
Those are just some of the things I remember my sister telling me when she went on a self defence course many, many years ago.
You have a short time to defend yourself, and as long as you don't keep kicking the shit out of someone, then you are probably going to be alright from a legal point of view. But check with a good lawyer beforehand wink
Quote by naughtynymphos1
actually (hang on let me sit down here lol) i agree with everything you have said, however if you are a woman walking down the street and a guy jumps out on you how are you to know if hes a or a murderer who uses sex in his crime? what i mean by that is how do you know wether to fight back or not? ok so the guy could be a opportunist whos just after sex and may well run if fought back but he may not be and fighting back could make it a lot worse for you, personally i think there is no right or wrong answer, people should not do these studies and then put out reports on what you should do in the event of someone jumping out on you, you do what i feel safe doing if u feel you could over power this person then do so, if you fear to then don't hit out just cause some person with a note pad has said its the best thing to do, it does not make u a weak person or the victim for putting ur safty first.
And what happens if the person is a member of your family, how does that work? cause this kind of don't really fall into any of the above, the what ifs are endless.
At the end of the day unless you have been in the possition you can't possabily know how it feels or what you would do, its ok sat here saying i would do this, that and the other, but when ur approched by a stranger who u don't know what they are capable of you can't have any idea what you would do

Good point Ali, you don't know if he's going to you or kill you and there is no way you can generalise about rapists - I just didn't want to post a lengthy list of types - yes, they could be known to you - and the law tends to fob these crimes of as 'domestics' - except in the case of child , of course. We're talking specifically about rapists that stalk their victims - you wouldn't wear a rapex condom if the only person you knew you going to see that day was Uncle Bert, and you trusted him.
Fighting back is something that the victim has to evaluate at the time of the attack - she has to weight up her % of survival rate against damage limitation and no amount of reports/studies/criminology profiling can do this for her - she has to decide at the time, and in a split second too.
We all react differently than we think we would under under extreme circumstances but I don't think that as a society we should generate this feeling of fear whenever a female leaves the safety of her home by issuing anti- condoms for her to wear. This world has some very beautiful things in it but there is much ugliness too - all we can hope for is that we get through our lives without experiencing too much of that ugliness, but I will not live in fear of anything - ok I'm not likely to be in my lifetime as I'm a man, but I still refuse to live in fear.
Wouldn't it be better where possible for women to be sensible and not put themselves at risk of in the first place?
Considering the prevalence of serious attacks on women (and young girls) and the publicity it generates, it is surprising how many potential victims you see. In my local town is isn't uncommon, in fact it's very common, to see women, young women, walking along dark roads light at night dressed in very lttle. And while I don't think a girl's dress or lack of it is an excuse for someone to take advantage of, I think these girls are leaving themselves wide open to attack.
I travel around the country a lot with my work, and I see this everywhere! Only a few days ago I was on my way home at about at night, and passed two girls of about 16 years old (a guess btw), walking along an unlit country lane, both wear wearing very short skirts and skimpy tops!
Once, a couple of years ago, again late at night, I was passing through a large Cheshire village and had to swerve to avoid a girl who was walking along the pavement, going in the same direction as me, she had staggered into the road as she was drunk, very drunk! This girl in perhaps her late teens was again wearing a very short skirt and a pretty revealing top, and she was pretty attractive. Having overtaken her, it suddenly crossed my mind that she was walking out of the village towards open countryside! So then I thought, "shall I go back and see if she would like a lift?"... so then for a minute or two I had a mental battle of concience versus, well, what do you call it, dilemma? Think about it... 46 year old man stopping and trying to pick up a young girl, how does that look? Then I thought, "how would you feel if you picked up the paper tomorrow and read that a girl had been or murdered??"... So, in the end I turned around and went back, stopped and asked if I could give her a lift somewhere. Now the other thing here is, how the hell does she know I'm safe? She doesn't, but, she got in my car and I took her to another twon about 6 miles away and droped her near some houses where she said she lived, and waited while she went in. On the way she told me she'd had a row with her boyfriend and he'd dumped her and left her to make her own way home. Like I said, she was quite drunk, her tits were falling out of her top (and I mean that literally, they were uncovered)... which I pointed out to her so she could cover up, and her skirt was so short you could see her knickers (not there was a lot of them!). My conscience was clear because I had no intention of touching her inappropriately, and to the best of my knowledge I delivered her safely home. But ti made me think about how with another man the situation could have turned out very different!
I'm not trying to say that women are to blame for being , but surely some could be a bit more careful?
Quote by barewolf
Wouldn't it be better where possible for women to be sensible and not put themselves at risk of in the first place?
Considering the prevalence of serious attacks on women (and young girls) and the publicity it generates, it is surprising how many potential victims you see. In my local town is isn't uncommon, in fact it's very common, to see women, young women, walking along dark roads light at night dressed in very lttle. And while I don't think a girl's dress or lack of it is an excuse for someone to take advantage of, I think these girls are leaving themselves wide open to attack.
I travel around the country a lot with my work, and I see this everywhere! Only a few days ago I was on my way home at about at night, and passed two girls of about 16 years old (a guess btw), walking along an unlit country lane, both wear wearing very short skirts and skimpy tops!
Once, a couple of years ago, again late at night, I was passing through a large Cheshire village and had to swerve to avoid a girl who was walking along the pavement, going in the same direction as me, she had staggered into the road as she was drunk, very drunk! This girl in perhaps her late teens was again wearing a very short skirt and a pretty revealing top, and she was pretty attractive. Having overtaken her, it suddenly crossed my mind that she was walking out of the village towards open countryside! So then I thought, "shall I go back and see if she would like a lift?"... so then for a minute or two I had a mental battle of concience versus, well, what do you call it, dilemma? Think about it... 46 year old man stopping and trying to pick up a young girl, how does that look? Then I thought, "how would you feel if you picked up the paper tomorrow and read that a girl had been or murdered??"... So, in the end I turned around and went back, stopped and asked if I could give her a lift somewhere. Now the other thing here is, how the hell does she know I'm safe? She doesn't, but, she got in my car and I took her to another twon about 6 miles away and droped her near some houses where she said she lived, and waited while she went in. On the way she told me she'd had a row with her boyfriend and he'd dumped her and left her to make her own way home. Like I said, she was quite drunk, her tits were falling out of her top (and I mean that literally, they were uncovered)... which I pointed out to her so she could cover up, and her skirt was so short you could see her knickers (not there was a lot of them!). My conscience was clear because I had no intention of touching her inappropriately, and to the best of my knowledge I delivered her safely home. But ti made me think about how with another man the situation could have turned out very different!
I'm not trying to say that women are to blame for being , but surely some could be a bit more careful?

hang on a min, u say this girl had a row with her boyfriend and he kicked her out and left her to make her own way home drunk, so how is she putting herself in danger? she went out with her boyfriend thus making sure she was not alone and safe its not her fault the twat left her to get herself home, then u go on about the way she looked makeing her sound a half naked tart confused
ohh actually i'm gunna shut up cause that posts got me really mad
But yeah your right these woman are asking for it so its their own fault if these poor men can't resist tempation rolleyes
Quote by barewolf
Wouldn't it be better where possible for women to be sensible and not put themselves at risk of in the first place?
Considering the prevalence of serious attacks on women (and young girls) and the publicity it generates, it is surprising how many potential victims you see. In my local town is isn't uncommon, in fact it's very common, to see women, young women, walking along dark roads light at night dressed in very lttle. And while I don't think a girl's dress or lack of it is an excuse for someone to take advantage of, I think these girls are leaving themselves wide open to attack.
I travel around the country a lot with my work, and I see this everywhere! Only a few days ago I was on my way home at about at night, and passed two girls of about 16 years old (a guess btw), walking along an unlit country lane, both wear wearing very short skirts and skimpy tops!
Once, a couple of years ago, again late at night, I was passing through a large Cheshire village and had to swerve to avoid a girl who was walking along the pavement, going in the same direction as me, she had staggered into the road as she was drunk, very drunk! This girl in perhaps her late teens was again wearing a very short skirt and a pretty revealing top, and she was pretty attractive. Having overtaken her, it suddenly crossed my mind that she was walking out of the village towards open countryside! So then I thought, "shall I go back and see if she would like a lift?"... so then for a minute or two I had a mental battle of concience versus, well, what do you call it, dilemma? Think about it... 46 year old man stopping and trying to pick up a young girl, how does that look? Then I thought, "how would you feel if you picked up the paper tomorrow and read that a girl had been or murdered??"... So, in the end I turned around and went back, stopped and asked if I could give her a lift somewhere. Now the other thing here is, how the hell does she know I'm safe? She doesn't, but, she got in my car and I took her to another twon about 6 miles away and droped her near some houses where she said she lived, and waited while she went in. On the way she told me she'd had a row with her boyfriend and he'd dumped her and left her to make her own way home. Like I said, she was quite drunk, her tits were falling out of her top (and I mean that literally, they were uncovered)... which I pointed out to her so she could cover up, and her skirt was so short you could see her knickers (not there was a lot of them!). My conscience was clear because I had no intention of touching her inappropriately, and to the best of my knowledge I delivered her safely home. But ti made me think about how with another man the situation could have turned out very different!
I'm not trying to say that women are to blame for being , but surely some could be a bit more careful?

there is so much here that i find offensive that i dont know where to start.
get us back to wearing floor length skirts... in fact why not get us in the chador?
I strongly object to the suggestion that we are in any way tempting a man to us.
There is such a thing as self restraint and decenct moral standards.
Quote by fluffer
there is so much here that i find offensive that i dont know where to start.
get us back to wearing floor length skirts... in fact why not get us in the chador?
I strongly object to the suggestion that we are in any way tempting a man to us.
There is such a thing as self restraint and decenct moral standards.

Quote by barewolf
Wouldn't it be better where possible for women to be sensible and not put themselves at risk of in the first place?
Considering the prevalence of serious attacks on women (and young girls) and the publicity it generates, it is surprising how many potential victims you see. In my local town is isn't uncommon, in fact it's very common, to see women, young women, walking along dark roads light at night dressed in very lttle. And while I don't think a girl's dress or lack of it is an excuse for someone to take advantage of, I think these girls are leaving themselves wide open to attack.
I travel around the country a lot with my work, and I see this everywhere! Only a few days ago I was on my way home at about at night, and passed two girls of about 16 years old (a guess btw), walking along an unlit country lane, both wear wearing very short skirts and skimpy tops!
Once, a couple of years ago, again late at night, I was passing through a large Cheshire village and had to swerve to avoid a girl who was walking along the pavement, going in the same direction as me, she had staggered into the road as she was drunk, very drunk! This girl in perhaps her late teens was again wearing a very short skirt and a pretty revealing top, and she was pretty attractive. Having overtaken her, it suddenly crossed my mind that she was walking out of the village towards open countryside! So then I thought, "shall I go back and see if she would like a lift?"... so then for a minute or two I had a mental battle of concience versus, well, what do you call it, dilemma? Think about it... 46 year old man stopping and trying to pick up a young girl, how does that look? Then I thought, "how would you feel if you picked up the paper tomorrow and read that a girl had been or murdered??"... So, in the end I turned around and went back, stopped and asked if I could give her a lift somewhere. Now the other thing here is, how the hell does she know I'm safe? She doesn't, but, she got in my car and I took her to another twon about 6 miles away and droped her near some houses where she said she lived, and waited while she went in. On the way she told me she'd had a row with her boyfriend and he'd dumped her and left her to make her own way home. Like I said, she was quite drunk, her tits were falling out of her top (and I mean that literally, they were uncovered)... which I pointed out to her so she could cover up, and her skirt was so short you could see her knickers (not there was a lot of them!). My conscience was clear because I had no intention of touching her inappropriately, and to the best of my knowledge I delivered her safely home. But ti made me think about how with another man the situation could have turned out very different!
I'm not trying to say that women are to blame for being , but surely some could be a bit more careful?

You seem to think that if a girl or woman who is wearing sexy clothes that she is asking for trouble,that is complete should be living in a society where women should feel safe no matter what they doesn't make a slightest bit of difference what they wear to a .......
Did I not say that I don't believe the way a woman dresses is an excuse?? I think you'll find I did!! I didn't use the phrase 'asking for it' either.
I'm merely pointing out that it is a known fact that there are rapists and murderers at large, so why put yourself in danger unecessarily?
As for the girl I gave a lift to, I agree, her boyfriend was a completely thoughtless twat... and I wasn't suggesting it was entirely her fault she was out on the street late on her own (although she could have gone into several pubs that were open, or a number of takeaways, and asked them to get her a taxi... or she could have called a taxi herself. Her b/f had left her in a pub, not on the street. However, I was pointing out the potential danger this girl was at risk of becoming a victim of. But there are many women who put themselves at risk like that without the assistance of an inconsiderate b/f... and despite that it is not their fault that some lunatic is out there with intent to women, they could be a bit more sensible and not put themselves at risk!
By walking down a road late at night dressed sexily and looking very attractive, they may well not be asking for it, and certainly don't deserve it, but the fact is they are putting themselves at risk of getting it!!
Quote by barewolf
Did I not say that I don't believe the way a woman dresses is an excuse?? I think you'll find I did!! I didn't use the phrase 'asking for it' either.
I'm merely pointing out that it is a known fact that there are rapists and murderers at large, so why put yourself in danger unecessarily?
As for the girl I gave a lift to, I agree, her boyfriend was a completely thoughtless twat... and I wasn't suggesting it was entirely her fault she was out on the street late on her own (although she could have gone into several pubs that were open, or a number of takeaways, and asked them to get her a taxi... or she could have called a taxi herself. Her b/f had left her in a pub, not on the street. However, I was pointing out the potential danger this girl was at risk of becoming a victim of. But there are many women who put themselves at risk like that without the assistance of an inconsiderate b/f... and despite that it is not their fault that some lunatic is out there with intent to women, they could be a bit more sensible and not put themselves at risk!
By walking down a road late at night dressed sexily and looking very attractive, they may well not be asking for it, and certainly don't deserve it, but the fact is they are putting themselves at risk of getting it!!

You just dont get it neutral can't on the one hand say.."Im not saying they are asking for it" and then follow it up with a "BUT....." statement.