Having started on 'the patch' recently, i have to say that the dreams i am having at night....well wow....i never knew there was such a dark and eviant side to my psyche.
I feel like a 15 year old teenager again, every morning i wake up feeling like i have shagged the whole (female) population of the world during the night, twice!
Has anyone else had vivid dreams whilst on the patches????
well i was going to ask for comparisons with LSD, mushrooms etc...I can recommend the patches though, I've not sweat this much since..well, ever? hey i bet they make great weight loss thingy's...I'll keep you all posted on that one (though blue you dont need it, oooh those legs, legs to die for)
Put a patch over each eye then you won't be able
to find your ciggies!!
I'm off the tabs, just have to deal with a patch addiction now.
when ever i take anti-malarials for too long I have the most vivid sweaty sex dreams.
certainly not blue, it was done in jest.
I salute you on your noble effort to pack in smoking !!!!! although I have tried nichotine patches I find they don't seem to smoke well and can be difficult to keep there a knack?
Found you something to stop you soaking the sheets at night! No wonder you stick to folk, dirty bitch! :throwup:
Apparently nicotine in concentrated form is a deadly insecticide.
I didnt have bad dreams on them, I found I couldnt sleep.
I started using the 14 or 16 hour ones which you take off at night. Better for sleeping but may wake up with the craving for a cig. Depends if your a first thing in the morning smoker
I found the patches were leaving burn marks on me body
then changed to the nicassist inhalator was still smoking with them ,
so i change to the sweets and they are like eating chalk
So basically the next two weeks will be hell (I miss them dreadfully), but I take solice in the fact that nicotine seems to be pretty nasty stuff, and i thought all the harm was in the carciagens.
oooh its hard work, and nobody offer me a fag at the yorks munch. Will I get a prize if I havent started again by munchtime?
talking of which, never get ill in France, the standard method of taking your medication there is via suppositories, well how was i supposed to know, the tasted bloody awful, got stuck in my throat, so checked the instructions, sure enough little drawing of adult sticking finger (with torpedo on the end) up arse. Message received and understood.
erm.... i dunno never tried giving up!!!
lol if u like it carry on
lou xxxx
the patchs gave me really bad nightmares
but 3 weeks later i chucked them in the bin
did nt need them anymore
redstilletto now a non smoker
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: