On the cheating issue, I wonder if a spouse that took the marriage vows "with this body etc" would be seen as cheating on a committment if they no longer offered sex to their partner.
Cheating... I used to have a very negative view of this. I think now it's only those that cheat as a sport or do so when there's nothing wrong with their relationship that I feel negative about. In all other cases I'm more likely to reserve judgement as it can be a difficult situation and not everybody makes ideal choices in difficult situations.
It's not always as simple as "why don't you just be honest or leave the marriage".
Off the top of my head, here are some reasons that may complicate the situation:
* Violent/Abusive Partner
* Drugs/Drink dependent partner
* Partner/self with some classes of mental illness
* Low self esteem
* Partner dependent on you (some disabilities)
* Partner has sexual problems (mental or physical) - that doesn't respond to "treatment"
* Having nobody to discuss the issue with
* Being financially dependent on their partner
* Their issues are being ignored by their partner
* Having children
The above may not seem like big issues to some - but remember not everybody is the same, and some aren't strong and able to cope well in these situations.
I think what's I'm trying to say is some people when they find themselves between a rock and a hard place choose whatever option that allows them to survive.
36 x
I'm not being funny here, but hardly anyone seems to have answered poor loveblock, you all seem to be bickering! :shock: god anyone would think it was a stressful time of year or something!
there are many of us in a similar situation, not just the men but iam sure quite a few womer too. Having endured this for 12 years we are now going our seperate ways. Yes we all need a source for releasing the stress and maybe for some sex isnt exactly the remedy while for others (like me) it is. Not that iam a sex maniac but hopefully my swinging should help. Good luck folks
Do all threads seem to end in punch ups when people ask a question ? Discuss.
Human contact - one of the least recognised but most important features in anyone's life. Look at premature babies - it has been proved they are more likely to thrive (for that understand less likely to DIE) if they are placed skin to skin with another human - usually the mother.
A friend of mine had his marriage break up - he realised that he had not had any human physical contact in over 3 years. Can you imagine it - being in a house with the person who is supposed to share a loveing relationship with you and they don't so much as pat your arm over breakfast.
Now imagine what it felt like when his friend, on hearing about the marriage breakup, hugged him (it happend to be me but it could have been any number of people). That is what lacking human contact is like.
If this poor guy is feeling like that then good on him. The 'cheating thing' is a problem, yes, but it is his problem, so long as he is honest with his swing partners. We don't like to feel like cheaters by proxy.