Having compliemented the site on its chatrooms I'm forced to ask why do so many people (guys predominantly it has to be said) try to direct those on cam when there are specific instructioins NOT to do so? If I stumble across someone on cam who's prepared to put on a show the last thing I'm going to do is hassle them to do things they don't want to. Of course there is a fine line between encouragement and direction but I do think more people ought to be a bit more considerate and allow those on cam to run their show their way.
Oh and I'm off for a passive perv now ;)
Unfortunately a lot of the fellahs assume that because you have a webcam, you are up for putting on a show. in fact they don't realise there is any other use for it at all.
They also take on personalities far from how they are away from here. The anonimity also give them the courage to be rude and lewd. They begin to think they have a right to tell you what to do and sometimes become abusive if you don't do their bidding.
Sad but true.
hi all - Well I can see there are those guys who simply get carried away and then there are those who become quite indignant if the woman on cam either refuses to perform or won't go far enough for their liking. I really think that says something very sad about their view of women.
Red won't go anywhere near the chatrooms because of all that. Can't say I blame her either.
best thing to do is just turn your cam off, soon shuts them up lol
It does annoy you after a bit tho, and what really annoys me is when they call u boring cause ur not prepaired to perform to like a circus seal for them :shock:
As a single guy i do go in the chat room from time to time and have meet some great friend to chat to, i must admit before the new room was created i used to hate it, as it was too fast for me to reply as i am a chatroom virgin lol Ok well maybe not now.
But i have to agree with a lot of you on your views in this post there are a lot of idiots that will direct and when ask not to get very abusive towards the couple and the room, i for one hate it, there has been may occasions that i have opologised on behalf of the idiot to the couple for the shear disespect for the couple concerned.
Please dont get me wrong there are nice guy and singles and couple in the chat rooms but there a of idiots too that spoil it for everyone how injoys and apresiate the people that put on the great shows for us.
I know i dont post many post on the forum but i feel very strongly about this, i hope you take it the way it was ment.