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Quote by Missy
I just can't believe how many last minute disasters blokes come up with to avoid turning up for a meet, in the last two months (for example) I've had three car breakdowns, one car stolen, two 'football' injuries and two 'boss turned up at hotel at last minute'.

Quote by amalthea
Guess I'm lucky that I've not yet had a no show

OK I'm being thick here - but I can't work out whether you've experienced these 'no shows' or not :confused: dunno First sentence looks to me like you have, and decided to put up a thread about it. Then you go on to say that actually it hasn't happened to you at all ....... but decided to put a thread up about it?? :confused:
What am I missing? :lol2: buggered if I can see it ....... although suspect I will as soon as I press the blummin submit post button rolleyes :undecided:
I think she's grumbling about last minute cancellations in the thread but she hasn't actually been left standing with the copy of the times and a red caarnation in her lapel. They've always let her know they aren't coming. lol
Quote by northwest-cpl
I think she's grumbling about last minute cancellations in the thread but she hasn't actually been left standing with the copy of the times and a red caarnation in her lapel. They've always let her know they aren't coming. lol

Ahhhhh I'm with you now, thank you kiss I couldn't see it for looking :lol2:
Quote by Missy
I just can't believe how many last minute disasters blokes come up with to avoid turning up for a meet, in the last two months (for example) I've had three car breakdowns, one car stolen, two 'football' injuries and two 'boss turned up at hotel at last minute'.

Quote by amalthea
Guess I'm lucky that I've not yet had a no show

OK I'm being thick here - but I can't work out whether you've experienced these 'no shows' or not :confused: dunno First sentence looks to me like you have, and decided to put up a thread about it. Then you go on to say that actually it hasn't happened to you at all ....... but decided to put a thread up about it?? :confused:
What am I missing? :lol2: buggered if I can see it ....... although suspect I will as soon as I press the blummin submit post button rolleyes :undecided:
No, what I meant was I've had lots of 'last minute' crappy excuses but I've never had to actually sit somewhere and the person not turn up. Sorry if my previous post was confusing.
I have to say, talking to various people, it does seem that the problem is with both sexes so I'm not laying blame anywhere but, as someone else said here, I just wish for a bit of honesty. I too gave someone three chances before I said 'let's leave it', I can be very understanding if the reasons are genuine but, well, that's all I can add really.
Perhaps we should have some sort of VERIFICATION System?
Quote by treasurechest
well you can always rely on the welsh - and there are enough of us on here who always turn up for meets, even if it means driving 200 miles lol u cant, believe me you cant!!
would you care to divulge a reason why ???
pm me and i'll keep it to myself wink
Quote by northwest-cpl
I just can't believe how many last minute disasters blokes come up with to avoid turning up for a meet, in the last two months (for example) I've had three car breakdowns, one car stolen, two 'football' injuries and two 'boss turned up at hotel at last minute'.

Quote by amalthea
Guess I'm lucky that I've not yet had a no show

OK I'm being thick here - but I can't work out whether you've experienced these 'no shows' or not :confused: dunno First sentence looks to me like you have, and decided to put up a thread about it. Then you go on to say that actually it hasn't happened to you at all ....... but decided to put a thread up about it?? :confused:
What am I missing? :lol2: buggered if I can see it ....... although suspect I will as soon as I press the blummin submit post button rolleyes :undecided:
I think she's grumbling about last minute cancellations in the thread but she hasn't actually been left standing with the copy of the times and a red caarnation in her lapel. They've always let her know they aren't coming. lol
Thank you that is exactly what I meant..maybe I should type a little slower confused
Quote by 34fun
well you can always rely on the welsh - and there are enough of us on here who always turn up for meets, even if it means driving 200 miles lol u cant, believe me you cant!!
would you care to divulge a reason why ???
pm me and i'll keep it to myself wink
WEll seeing as you ask and seeing as he dosnt frequent this site, no not really, not on a public forum
sad please can someone tell me what the (banned in this thread) V word is?
I'm trying to think but don't want to attempt a guess for fear of gettin my post scrawled on with that red pen they use.
Quote by amalthea
Are we allowed racism on this site? Doesn't seem the done thing to me? sad

Its O.K. I don't think there are many people like that here.
Same old story with single men, afew of them seem to be giving everyone else a bad rep. Welcome to SH anyway.
I think it comes down to manners. Gone are the days where you were graced with manners from everyone, now its me me me.
I took a day off for a couple and edned up cleaning my oven.
Is honesty too much to ask?
I wonder how many people do it more than once? I can sort of understand someone getting all worked up about the fantasy, but when it came down to it deciding it wasn't for them. But it sounds like some people do it time after time.
I guess it's like the people who send out a picture of someone else...
Quote by Tonka
I think it comes down to manners. Gone are the days where you were graced with manners from everyone, now its me me me.
I took a day off for a couple and edned up cleaning my oven.
Is honesty too much to ask?

Good point and welll made Tonka you are so right manners seem to be a thing of the past. I suppose online its easy to duck out and change your user name and like mark says use someone elses picture. Or just as bad a picture taken 25 years ago. Ooops soz rant over guys. redface
We've had it all.................. confused
Guys arranging meets & then not showing (yes sat in the pub at the time he suggested) I rang next day & could feel the heat from the glowing cheeks down the phone redface ....His mum had to go to hospital (& he couldn't send a text???)
Guy emailing......chatting on MSN getting all 'turned on' by chatting about what might happen wink
Then just as you are about to arrange a day & time etc .....he disappears mad :x
The guy who did this had his comeuppance a few weeks later :twisted:
Have even sat in a guy's hotel bar waiting ......& waiting ......& waiting....... we were 15 mins late he got tired & went to bed dunno
One guy recently was really honest & said he had cold feet ( bless him & we applauded his honesty)
That said we have had many successful & horny meets.. :happy:
G & D
Yep....some guys do have 'cold feet', it's ok, I understand this can happen. I would rather they told me though than make up some daft excuse. The last guy who actually did tell me he had cold feet gave me the details of his friend which have proved very useful! lol
'cold feet'.......i was nervous as hell on my first club outing, but youve gotta dive in the deep end so to speak.
i could understand having travel issues if your travelling the length of the country to meet someone, but just not turning up is just plain rude.
although......some of these posts make me wonder why the other parties keep talking to the abstainers and arrange a second meeting, especially for the women on the site....
there are thousands of men on the site.....why stick with one who doesnt turn up?
Well, I gave one guy three chances because his excuses the first two occasions seemed like they might be plausible..when there was an excuse the third time I showed him the door. Why give him so many chances? Well, I think it's always good to give people who seem genuine the benefit of the doubt. After a while of doing this it does become easier to spot the frauds, I think.
Quote by amalthea
Well, I gave one guy three chances because his excuses the first two occasions seemed like they might be plausible..when there was an excuse the third time I showed him the door. Why give him so many chances? Well, I think it's always good to give people who seem genuine the benefit of the doubt. After a while of doing this it does become easier to spot the frauds, I think.

If you showed him the door, he was already inside lol
Planning to be in Bristol 2nd week in December.... but.... it depends on business and business meeting plans flipa kiss
I never have any intention of cancelling a meet and never have, but sometimes there are aspects outside ones control. For me, it's the job and the money. If I get a call from a blue chip client and I need to be somewhere else in the country, then I will be.
Quote by Phoenix
Well, I gave one guy three chances because his excuses the first two occasions seemed like they might be plausible..when there was an excuse the third time I showed him the door. Why give him so many chances? Well, I think it's always good to give people who seem genuine the benefit of the doubt. After a while of doing this it does become easier to spot the frauds, I think.

If you showed him the door, he was already inside lol
Planning to be in Bristol 2nd week in December.... but.... it depends on business and business meeting plans flipa kiss
I never have any intention of cancelling a meet and never have, but sometimes there are aspects outside ones control. For me, it's the job and the money. If I get a call from a blue chip client and I need to be somewhere else in the country, then I will be.
Good point, kind of meant I showed him 'the door' as regards any further other words said 'forget it mate' lol
Like I said, I reckon it's possible, Phoenix to tell a genuine excuse, like you may have, from a timewaster..just takes a little practice but think we all get taken in from time to time.
Quote by amalthea
Good point, kind of meant I showed him 'the door' as regards any further other words said 'forget it mate' lol

It was meant as a joke wink
not yet been invited but I have a lot of sympathy with both sides (that is the Libra in me)
it must be really frustrating being stood up and I am sure that there are many who think "what the f*** have I agreed to" and chicken out. After all despite what is normal in here that does not make it common practice out of this forum. Heartily agree that a simple (if brave) text of I have got cold feet would be the ideal try to se it both ways. Homily over!
I know, hence my lol wink lol
Quote by amalthea
I know, hence my lol wink lol

I missed that, my eyes keep straying over to your avatar and making me go cross eyed :lol:
I can understand cold feet too, but they should at least let you know they can't come.
I have never been let down on the actual day, but have had a few drop outs before hand (like this weekend!) but there have always been good reasons and notice. I have always done the same in return, give notice if possible and let people know the score. It's just a matter of repect and politeness (even swingers should have manners smile )