i know girls you all want to nominate me but give the others a chance to ok again this will be a poll so get nominating. dj (don't forget mine plz)
I nominate Tune Essence's lurvely shower pic :twisted:
Can I nominate the following....
Bikertone - he's completely covered in leather which is never a bad thing :twisted:
Niceguysdoexist for his cheeky botty
thedukereid for just looking so cool!
I like Flapjacks new av, piercedJon's is terribly sexy(but liked the old one better), Marmalaid's lifty-shirt thing is super cool and of course Eagerslut9 is up for it. Nomination, that is.
Oooh oooh I'm entering this one :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
And I nominate ......................................
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
OK so now I need to do the sexy rather than comical avatar.. hmmm.. watch this space.
Ive gotta vote for Steves slapped arse :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Devil_in_part!!!!!!! I am also biased.. but I can guarantee it looks better in real life!!!! :twisted:
What, no one finds Chorlton sexy?! What's wrong with you all, he's a happiness dragon! How sexy is that?! err, on seconds thoughts, don't answer that...
Of course Mr Dundeecouple in those red boots mmmmmmmmmmmm
Sorry Del, still obsessing lol! :twisted: