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Northeast Munch Thanks Sean

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Early at am however thankyou Sean for a great meet. How should i have worried about Annes first munch when so many wonderful people were about. biggrin
ok we took the easy route out as Annes first intro to this but would say WHAT A BLAST she had Had to remind her this was a first nite munch and lets take it easy
So thanks for the wonderful evening and we will soon be retiring to enjoy our naughty thoughts and plans
Ohh BTW T Anne sends her love and would like to chat so could you pm us
We are doing a coffee table dance now lol
BTW she is planning next wink
I was just about to post a thank you thread but I see somebody's managed to get in first whilst I was waiting for the last but one taxi home.
Many thanks to Sean for organising a very cool event, and wave to everyone I met or said hello to. I might have been able to remember some of your names if I hadn't managed to consume more alcohol in one night than I've had in the previous twelve months (a case of first-munch nerves I think).
We cant go intoi names Postie nice to meet you and Marcuso u naughty devil Marmalaid u did and could do wink Marty U may be a boro fan but great lad :cry:
Cov wanna meet your missus lol :shock:
Ohh too soon after event we will wake up andelise Thanks vicki for invite
Ice nice gear
Ohh Dam and Clare
No have to syop there
Les adds T husband nice to meet you mate biggrin wave
When we wake uo and realise we have missed soo many we willl correct oops redface redface redface
Sounds like you guys had a good time wish i coulda made it but sadly i work saturday nights sad
Yeah, thanks Sean. Sorry we only stayed an hour but had two places to be in 'at the same time' last night. We came to find you to say 'thanks' in person but you were playing the good host :P
A big thanks to Mr & Mrs Freckledbird for pre-munch dinner and lovely to see you both again biggrin Let us know about the house warming :twisted:
Moorhopper - you got the 'sexiest looking guy' at the munch award (in our quietly observed opinion) :twisted: Glad Anne got through it OK as these things can seem a bit daunting. PS: she looks great too (in our objective opinion) biggrin wink
Now where did that guy with the 15 foot python go..... :shock: (ask Mr FB) wink
I must be getting old, I woke up this morning with a slight hangover (for the first time in years, though I suspect I'm in better shape this morning than some people), and every bone, muscle, and joint in my body aching like hell.
I didn't dance, walk for miles, or engage in physical combat last night, so why I feel like I've been expertly beaten up by a team of secret policemen I don't know. I guess I must have been a bit tense last night. sad
Still, it appeared that a good time was had by all, including the DJ wink (who managed to convince me by his performance that I'm a better DJ than I'd thought). Hopefully next time I'll be less nervous and able to stay in my normal sober state and still interact with people.
We just wanted to publicly add our thanks to Sean for all his efforts, great to finally meet in the flesh all those people who's posting have made us either laugh or look at things another way.
Met up with people who we had not seen for a few years and were amazed they actually remembered us and of course met people we hopefully will see again in the future.
John & Shel
thanks sean for a brill can relax
it was great too put faces to names and i met some sexy and great people who eased me through my first munch..those i didn't get chance too talk too..sorry..and i hope i will get another chance too another time.
Just got home so its thank you time! biggrin
Cheers to Sean for organising a great night.............though I think he was too stressed to notice!!! lol
Sarah and Vicky you naughty girls!! lol
Big thank you to SexyScotCarol......for making this sasenach feel very welcome. wink
But most of all to Postie for giving me a lift up and for letting me have his hotel room..............well he wasn't using it!!! psml wink lol
Ambridge Anne...........WOW :shock: you can come again!! lol oh! you can bring that Magpie Moorhopper you were with as well I suppose! confused lol
Anyone I've missed out sorry but I was a bit drunk last night biggrin
Marty xxx
PS Postie sorry for getting you lost on the way home!!! confused rolleyes redface
Quote by MartyCleveland
PS Postie sorry for getting you lost on the way home!!! confused rolleyes redface

Didn't you just give him the postcode? lol lol lol
Quote by Bloke2005
Now where did that guy with the 15 foot python go..... :shock: (ask Mr FB) wink

Pardon? Did I miss something? redface lol
Quote by Geordiecpl2001
Met up with people who we had not seen for a few years and were amazed they actually remembered us

Lovely to see you again too, why did you wait until the end of the evening to say hello?
Many thanks for a great evening Sean, and thanks to Paul and David for being lovely dinner companions wink Luuuuuurrrrvely* shoulders David and that accent is just gorgeous :smitten:
Thanks also to Ice Pie for the badges - I don't have mine any more though :cry:
Thanks to the ones who looked after me when I thought I'd lost Chris
first munch but hopefully not our last thx sean we had a really good night shame it had to end. Was nice chatting to people and finding peoples views on diffrent clubs and places to vist (blackpool here we come).
john and shaz xxxx
add number273233
Just got in lol
Thanx sean, had a good time m8 wink Met lots of Faces we can now put to names lol
Marcuso - always the life and soul of the Munch lol boink
Mr & Mrs freckle Bird- always nice to see you two whats this about a python? dunno
Dark fire good to meet you
Lou what a surprise! like you said we didnt know you were coming lol
onlyme1981 nice to meet you, think we met b4 tho at notts lol
Sarah soz we couldnt make it for drinks pre munch.... by the state of you , you had a goodtime anyway lol
Vicky nice to see you again , does any one else go round for the wip round? lol
Clare and Dammy nice to see you two again hope you sort some shoes out luv xx Oh and a belated Happy Birthday XXX
Marty clevland nice to meet you you were ok to say your a smog monster lol
Mr and Mrs Rams good to see you got fixed up with hotel and could make it wink
Susie nice to meet another Yorkshire Lass wink and dont forget to pass on the copies of the pics lol xx
Kazswallows what a dancer!! lol what a lucky boy Sean was for the show you put on for him wink
Marmalade - good to see you again Hope that wasnt you waking us up at 4 am in hotel m8?
Moorhopper good to meet you and your fine lady Anne We are glad everything went ok for Annes 1st munch biggrin and tell her she can get off the coffee table now m8 wink Hopeto see you two again at another munch soon biggrin
Ice pie Thanx for the badges m8 much appreciated and we'll remember ours for next time wink
I know ive probably missed someone lol but it was a good night and thanx again Sean :thumbup:
And a big thax to the lady in red lol Mrs goodtimez because without her it wouldnt have been half as good wink
Mr goodtimez
Quote by MartyCleveland
But most of all to Postie for giving me a lift up and for letting me have his hotel room..............well he wasn't using it!!! psml wink lol

This hotel room was originally booked in my name.
I had a very irate hotelier on the phone this morning, complaining about very rude comments left in the guest book. redface redface
Thanks to whichever one of you is responsible, looks like we won't be able to book in there again. :kick: :kick:
Thanks Sean for a good evening, and to Ice for the badge.
Strange, the people who've posted on here so far are all people I didn't manage to chat with (with the exception of FB). Does this mean the ones I DID chat with are still recovering from the experience? rolleyes
Thanks especially to EdinBBW for the chat, and it was especially good to see Loo again - first time for ages.
Hi everyone,
Our turn to add to the above comments and agree that it was an excellent night with excellent people. Great to meet up with old friends. And equally great to meet up with new faces, especially another Yorkshire couple who we've known for a few years via the internet and finally got to meet last night smile
We're not going to mention names on the grounds that we would only forget somebody important. The staff in that Indian restaurant must have wondered what hit them when 11 of us decended upon their premises after the munch and partook of their excellent cuisine and other things lol
And a BIG THANKS to Kaz and Lee for the lift
Stuart & Tanina hump xxx
Quote by novice1

But most of all to Postie for giving me a lift up and for letting me have his hotel room..............well he wasn't using it!!! psml wink lol

This hotel room was originally booked in my name.
I had a very irate hotelier on the phone this morning, complaining about very rude comments left in the guest book. redface redface
Thanks to whichever one of you is responsible, looks like we won't be able to book in there again. :kick: :kick:
Before I write my bit... i had better put myself forward as the person responsible for the comment in the guest book.... it wasn't half as bad as what I wanted to write, and it only had one swear word... and it was justified... sort of. Especially seeing as they seemed to enjoy pissing people off, or maybe it was because when i booked into a room with only a double bed I had martycleveland in tow and they thought we were going to be depraved or leave lube everywhere... dunno
Very sorry Mrs-novice... will make amends! redface
Hi all xx
Thanx to Sean xXx what a true gent! making sure everyone got in their taxi's
Hope you chillin today big X for u xx
Mr Goodtimez I think already said everything as usual !! lol
Glad to see everybody looked ok & not too much hungover in Sainsbury's this morning for Breakfast !! was that some kind of unscheduled meet or what?
Did anyone feel sorry for the girl behind the bar last night? I felt like telling to sit down and I'll pull the drinks poor lass!! Bet she's gone into labour this morning!! lol
Such a pleasure to meet everyone !! Sorry if didn't talk to many people but I'm the shy one
See Anne it wasn't so bad was it??? I think the beer collector in the pink shirt is already taken thou sorry!!! lol
Mrs Goodtimez xxXxx
thanks sean hun for a great night out it was fab like you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :cheers:
like to thank ice pie for the badges hun :thumbup: xxxxxxxxxxxx
this was our second munch in as many weeks and we met even more lovely people
it was a really good nite thanks to people like marcuso making us laugh all nite as usual lol lol lol lol
stuart and tania had a good time thanks xxxxx like to see you again soon wink
had a good time back in the hotel afterwards and like to say thanks for a good nite
( you know who you are ) and by the way postie when u left we was hoping u would
have popped back for redface redface : redface next time postie next time wink
and thanks to everyone else xxxxxxxxxxx kiss
Quote by MikeNorth
Thanks Sean for a good evening, and to Ice for the badge.
Thanks especially to EdinBBW for the chat, and it was especially good to see Loo again - first time for ages.

The pleasure was all mine Mike.
Thanks for organinsing this event Sean. It was good to catch up with some old friends and to meet some of the mad nutters (talking about you Loo) from the chat room.
Hi a big thanks sean it was a great night i really enjoyed myself, it was nice to meet familiar faces again smile loved the badges thanks ice pie
Hey! I don't have a hangover ! Which I think may be a munch first for me...
Anyhows, the NE munch, terrific!!! Well done Fabio, I had a great time and loved every minute of it...
Though saying that, before the munch was rather good too... and the stuff that happened after the munch will certainly make me smile for a long time... lol
Thanks to my travelling companion martycleveland for being excellent company, top fella even if he makes a crap co-driver.... and I only waited outside Sainsbury's for 25 minutes...after everyone else thought you'd decided to walk home rolleyes biggrin
Erm, what else... sorry to Fabio for talking him into letting me do the door, and then promptly buggering off when I gotvery distracted... bolt
Meeting NEcouple... hope to see you at many more munches... see, it wasn't that bad was it !!!
The lovely Anne (?) and Moorhopper.... you are lovely. Hope it's the first of many munches for you Anne.
It all seems so fleeting now, i remember being there... I remember talking to loads of people... but it's like trying to catch fog, I can't for the life of me remember who, what when or where things were done/ said and by whom... guess that's a sign of a good Munch though!
It'll all come back though, eventually... like meeting rams_couple... and seeing mikeNorth come in and then not seeing him again... and still not getting to have a proper natter with Kazswallows :doh: and dammie wobbling about... I know Marcuso had a flash suit on ... and ice pie looking resplendant in his outfit... and lil_bunny (who lives too far away apparently... lol ) Taking the piss out of Freckledbird and nicking her badge...
Crikey... I've waffled on again... I'll certainly add more later, as I get reminded of things. But, I must say that the surprise of the night was seeing onlyme81 make it all the way from Hampshire, and she knows how surprised I was... wonderful to see her there and have a chance to have a good natter...
Well how do you add to the above posts apart from saying what a great night was had by me and Chris(bad habit) Loved meeting all the northerners and all the others weve met in the past and how did marcuso get the shorts on so quick, oh and did i say what a great night sean loves ya babes
Lustwench without a Y
Okay,, my turn to say a few words again....
First of all a huge THANK YOU to everyone who came along and made it a brilliant night...
just to let you know, i came off the shandy at 10:15 and came off the beer at ....
so now i have a stinking hangover and have to go to the match this evening... so going to try and keep this short... apparently we are being fed a meal and i have to drink more booze!!!
Thank you to everyone who gave money to the charities...... after the figure we raise was announced a couple of people came up to me and put some more money in..... i topped it up... and 2 x 100 pound cheques to cancer research and marie curie will go off tomorrow morning!!!!
you certainly all left an impression on the DJ.........
i'd like to say thank you to ICE PIE for the badges...........lets not remind everyone of the one you forgot to make..(lucyweebaps... if you are reading this hunny... put your own name down on the list!!!! smile)
look forward to seeing you all at munches and parties soon... do i really have to consider doing another one now........
sean xxxxxxx
Just got home :shock:
Big thanks to the "Stressed Hostie" Fabio for organising it. :thumbup:
I think about half the people there were people I'd never met before, which was great - always nice to put a few more faces to names.
Beer, snogs, timewarps, lap dances, curry, champagne... top night. biggrin
Apologies to S n H for being too drunk to take full advantage of their hospitality ;) (but sober enough to remember who doesn't kiss like a girl... how much do you want for that film Kaz? redface )
Highlight of the evening...
"Table for two Sir?"
"No, make that about a dozen."
"We close in 15 minutes."
"Wanna bet?" :lol2:
Quote by fabio grooverider
i'd like to say thank you to ICE PIE for the badges...........lets not remind everyone of the one you forgot to make..(lucyweebaps... if you are reading this hunny... put your own name down on the list!!!! smile)

redface redface Sorry redface redface
Don't take it personally, it's just old age :doh:
To Sean thank you a good night. To Ice Pie for the badge thank you
To my travelling companion thank you for the laugh, gossip (!) and chip sticks lol
To the person who arrived in our room with 40% gold rum, thank you :beer: and to who ever was mixing it with cola, you got the quantities in the wrong order!
To the 3 (yes THREE) guys who watched 2 naked females play with cola, nipples and a colegate ring of confidence (!), and were being offered ‘do you want to shag me’, next time get your clothes off.. :P
To my overnight bed companion thankyou kiss
To the couple who rang the room I shouldn’t have been redface in at 3am and asked ‘is Sarah still there’, sorry I turned you down but I was very tired…..
To the person who came back to the room I shouldn’t have been in at looking for shoes, I hope you took the right pair.
To the person who came to find me in the morning and seem to end up in bed with us, I enjoyed watching………………. :shock: lol
To the 2 guys who then came to find all of us………you did pick your moment!!
To my breakfast companions, clearly the supermarket need to train their staff as to what tomatoes are!!
Quote by rams_cpl
had a good time back in the hotel afterwards and like to say thanks for a good nite
( you know who you are ) and by the way postie when u left we was hoping u would
have popped back for redface redface : redface next time postie next time wink

:doh: NOW you tell me ! Right.... next time it is... wink
Quote by Sarah
To the 3 (yes THREE) guys who watched 2 naked females play with cola, nipples and a colgate ring of confidence (!), and were being offered ‘do you want to shag me’, next time get your clothes off.. :P

:doh: again.......
(you didn't mention mobile phones.... ) :lol2:
Ah, postie
Yes the mobile phone, it is called care in the SH community lol
As someone who couldn't be there, was ringing to check my travelling companion and I got there ok, and were being good :twisted:
(as if) :shock: