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Nottingham Munch Thankyou Thread! Cheers Sarah!

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Sarah (& Mal ) what a fab Munch!
brilliant night with lots of familiar faces & some new ones too - fab DJ and lots of hidden talents displayed on karaoke again! I had a fantastic time, am so glad I decided to go - has been touch and go for a few weeks, so Thankyou! worship :worship: kiss
Dammy & HLB - was good to see you two put in an appearance! a Munch without you two? :shock: hope you feel better soon luv :kiss:
Mr & Mrs Quimninja - Hellooooooooo wave and congrats on your first Munch! Did anyone else notice that Billie Piper was in the building last night?? wink Lovely to see you two again
NaughtyNymphos - gorgeous as ever, roll on Mids lol passionkiss
Sleazy - on karaoke!!!!!! my god, is there anything you cant do! top bloke ! sillyassionkiss:
Roger - thankyou for the chat hun, onward & upward then me thinks :wink:
BunnyK - wow, finally get to put the face to the name - stunning :twisted:
Suze & Bart - erm.... Lovely to to see you both again, and Suze, when you're ready :rascal: How's the head this morning babe? :wink:
Steve44NW - Thanks for the company again hun & you got more balls than I have getting up on the karaoke! :karaoke:
RedWine_Lover - finally a proper chat :kiss: , first of many perhaps biggrin Lovely to see you again
Malinoshi - now able to put the face to the name :wink: - great to meet you luv :D
Shaz & Tony - no longer munch virgins! good to meet you two finally! and OMG @ the blue thing :lol: surprised :wink:
I cant possibly list everyone I'd like to - head is like a sieve this morning! redface
Freckledbird & Mr FB, AngelChat, VickyUK & Sercher, Tatty , Lep, T& H, Calista & Morbius, Redgirlmanc & Will, Huxley & Susie, Kaz & Sleeper, Stuart & Tanina, Sassy, FA & Dlep, Tel, Julie1964, Stokes, ........and to anyone I've missed off .... :kiss:
Oh, and Thanks Steff35 & Shelly, for managing to make my chin hit the floor last off :shock: :giggle:
the only bad bit of last night is that I went home & didnt see any after-parties :shock: :cry: . Need to make up for that next time :twisted: :wink: all invites to the pm box please :lol:
ohhhh i can't remember a thing so mutsa been a good night lol
Thanx Sara and everyone involved for another great munch, very poshes name badges i must say :lol:
Was lovely to see so many old faces and new wave at mr quim who seemed so thrilled to meet me, think he was pissed :lol:
Right going back to bed now to nurse my hang over will add more later as it all comes back to me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just got up - that was a fantastic munch, many thanks to Sarah & Mal.
Morbius - top door hunk wink
Sarah, posh badges but smackbottom for missing a 'd' out of my name lol Still, at least I got my current username :lol:
As Darkfire said, it was brilliant to see old friends and put faces to some of the newer names biggrin
We would just like to thank Sarah and Mal for one of the best nights out we have had in a long time. As first timers we were made to feel so welcome by everyone. Special thanks to Fembernie and Bassman for holding our hands. Nice to meet other Nottingham coupleseven if we didn't move out of the window. Thanks to the gang at the Holiday Express who kept the party going. redface biggrin surprisedops: :D :oops: :D
Had a cracking night here as well....
My first Munch as a single and it was good fun..
Nice to see a few familiar faces and nice to meet a lot of folk who up untill yesterday I didnt know...
I wont mention names as I am bound to forget to mention somebody and I dont want to offend anyone by forgetting them.... biggrin
Thanks Sarah & Mal...... :D :D
Quote by Steve_Mids
My first Munch as a single and it was good fun..

Oi shitbag.....Dont you mean your first munch the missus had let you go to on your own because no-one was stooooopid enough to babysit our kids??? poke sillyoke:
I just want to know if you really did behave yourself and sit in the corner with a pint of lemonade like you maintain you did blink
Quote by Shireen_Mids
I just want to know if you really did behave yourself and sit in the corner with a pint of lemonade like you maintain you did blink

Of course I did....
Just ask Fallen_Angel ....Poohbear.......Dawn_Mids.....etc etc
They will vouch for me.....(I hope)..
Thanks Sarah & Mal for another good munch smile
Excellent night out and great meeting old friends, and making new ones.
Won't do the names thing as I'm sure to miss someone off.
C x
Sarah...... What a night you pulled off Hun... We really enjoyed it and it was fab to be able to meet so many, now able to put faces to names.... well those we can remember anyway lol... Pity the rooms were not bigger so we could have met more but the tight squeeze was nice at times Mmmmmmm...
Well done hun really fantastic :inlove: Ohh by the way... your much nicer in the flesh wink :wink:
Like has been said to many to mention by name but thanks everyone for a great night too.
Mike and Julie xxxx
Big thanks to sarah and mal we had a great time, great to catch up with old friends and meet a few new ones.
Molly & Chris
Sounds like you had a fab time and I'm dead jealous :cry: but some of us gotta keep the wheels of industry moving while you lot are out getting pissed up and groped to the point of bruising :giggle: innocent
Ok just back at home and sorted out.
My thanks to:-
Dambuster and Mal for keeping me on the straight and narrow whilst arranging this. cool
The door hunks and bitches:- Darkfire, Mistress_Sassy, Morbius, Leprechaun, Dizzy Tart, Dlep (what a suit), Cassie, and Will_32, with TallnHairy as back up, what a gang and a BIG thank you. :P
To the hand holders:- Onlyme1981, Marms, Bassman, and Fembernie, a BIG thank you
To: Vicky_uk for arranging the whip round for the DJ's. :rose:
To: DJ Ally and Carla, yes again a wonderfull night of music and singing lol
To: the man that proposed marriage and she said yes!! (a first for the Nottingham munch) I wish you all the best and good luck.
A BIG thanks to you all for attending and making it such a wonder full evening, from the Scottish travelling Munch Bunch to the Essex travelling Munch Bunch, and everyone else in between . :twisted:
To: all those for attending the pre munch drinks.
To: Bi Guy Notts and Midlands lady for my presents, and Kazswallows and sLeeper for my card.
To: Dambuster (my special thanks) for making a superme effort to be there and 'escaping' from hospital. (HLB to adminster medical care :P )
The badges:- these were a present (bought and paid for by me) to you all, sorry for any spelling mistakes, but I tried my best, and you can use them again :lol: so it will cut down on anyone who makes badges time :P :P and give them more time for other things!
A note to those that did not turn up :cry: without a good reason, your names have been sent to the Mods. (and you took up places that others could of had, not very considerate of you (grrrr))
thanks everyone Rose has been told she enjoyed herself, but true to form cant remember hardly any of it.........ill have fun reminding her over the next few days lol
sarah ....well done for a super munch
all the regulars great to see you again,
we met shaz and tony and his blue thing, how cool is that :lol: cool
Lilnphil..................lil he doesnt change does he, chatter chatter chatter ........but really funny guy so dont stop phil :lol: :lol:
Desade.... was really good to meet you and have a chat, we really hope your partner is ok now, she looked stunning but it seems that came with a price........still get her home give her a good hiding and im sure she will recover , in the best possible way wink
chesty.......... have your tits vibrated off yet?
hands up everyone that had their hands up wills shorts rolleyes
redgirlmanc you are a naughty girl, you encourage rose and she doesnt need much encouragment.
Dambuster and Hlb there is a pm on its way..........
Leprechaun the fiddler
vicky you have the courage of the SAS to go into that pub wearing that outfit and then to bend over to get an ashtray............ :shock: wow
searcher are so not going to snog our horses ............... :lol: :lol: you asked for that :wink:
bunny we love the ears, i could see you go like a rabbit , well you were heading that way with tones Blue thing :shock:
fembernie and bassman....................loveley to meet you , you look great together and nice one on the kareoke Bassman.
miss glamour puss herself, as usual so sophisticated, so purrrrrrrfectly made up, so delightful and so angelic............ so SASSY , (nice tits too) :shock: :lol:
Mal you seem to be slowly heading south mate..good luck with the job hunting..
gen herts and mr genherts ............always a pleasure to see you two.........
dj alison , and carla ...........good show you two.......... :lol:
nice to see Reese out and about again, its been too long .........
hux and suze sorry didnt have more time to chat, or even say hello properly, still hitting those notes huxley..and rose missed it in the loo :cry:
oh yeah you know who you are , sexy gorgeous and looking fab great to see you too........................that should cover us for anyone we have forgotten, yes we mean you....... :wink:
finally to anyone new there , its tough the first time you go to a munch but it gets better and better, dont just sit there come over and say hello we will always make you welcome and help you break the ice...........
I would like to say Huge thanks to Sarah and Mal - not only for organising another fantastic Notts munch and the badges, but also the personal support this week kiss
Thanks to Ally & Carla for the Disco - it was lovely to see you both again and I'm glag Ally got the chance to socialise a bit this time biggrin
Sorry we didn't stay to the end, but we did have a fantastic time:
Darkfire - glad you made it.
Quimninja's - lovely to meet you both
WRATS - Always a pleasure
Blonde & Steve - thanks for making me laugh this morning. I hope Veg enjoyed his breakfast lol
Kazswallows & SirLee - Thanks for all your help. It's very much appreciated :kiss:
To everyone else who was there last night. Hugs and Kisses. we'll see you at the next one :happy:
First, let me start by congratulating Sarah and Mal for putting together a top class munch on a very busy Nottingham weekend. Well done to you both and to everyone who chipped in with some help along the way.
On a more serious note I have received a pm stating that our (mine and Cazs) behaviour had gone past the boundaries of acceptabilty. We thought that we were just having a good time, but if anyone was upset by that then i offer my sincerest apologies.
If anyone would wish to pm me directly over Saturday night then please feel free to do so, and I will offer my personal apologies and perhaps put your mind at rest as to what you thought you saw.
We really do hope that we didn't spoil anyones night for them. That was the last thing on our minds.
a big thankyou to Sarah, Mal and everyone else that was involved with making last night a great night many names to mention but it was great meeting a few new faces and also people we have met before biggrin
a big kiss to dammy from lil hope you get well soon smile we'll have to see about a full body massage to try make it better lol edit by fil -it won't make you better,but it will take your mind off the pain :lol:
lilnfil xx
p.s. and there was fil thinking he was being a little more reserved, staggy :lol:
how far can you make a moan last
rose whilst walking from the hallway to the kitchen, via the living room, no more than ten yards ill add!
"oooooh i feel ill, its getting worse as the day goes by staggy, oh my god i feel so shit"
i was wondering if anyone could fit in more moans while walking over such a short distance?
shes so funny when she drinks lol :lol: :lol: especially the day after.
The Nottingham Munch lost property Department
Found 1 cig lighter with very distinctive markingd on it,
If you think it is yours please pm me, with a description
Quote by wild rose and the stag
how far can you make a moan last
rose whilst walking from the hallway to the kitchen, via the living room, no more than ten yards ill add!
"oooooh i feel ill, its getting worse as the day goes by staggy, oh my god i feel so shit"
i was wondering if anyone could fit in more moans while walking over such a short distance?
shes so funny when she drinks lol :lol: :lol: especially the day after.

lol Staggy - at least Rose wasnt moaning to God down the porceline telephone for twenty minutes redface surprisedops: :oops: - but , I wasnt sick :lol: , just needed to offload my munch buddy Jack onto someone else :lol:
aha , Darkfire , we need to have a word with you, not wishing to cause you too much embarrasment but.................................
both Rose and i have noticed a certain blossoming these days since that first time we saw you in Derby............has anyone else spotted it?
a little less Dark and a tadge more glam! so whats that all about then, what about your street cred !

what im trying to say is ...
you looked great last night
Apart from the usual thanks etc...... (which I have put earlier lol) maybe a good place to say to those that have thought about going to these Munches that you will never meet a friendlier bunch of people in your life anywhere..
Its just like going to the pub with family you don't quite know.... relations from afar sort of thing !! Hope that makes sense? Give it a go.. for us we have found it so much fun. You don't have to do anything but be yourself and say hello to folk, now how hard can that be..
Well done Sarah....... fanbloodytastic effort for sure! passionkiss
Mike x
As has already been said........................
Thank you Sarah and Mal for a fantastic night smile
Big thanks to DJ Ally and Carla for a great disco and karaoke again :)
Great to meet up with old friends and make new ones...............too many to mention.
Dammie............hope you get better real soon.
Congratulations to Suze and Bartdutch on proposing and accepting the proposal..........well done you two
See you all somewhere - sometime soon
hi all, we just got home and logged on...................Daves head was and still is understandbly pounding this morinin, and he`d like to apologise to anyone who had to endure his pissed up ramblinng :shock: biggrin , thanks for a great night...sarah & mal... kiss
it was execellent to see all of ya..........esp: Darkfire, Horneylittleblonde,mdr2000(sorry for any offence :D ) just slap dave when ya see us next :shock: ,
mollychris,leprechaun(little bloke isnt he :shock: ),bipaula&andy (bipaula, just what we expected ,cheeky as feck), oh oh and of course naughty :D ,
if youve not been mentioned it`s because dave cant remeber hardly anythin
top night all the same tho..........fanks :D :D :D :D :D :D
Thankyou so much sarah and mal for such a great munch, we had a great time, was a little shy and overwhelmed to start with but once we got chatting to everyone we loved it biggrin
Met some great people there, it was really nice to put faces to the post's
We can't even start to name some of the people that we spoke to because we spoke to that many we would bound to miss our a whole bunch lol
Thanks also to all the people that cam and chatted to us and made us feel welcome....
Heers to lots more munchies to come :twisted: :lol:
Shaz xxxx
Thank you so much to Sarah, Mal and all the helpers who made everything go so smoothly. I had a great time and it was wonderful to catch-up with and meet lots of sexy people........I'll try not to leave it as long before I see you again,
Charlotte xx
Firstly Sarah & everyone who helped, thank you for taking the time and effort to organise last night and for allowing me to attend. It was a great night and lovely to see you. lol
Secondly and most importantly a thank you to my escort, Casey Jones kiss who looked after me so well throughout the evening.
To all the people I had met was a real pleasure to meet again. biggrin
To those people I met for the first time....nice to meet you and hope to see you again. wave
To those I did not meet....another time, another place hopefully. :lol:
Big Thanks to Sarah & Mal for a great night. I had a brilliant night, a lot of laughs, snogs and hugs
DJ Ally n Carla excellent as always
too many names to mention, plus the state my heads in ile forget someone.
so .......
Was great seeing everyone again, and at least I had time to chat to quite a few people at this munch lol.
Was lovely meeting all the newbies .......lovely to finally meet you and put faces to names, hope to see you again soon.
Thanks to everyone who donated when i went round with the glass for the collection
special mentions to
HR well done hun you survived the night, great you made it kiss
NN......that will teach you to put your hand down there wont it lol
Dammy you take care babe. and get well soon :kiss:
and to my Munch Partner Sercher ty babes you know what for :kiss:
Mist is clearing..................
HR standing at the top or bottom of the stairs, crys out 'help' to which assorted strong gents come running scope her up and carry her either up or down the stairs as required, well done guys for helping her. The Sh special help department was working well last night.
When the 'little' guy Lep, met the 'big' guy TallnHairy and actually had to look up to someone for once lol now that doesn't happen very often!!
Many many thanks to Sarah for all the organisation. Was a great night as always.
Apologies I was still a little out of sorts most of the night and not my usual bubbly self, but was still a little under the weather after my horrible bug a few weeks ago but still had a great night, and Will_32 looked after me as he always does.
Was great to see all those familar faces and get all those lovely snogs of you boys and girls. Also great to meet new people we have seen / spoken to online, hopefully we will get chance to talk more at the next dos.
Roll on the next one.
Jackie & Will
Big Thanks to Sarah & Mal for sorting the munch out
I know it is not easy to arrange
well done it was a great night
I would like to thank Midlandslady for the honour & pleasure of her company
You looked fantastic i was so proud to have you as my date biggrin
Thanks to all that took part in my chocolate experiment
For the ones who know what i am talking about
The last chocolate was taken by
Dave Notts at a Caremel Velvet
so the winner was
Bunnyk with
Martelnotts won the other prize for guessing caramel would be the last in the tin and closest on time
A box of Roses will be dispatched to both winners via the swingers parcel delivery system with love from Midlandslady
It was a pleasure to meet old a new friends