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NWC Thank you

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Thank you for another great evening, really enjoyed myself (when I finally found it!)
I was feeling really pleased with myself when I got to the area the Munch was at biggrin Then it all went wrong, took a wrong turn & spent the next hour & a half touring Wigan!
Thanks to NWC for a great do (& for helping me to find it!)
Thanks to ginger_jo for finding a place to put my badge (& for feeling my bum wink )
Finally got to meet Chooone & Angelica :happy: amongst a few other faces I finally put names to :D & a few familiar faces xxx & I still didnt get to meet all the people on my list!
Lilnphil passionkiss
Redwinelover :rascal:
Stuart& Tanina sillyassionkiss:
Varca :P
Ive now come home & got on my thermal pj's & slipper sox because I think I was the only person there that was freezing!
Thanks again
I wil just add to lilac, to say what a wondeful night that NWC put on once again. Great night cant wait for the next biggrin
Nice to see some people that I havnt seen for ages and
Unfortunately someone disapered on me.... :cry:
syrprised you found it with mrs wigan giving directions,its not a strong point,I'm gonna suffer for this,ha,xxx
i would just like to say thanks to everyone for a great night,pity i left a bit earley but was bearley able to keep awake, too much work. and a big thanks to nwc for organising the event, and the lift to the station where i did catch my train.
Massive thanks to NWC for organising a great night. You looked fantastic as ever!
Thanks to all the other helpers, Gingerjo&Lee, and Philstar for the music.
Was a great night, speaking to good friends, and also a sad night saying Au Reviour to a couple of very horny people. Adam & Leonie, you will have a ball, and will miss you loads.
Cant wait for the next one.
See you all soon
Myself and baz would like to say thanks to NWC as usual it was a great night , it was also great seeing jo and lee again , and to meet calista who i have said hello to before but i was more sober this time lol . Also Blackboyjoy what a lovely guy, hope you have a safe journey home wave kiss
Ann & Baz xx
Ooh just found this thread!!! Had put first post on the actual Munch thread!
After getting rid of hangovers and retrieving some of our memories....
Thank you so much, had a great time and def will be heading to another munch/social.
Everyone we met was dead friendly. THank you again.
UMakes3 xx
Hey, Just wanna say a big thanx to NWC and her crew for organising an absolutely fantastic nite. Was also great to meet up with some friends again.... Mistress Sassy, Ginger Jo & Lee, Thornbacks, Sexy Couple21, Redwine, Steve & Tam, sorry to anyone i forgot to mention but think im still a bit pissed haha biggrin it was also good to make new friends, was nice meeting you all. Just have to say a big hello to Groggy & Flirty-Girl, wot a fantastic couple, had a great laugh with you all nite, it was great to meet you both and hope to do again sometime soon.
Cya all at the next one i hope, take care J&S x x x
wat a fantastic night, thank you so much nwc for all you hard work to bring together so many great people.
just a few thanks, neil n dawn and friends :love: have a great anniversary next week, kaz so great to chat with you again :love: the huckleys great to see you, pm on its way lol the mutleys and friends great to see you and thanks for the transport arrangements, sassy pm on its way :lol: flirty & groggy & the thorns fab to remember chattin to ya this time, lilac gem and dune rotflmao so much fun, lilnfil will have to have a decent chat with you soon, plc get that bowlin sorted :lol: philstarrnchoosy for the music, let us know when your off to a club kiss ginger jo n lee so sorry i broke your badge, hope we can stil come to a party :lol: and last but not least to billy and nair smile sorry to any one we missed hope to see you all again soon, hugs and kisses to nwc xxxxxxx
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who came last night, it was a great night and I had a brilliant time. Even the bar staff said what a brilliant bunch of people you all are lol I wont go through the names of the people we met, or it would be 130 names long :lol:
I really do have to say a special thanks to Philstar & Choozy and to Ginger Jo & Lee for all their help, support, hard work and for just being YOU. Love you all to bits and really do appreciate everything. :lol:
Thanks NWC for a great munch - good venue, good music, and good company. It was great to meet so many friendly people - thanks especially to Angelica, Choon, Mallock, PoshKate, Manolishi (for organising the afternoon crowd), Ian, Dawnie, Freckledbird, and Dune.
Thank you NWC and those who helped you put on another great do :kiss
Some fab uniforms. I even thought we were being raided for a second lol
Great to see the familiar and new faces.
Roll on the next wink
thanks to nwc & gingerjo & lee for a fab night, and very big thanks to redgirlmanc for the lift, by the way jackie my mum said she is gona buy me a sat nav so weyhey im gona be gettin out and about lol
Rain to Wigan, home from Wigan, its grim up north smile
First thank you is to the person that made me go, NWC, who threatened me with violence if I didnt go, and I'm so glad I did, I had an excellent night, and a very pleasant surprise, thank you so much for the present and card, you really are as lovely as many others have said passionkiss
There was many great outfits on view last night, for me, the most convincing uniform was the cricket umpires, they really did look the part, even having stumps as props, well done
Thanks to the company from the people at the pub in the inpromptu pre-munch, as always, was good to see you all again
Of the people I met for the first time, was good to finally meet Boroughb, its been a long time coming, and was also nice to meet (I hope I get this right) Sexy67, was good to meet you also, thanks for the natter kiss
Cherrytrees, your companion for the evening came to say hello, and said "you havent met Cherrytrees have you?" and I'm glad he introduced us, it was good to meet you, albeit briefly, I will make up for that next time :kiss:
Lilnfil, was good to meet you mate, even though we had been talking earlier on the balcony :)
I'm sure there are others, more will come to me as the memory wakes up
Of the people that have had the pleasure of meeting me before:
Easy and Countess, great to see you both again, not sure what was worse, the Star Trek outfits, or the Spock hand movements, oh and Countess, may I be the first to remind you that you was on your knees begging to Dawnie, who moments later admitted you made her nipples hard :kiss:
Morbius and Calista, thank you both so much for your company, and Morbius, either it was you or Easy, but whoever it was, thank you for saving my life, when Dawnie said "I'm straight" you said for me to stand back, to save getting hit by the bolt of lightning, I owe my life to you
more will no doubt come to me when the 4 pack of red bull kicks in, but to each and every person I spoke to during the evening, thank you for a great evening, you all made it worth the journey
Did Varca wear the belly dancing cossie then? Anyone got pics? ( even though I've seen it for real :twisted: )
NWC - thank you for my Birthday pressie kiss
Mr Essex - thank you for my milky bar :kiss:
Miss PVC knickers and her grumpy other half :kiss:
Morbius :giggle: Cali you man is a nutter :kiss:
Thank you those that put up with my dancing :kiss:
I'm sure I should be mentioning a few others but on the whole it was a brilliant night with excellent company :thumbup:
Yes she did, but havent got any pics sad Camera's arent allowed at a munch are they?????
Wow! What a night. Such a great bunch of people.
Thanks to NWC for fixing a great place, Ginger-Jo, Lee and all the helpers for such a fantastic event.
Philstar and Choozy for great music, which everybody appreciated and which also wasn't so loud it was impossible to talk. :thumbup: worship
It was fantastic to meet up with so many old friends - some of whom I was meeting for the first time (!) and, also, some new ones too. Some stunning costumes as well sillyhwoar:
It was our first Wigan munch and I sincerely hope it isn't the last.
One final comment - weren't the girls behind the bar fantastic? I have never seen a bar so efficiently and pleasantly run.
Quote by essex34m
oh and Countess, may I be the first to remind you that you was on your knees begging to Dawnie, who moments later admitted you made her nipples hard kiss

I've never been begged by a woman in handcuffs before rotflmao:rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:
Countess, you are adorable :kiss:
Quote by essex34m
Morbius and Calista, thank you both so much for your company, and Morbius, either it was you or Easy, but whoever it was, thank you for saving my life, when Dawnie said "I'm straight" you said for me to stand back, to save getting hit by the bolt of lightning, I owe my life to you

Oi, I am :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:
To the rather tall 'police man' who handcuffed me to a chair :kick: :rotflmao::rotflmao:
PK, Mallock and Angel_Chat, great to see you as always :kiss:
great music, good beer and fantastic company kiss cool biggrin
a very big thankyou to NWC and every one else involved in making last night another great night out :kiss:
:kiss: to lilacgem for having to endure fil drunk again rolleyes lol
wannahavefun we really must spend more time chatting :lol:
:therethere: to PK cause she must have one hell of a headache :kiss: :lol:
lilnfil xxx
p.s fil says did anyone get the little blonde barmaids phone number and if you did do you want to share :twisted: :lol:
Quote by essex34m
Morbius and Calista, thank you both so much for your company, and Morbius, either it was you or Easy, but whoever it was, thank you for saving my life, when Dawnie said "I'm straight" you said for me to stand back, to save getting hit by the bolt of lightning, I owe my life to you

innocent :giggle:
Quote by Dawnie
Miss PVC knickers and her grumpy other half kiss ..............

:huh: smackbottom :rude:
Thanks NWC your one of the nicest couples ever on swinging heaven the work you effortsesly (can't spell) put into making everyones night go smoothly you need a medel..
So thanks chucks always a pleasure to cya to both
lee n jo redmanc looked fab i never seem to dress up
To all those who did dress up you all looked great
I Didn't get to meet Easy but i did meet tune essance at long last .
and a big thanks to rolo for hiding me away in the corner and hoging me all night oh and the funny bloke she came with the name escapes me but it's something beginging with M lol ps that shirt was not a good idea hehe only kidding
Hope to cya you all munching very soon if i forgot anyone soz confused
Debz xxxx
hi everyone
naughty wigan cpl thanks for a great night without you we wouldnt of all got together last night and had a brill time smile
any thankyou for everyone who made the effort to come to the munch and make it such a great night
thanks jo xxxx
Quote by gingerjo-lee
hi everyone
naughty wigan cpl thanks for a great night without you we wouldnt of all got together last night and had a brill time smile
any thankyou for everyone who made the effort to come to the munch and make it suck a great night
thanks jo xxxx

I never saw any sucking .. :shock:
Debz xxxx
Thanks to all who made it another great party, including -
HP & 36 openminded - nice chatting with you, and sorry for trying to haul you onto the dancefloor redface , Rose and Paul - great company as usual, Tune Essence & the lovely Angelica -cracking kilt! Essex_34m - great to meet you, hope to chat more next time, Frogster - great costume! Poshkate-looking beautiful as ever, Varca- sillyhwoar: what a stunning outfit!
and many more who Im sorry Ive missed, and thanks again NWC and helpers, and DJ and special thanks to my lovely mate kiss
Just to repeat everyone elses thanks NYC you are the nicest of nice people love you Loadsx
Thanks again to Jo and Lee (thanks for the snogs Lee xxx)and Jo luv u to bits (in a perfectly straight way lol)
And last but not least to Neil and Dawn thanks again m8ts see you soon xxxxxx
Quote by Sassy-Seren
Did Varca wear the belly dancing cossie then? Anyone got pics? ( even though I've seen it for real :twisted: )

Yes she did for a while and very scrummy she looked too!!
Just wanna add my thanks to NWC for a great evening and especially to Philstar for a great choice of music all night esp the "paradise by the dashboard light". Was great fun singing along to that with Stuart, each of us doing the right parts!! Was a great atmosphere, was a great crowd and i thoroughly enjoyed myself. We didnt get there till (went to the wrong place initially) so was a lovely surprise to be told that the bar staff would stay another hour!!
Lovely to see all my friends and see you all soon (i hope).
Suze xx
Thanks everyone, we had a brilliant time smile
Not naming names, except for NWC and her team who made it such a great night.
I posted on the other thread.... Duh!
Thanks NWC... BRILL as usual....
Nice to meet up with a load of old and new faces too many to name but all good!!
Some fantastic costumes, and some that were Bloody fantastic (girls you know who you are)... It was bloody hot under that wig though... will have to do a rethink for next time!
Oh.... I still have space for a couple of new whores, apply by PM please!