Do you do certain things in a certain way every time? Do something that has your nearest and dearest reaching for the number for the men in white coats? What about late night/early morning routines that would completely spoil the day if not done?
In my food cupboard, all the tins have to be lined up with the labels facing front
I can only sleep if the curtains are open ever so slightly
The washing up has to be done in a certain way - glasses first, then cutlery, then plates with the pots and pans last of all.
Share your strange habits ( I won't giggle much honest :giggle: )
I have a particular tea mug for breakfast on work days. Over time I've negotiated with meself to have some flexibility in this just in case it isn't available but I never spoil a weekend by drinking from it.
Is it a game? I ask myself.
I sort money into different denominations, turning each note so that the Queen's head is the right way up, then put fivers on top and twenties at the bottom before folding them in half to put in my pocket. There are not normally as many notes to fold as it might sound like!
CDs in alpha by artist with their earliest realease on the left, latest on the right, DVDs alpha by film name.
Exactly the same route every week around the supermarket.
I count stairs as I'm climbing them. I know there are 14 in the house, but I still count them almost every time.
If I didn't have a routine for the mornings, I would never get out of the door!
I have to get out of bed on the left side, And I can't sleep with a cupboard door open, and everytime i go on an airplane, I have to touch the outside of it before i go on....
Thank god I don't do all the stuff I used to do when I was younger, otherwise i'd never leave the house now!
m xx
:eeek: :eeek:
You're all weird - scary really! Mind you routines are what keeps us sane and in touch, children need routines to ensure normal development so I suppose some of is retained.
My only weird thing is putting on socks or shoes - left foot first always. If I try to break the stupid routine (cos I know it's weird) and put the right foot first I usually have to take off the socks or shoes and do it again in the correct order.
My brother has AS and is on a parallel universe completely - like that book "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time " - I lived through it, thought it weird at the time and now still think it's weird. Everything else I do is okay in those terms.
Like Sassy, my tins of food have to be facing toward the front of the shelf. I prefer to drink out of a china mug, or at least one that's white inside. And yes you can taste (and smell) the sugar if you stir sugared tea first. All my drawers and cupboards are very neat and orderly. Skirts go from short to longer. Shoes lined up. My son says I have OCD.
I'll shut up now :shock:
FFS i actually tidied the paper recycle bin this morning :shock:
I just realisesd i did it
Not admitting anything :shock:
i dont think i've got any obsessions.... i'm more of an "organised mess" girl i think lol
although i do have to do my dishes in a certain way, the bedding in my house is done with a different softner than my clothes r done with and if i'm ordering takeaway.... e.g. a chicken wrap... i ask them to keep it all seperate so i can put the right amount of chicken in proportion to my salad and my mayo... otherwise its no where near as nice!
My right shoe/boot/sock/hold-up has to go on first.
I can't walk over manhole covers etc on the pavement.
I have to park in the same place in car parks (granted this is because I have been known to try to get into the wrong car)
Right contact lense in first, left one first out.
On the rare occassion I stack the dishwasher it HAS to be done a certain way.
I'm not sure I should admit to many more.