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Oh bugger... just watched the last matrix...

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1 watcher
Oh bugger... just watched the last matrix...
And I'm confused, I think I know what it all ment... but please someone post their enteripetation (damn I cant spell for toffie, lol)
I'll give what I thought when I'm sober and more coherent, probably about sometime tommorow evening when I realise how much I've just spent on a new camera.. infact I'll probably be in tears so wont be able to type or read much, lol.
Luv n licksssssss on norty bitsssss
(actually that sounds like I've been watching to much lord of the rings... my preasusssssssssssssssss ;-))
I watched it Sunday night, and I thought I understood. :smug:
I was about to put it into words for you Jon, when I realise that... I actually don't understand after all. dunno
Sex God
If anyone really does want their head done in, fish out an old Sam Neil film called In The Mouth Of Madness.... :crazy:
Matrix... well, we all know reality is HERE in SH while everything around us is a C.G.I.... That is right, isn't it? rolleyes
Warming the Bed
Jon - There is no hope, we are all doomed, doomed I say!
I watched the Matrix at the cinema, then bought the DVD and had to watch it 3 times before I even thought I understood it.
Reloaded got worse and watching the DVD when drunk didnt help.
I did the same with Revolutions and am going to have to try and watch them back to back to see if I get the plot now. Somehow I doubt it.
Great films for the special effects and the whole concept!! I know I have had "deja vous" :shock:
Oh - and before anyone does.... Pleeeaaassseeeee dont post the ending, it really spoilt it for me when I went to the cinema and knew how it would end rolleyes
The first Matrix I got straight away. Thought it was a fabulous film; brilliant concept, brilliantly executed.
But then the problem starts. I can't believe that Matrix was originally slated to be a three part story. The second and third films, whilst visually stunning (great effects etc) are poor from the plot aspect.
I've now watched Revolutions twice over the weekend and am still not sure if it has ended.
Sex God
I'm with Fun365 - I thought the first Matrix was excellent, but the second one lacking, and the tird one just confused me.
However, I've just been told that the plots are easy to understand, and that all it boils down to is that Neo is The One in the real world as well as in the Matrix, and that's it... so what's hard about that....
Tut, don't Sci Fi fans just bug you .... rolleyes wink
Warming the Bed
Love the films
But why do people try to interpret them/understand them???
Just enjoy them for the stunts and special effects or whatever!!!
Leave the interpretations to the film critics!!!
Luv Alex Claire & Cameron xxx XXX
Warming the Bed
Has anyone seen Equilibrium? Its a Matrix'esque movie and rather good!
If you liked the Matrix you will love this.
Quote by AlexnClaireSX
Love the films
But why do people try to interpret them/understand them???
Just enjoy them for the stunts and special effects or whatever!!!
Leave the interpretations to the film critics!!!
Luv Alex Claire & Cameron xxx XXX
agreed!!!!!! well ok, but thats the excuse i am using for my lack of understanding... and im sticking to it!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Warming the Bed
I think the general view of the matrix trilogy is exactly whats been posted here.
The first one was an amazing film, one which im not ashamed to say is in my all time top five and I have watched several hundred times.
But the idea got diluted the further into the trilogy they went.
the second one wasnt bad and got some unfair critisism, wasnt a patch on the first one but it did its job as the 2nd in most trilogies are just fillers to keep you going till the end.
the third film was such a disapointment when me and my firends saw it, we had been trying to guess this magical end to the trilogy but it never materialised and the third film just ended up being an overblown scifi action film whihc is ok to watch but you wouldnt want to watch it again and again.
see youv got me started now, I could talk about the matrix all day!!!
It isnt finished yet...... when the directors and all involved look on those films in 3-4 years they will see that it hasnt had a proper end and that there is a ton of money to be made by packaging it up as the true ending to the matrix.
and the way that the third film ended (i wont let it slip dont worry!) just leaves it wide open for another film to be made.
Warming the Bed
I can't believe there's been this level of interest in The Matrix. If I weren't a right-on, PC, each-to-his/her-own type of guy, I'd say all were three were a load of shite.
*Ducking for cover*
Warming the Bed
u better duck ;)
as i said the first one was great rest were cack
I saw the first one and was blown away by the effects and the message. Although I thought it was amazing at the time I have never been back and watched it a second time - even though I have the DVD - wierd!
I then heard "same same" reports on the second one and dire reports on the third one and have never been drawn to watch them at all...........
Perhaps it wasn't as good as I told myself it was in the first place!
STUNNING effects though...
Have first 2 on DVD and have watched the first one many times always finding something new in it. Second was disappointing but third was just going no where.
Tell you what though has anyone seen KILL BILL. Know nothing to do with this thread but I am a real Tarentino fan and was really looking forward to seeing it. Not sure if I should have enjoyed it - need a strong stomach and tongue in cheek but really cant wait for the sequel.........
Hmm, never seen Kill Bill, but just re-watched the last Matrix...
Made a lot more sense to me this time, just fast forwarded the odd bit of filling and it a much better film. I think they just needed more time in the editing room, the story maybe could be tighter, but it still asks the odd question if you look hard enough ;)
However the first has the edge, all those knew concepts, the ‘what is the matrix’ question, great suspense and it really comes together... 8)
Forum Virgin
Im with Jaxx and Fun365. Oh, and I am a film critic, didnt spend 3 years studying cinema for nothing...
The basic thing you have to understand is this- the Wachowski brothers spend as long as they wanted writing, preparing and eventually directing The Matrix- a fantastic, innovative and thoroughly well thought out film from start to finish. It has so much fantastic stuff in it, from the religious symbolism (Neo is after all, the One, the saviour of humanity) to the great references to the duality of man and the rather fragile state of the human psyche. Its a Freudian wet dream. And due to it being such a great hit, some rich guys in Hollywood offered the Wachowski brothers 20 million dollars each. Per sequel. And so now we find ourselves with a trilogy, something The Matrix was never meant to be. And how can I prove this???? Simple, if you watch The Matrix you will see it has a finality. Agent Smith is destroyed, not just defeated. Neo actually destroys his program in the finale. Oh, and Neo actually exists. The Oracle says to Thomas Anderson 'you have the gift, but you are waiting for something... the next life maybe...'
One of the Agents kills Thomas Anderson in the finale, he actually kills him. Only then does Neo exist- Neo is the one, a superhuman reincarnation of Thomas Anderson, who until this point in the film has been wrestling for control of himself. Thomas Anderson is merely a construct of The Matrix, not who Keanu Reeves' character really is. With this in mind, there is no competition, no question left at the end of The Matrix. The One, Neo, is here. And The Matrix is something he controls with his will. Please note the ease with which he polishes off the agents at the end of the film. Who, I ask, who could possibly pose a threat to this man's safety. Neo IS god within the matrix, thats the point of the film.
The others are, as a few others put it, just there for the fun of it. Even the genre of the fims changed, the feel, the mise en scene. They are completely different. And they are bad from a cinematic point of view. Does anyone else think they made it all a little too Star Wars????
The Matrix, just so we are clear, is a horror film. It is not Sci-Fi.
Ta ta for now
I thought it was about David Beckham. Agent Smith was Fergie, the Matrix was Manchester United, Posh Spice was represented by all those octopus like thingies......etc etc
Perhaps I ought to go and watch it again........
Philistine extrodinaire. wink