they will know we have logistical problems getting "out there", so just to keep us "informed" with virtual and theoretical experience we ordered the "XXXXXXXXXX" dvds.
Now we`ve no idea what the consensus of opinion is about these but we enjoyed them like this....................
and we know its verging on desparate, and its a poor substitute, but hey, you get it where you can.........
essentially, very dark room, 1 pc with 5.1 surround sound, she sitting on me, volume up to realistic level.
holy dog batman, its as if you`re there!! With old Mr. Steele saying "suck his C***" every two seconds in a surround sound stylie, it sounds as if you`re really there, and you feel your heart beating a little faster!
Its an experience to try before you mock, bit like a visit from Mr. Hand to Mr. Maggot when the Mrs isn`t available............
Now we`re off to skip with the fairies and pixies in fluffy lala land where all our dreams come true...........................and harsh realities of being working parents do`nt seek to hobble our every move!!!!!!!!!!!!! :doh: :doh:

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