Dawn Porter done a series ages ago, one of the programs I think was about polygraphs or something like that. Anyway, in Germany there was an event that looked so sensual and erotic, slightly different to how my fantasy goes now, but it was that program that started it. Tried looking on youtube for a link but can't find one.
It was a group of people sat in what looked like a massive plastic bath, someone walked round and drizzled warm oils over them - I'm getting stuck talking about this, probably best if I just say exactly what I'm looking for, and if anyone can tell me if there's somewhere that does this (apart from Germany

So, everyones sat in this massive plastic bath type thing. Lighting very subdued, very warm room, everyone naked. Lots of insense burning, music playing, not overly loud, but an extreme low bassy tempo, someone not taking part is talking, low quiet words said purely to relax you, getting everyones senses up. At this point there is still no touching, bodies are, through words becoming heightened in sensitivity.
Eyes closed, a mixture of the smells, low bass tempo music, someones relaxing words building the anticipation. Next thing you feel is warm oils being drizzled over you by the same person talking. Then the movement starts, people start to work the oil in over themselves, then gradually hands start moving towards each other.
Eventually it becomes a writhing mass of bodies, becoming entwined, touching, sucking, all slow, unrushed. At no point is there actual intercourse during this event. It's all about massage, erotic touching and tasting. There's also no nattering or giggling in my fantasy, people are carried away with the experience.
Also it's an all start together event, not something where people can join in, cos they would miss that important beginning part, the heightening of the senses etc.
Anyway, phew! This looks like it should be more in the story section now :lol2: What I want to know is if there is anywhere that does anything like this? Any clubs or anything at all?? Has anyone ever taken part in some sort of oil party, if so what was it like? Is it possible to get a whole group of peoples senses heightened just by words, insense and music?
Is it just an impossible fantasy?? I really wanna know, cos I really wanna do it :twisted: