I may not be able to catch them on foot, but I'm a bloody good shot with my paintball marker. A few well placed shots will make him stop...
to the head i hope, body shots are for pacifist paintballing virgins, nothing like a shot in the ear to make the blood boil :twisted:
Hey, I'll unload a full hopper into them, my marker has a full auto mode on it. :twisted:
Just out of interest, was it locked up in the garden?
No, but it wouldn't have made much difference if it was as they could have just picked it up and walked out with it and cut the lock off at their own leisure. There was also a locked gate in the way, which they picked.
There has been reference made to the rights of the people who use this website and that users basically have no rights, that they are subject to the changing dicates of the site owner (that's not an attack there simply a fact). Yes, Mark has absolute perogative to change the rules as and when he sees fit as it is HIS website. He wasn't asked to build it - he did it of his own accord and if it were my website then I would be bloody offended if someone tried to force my hand in it's administration.....
.....But..... (there always is one)..........
There is a trade off between absolute control and asking people to come to the website and use it. It's not just a question of 'if we build it, they will come' but more 'if we build it right, they will stay'. When new members register and join SH they are agreeing to a set of rules clearly laid out in the AUP and it's these rules that should be adhered to - nothing else.... there is no grey area here..... did XYZ break a rule in the AUP and, if so, is a ban warranted, when maybe a warning would suffice? Continued breaches of the AUP by the same person shows a blatant disregard for the website and the people that use it and a ban is justified - as it is in real life - if you break the law you get 'banned' from society by being locked up. Only here it's locked out, a very effective punishment.
Rant over, now who wants a shag ... hehehe
What a total bugger.. maybe you should invest in one of those small security camera's to watch over the garden, as they may be back.
I had some little whatsits try to nick my bike a few years ago (motorbike). Trashed the ignition and never got past it, so just cost me a bomb to fix... Insurance just goes up if ou claim so just came out of my pocket.
Luckily where I am living now has a very low crime rate, but still had the airial snapped a couple of times.
As such I can sympathise with the use of a paintball marker... few well placed shots, about halfway up, with frozen rounds...
Good luck with your new bike, what was it by the way? We are just thinking of buying one?
Got a paint grenade from the SH paintball weekend ;)
My dad had his motorbike nicked a couple of years ago. It had a chain lock on it, it was in the back of a locked garage with a car between the bike and the garage door, and there was another car parked on the drive. They broke the lock on the garage then carried it over the two cars (It was a crap bike too :shock: ). If the theiving little darlings want it they will get it!!!!!!!!
Yes, but I'll make it as difficult and as painful as possible for them to nick it next time.
Not really that good at ranting.......................
But I am getting pretty miffed about the way some folks are trying to out do each other in the "I am more annoyed than you because of the uninvited pm" brigade.
We all get them......some more than others. But a quick
"(Insert name) do not PM me" usually gets an op telling them not to pdq
or try the "/ignore (insert name)" trick if they persistantly pm you
or even try "/notice (insert op name) These people are annoying me can you do something"
There are three ways you can do it without resorting to three lines of abuse. Why do you need to do it? Are you trying to say "Look at me, I am popular"? It does nothing to enhance the room with verbal abuse flying here, there and everywhere.........with some even egging them on.
I go to the room to get away from lifes ugliness and want to enjoy the company of funny people who make me laugh. This, however, adds nothing to my enjoyment.
Certainly, ES. I should think a couple of hours alone in a darkened dungeon with you would be enough to convince the little scrote the error of his ways. :twisted: