I swear, if I ever catch the little bastard, he's in for a long, fun-filled night with me, a stripped mains flex and his testicles.
Quote by marmalaid
( i am led to belive mods and ops have shag lists but i am not 100% sure on this)
Quote by flapjackboy
No, but it wouldn't have made much difference if it was as they could have just picked it up and walked out with it and cut the lock off at their own leisure. There was also a locked gate in the way, which they picked.
Quote by Angel Chat
So let's say that the banned member in question has been banned for innappropriate behaviour, including physical violation of another person. Should we just let that person go to the hotels being used by SH members? Allow current members to actively encourage their presence and thereby put other SH members at risk of being physically abused by the person we banned for that kind of behaviour in the first place? If the banned member is an intimidating bully who feels perfectly comfortable going up to someone's face and staring them out, or standing across the room plainly staring at them and talking about them to a 3rd party? Someone who takes great pleasure in making people feel uncomfortable, laughing at the ops and mods that have banned them and basically sticking 2 fingers up at the whole of SH? If we have to do that then I'll be removing my name from all future munch lists and if one person has to go through the upset that several other members had to go through when that person was originally banned I'll just say "sorry, nothing we can do. We know he's like that but as long as he only goes to the afters party it's ok, deal with it" Or would you prefer that we do our level best to ensure that members who are banned for physical abuse and have more than one complaint made against them cannot be put in a position to abuse other members?
Quote by Wishmaster
When new members register and join SH they are agreeing to a set of rules clearly laid out in the AUP
Quote by Wishmasterrule, aah... just like that
and it's these rules
Quote by Wishmaster
that should be adhered to - nothing else.... there is no grey area here..... did XYZ break a rule in the AUP and, if so, is a ban warranted,
Quote by Wishmaster
when maybe a warning would suffice?
Quote by Wishmaster
Rant over, now who wants a shag ... hehehe
Quote by EagerSlut
I dunno what planet I inhabit but whilst I do see cyclical trends in the way the site appears from time to time, I am blissfully unaware of all the things that are being discussed here at the moment, and the reasons for them. Yep, it's true.![]()
ops: :oops: :oops:
I think I must be more of an innocent than I thought I was. :shock: :shock:![]()
:whistling: :whistling:
:uhoh: :uhoh:![]()
Quote by cheekychimp
I swear, if I ever catch the little bastard, he's in for a long, fun-filled night with me, a stripped mains flex and his testicles.
Quote by tallnhairy
Good luck with your new bike, what was it by the way? We are just thinking of buying one?