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omg i've just discovered the most disgusting thing

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1 watcher
See this vision of beauty here

I quite don't know how to break it to people and prehaps I shouldn't (but when has that ever stopped me confused) ......................Posh Kate eats her bogies Now she has some odd habits and I've always suspected her of this heighnous crime but she has always denied it untill just when I've caught her red handed (or green fingered if you like lol)
Now prehaps I'm alone here but I can't recall ever doing it as a child let alone an adult and I am now off to scrub my lips after realising in the past I have kissed a bogie eater :shock:
Quote by sheddy
See this vision of beauty here
I quite don't know how to break it to people and prehaps I shouldn't (but when has that ever stopped me confused) ......................Posh Kate eats her bogies Now she has some odd habits and I've always suspected her of this heighnous crime but she has always denied it untill just when I've caught her red handed (or green fingered if you like lol)
Now prehaps I'm alone here but I can't recall ever doing it as a child let alone an adult and I am now off to scrub my lips after realising in the past I have kissed a bogie eater :shock:

OMG!!!!!!!! Blek!!!!!! :giggle:
Sex God
Kate you dirty girl rolleyes
*wonna pick and eat mine?
Don't you worry Kate.
I knew two brothers once who used to pick eachothers noses at the same time and eat eachothers boogies!! lol :shock:
Sheddy.....i think this could be the beginning of the end.....i hope Posh has a very good sense of humour! lol
Quote by da69ve
Sheddy.....i think this could be the beginning of the end.....i hope Posh has a very good sense of humour! lol

Quote by elsewhere da69ve
nice to see Sheddy still has the use of his hands.......or has he?? :lol:

Nope I'm still here safe and sound and still half of a couple however she seems to have cut off my bedroom rights I've been trying all day but to no avail sad so I feel an ad in LMU for a stunt double PK is called for :lol:
But since I seem to have escaped unscathed let me take time out to dish the dirt on some more funny habbits.................
Now teeth grinding is one loud deathening teeth grinding, and you can hold a conversation with her in her sleep also the other morning I got up at 5 to go to work 2 arms leapt out of the bed grabbed me and kept me in a bear hug proclaiming I'm not letting you go (she can't remember any of this) then there is the sleep kicking seriously she has knock pictures off wall a good distance away from the bed when her legs start flailing and don't even start me on this funny thing she does when she orgasms.......................................
is this hole big enough yet confused bolt
Sex God
A large JCB on its way to help you!!
Well Sheddy hun, it has been nice knowing you, but I somehow dont think you will be around much longer, especially when PK reads your later additions wink
PK, if you need an hand, Im sure half the members of the site will be along to help and he deserves it for this lol
Here my friend you may need this:
Camoflaged for hiding at the bottom when they come looking for you ;)
the Victoria Cross has been awarded for less , you are one very brave man
have never had the chance to meet you or really get to know you but I guess I never will now lol
IF EATING BOGIES gives u a figure like that............
i`m gonna start eating em....
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by twos_company
IF EATING BOGIES gives u a figure like that............
i`m gonna start eating em....
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

It'd be enough to put ME off my food! confused
Quote by Dawnie
Kate you dirty girl rolleyes
*wonna pick and eat mine?

Dawnie thats just wrong
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Better than a 'picker n flicker' I'd guess cos then you'd be walking around in the ones that got stuck in the carpet!
I'll fetch me coat bolt (tm warwick)
Quote by Naughty Wigan Couple
PK, if you need an hand, Im sure half the members of the site will be along to help and he deserves it for this lol

I'm planning my revenge as we speak NWC............. :lol:
or actually I might just milk this one a bit longer.....I've already managed to get him to run me a bath.....I might see what else I can get from this one....... :lol:
Quote by poshkate

PK, if you need an hand, Im sure half the members of the site will be along to help and he deserves it for this lol

I'm planning my revenge as we speak NWC............. :lol:
or actually I might just milk this one a bit longer.....I've already managed to get him to run me a bath.....I might see what else I can get from this one....... :lol:
I hope you get a helluva lot more that just a bath run for you- much more milking needs doing- BAD SHEDDY! smackbottom
Quote by mazandden
I hope you get a helluva lot more that just a bath run for you- much more milking needs doing- BAD SHEDDY! smackbottom

Maz kiss
don't worry I've spoilt her rotten I've even lent her my sudoku book biggrin
Ya cant teach me nothing about showing a lady a good time :smug:
Sex God
Bogies, yuk, but within reach.
Dare I mention that we have a child who has recently started biting his toe nails. loon
The only way I'd be able to do that would be to amputate my foot. I couldn't get there even if I wanted to.
Eating your bogies give you worms and they are really hideous!!!
Sheddy, think that shed of yours may be suddenly looking very appealing. :shock:
PoshKate, I am with you sister in terms of served cold remember wink
pink x
Sex God
Quote by felixx1416
Kate you dirty girl rolleyes
*wonna pick and eat mine?

Dawnie thats just wrong
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Maybe so but the smack bottoms weren't :giggle:
Sexlightened could at least grill them :giggle: :crazy: :thrilled:
were they fresh ones?
Sex God
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Thats for shattering all of my favourite fantasies about PK rolleyes
bogies ............. blek
Quote by Ian
Bogies, yuk, but within reach.
Dare I mention that we have a child who has recently started biting his toe nails. loon
The only way I'd be able to do that would be to amputate my foot. I couldn't get there even if I wanted to.

I bite my toe nails ( only when ive been in bath thou)
Quote by Pete_sw
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Thats for shattering all of my favourite fantasies about PK rolleyes
bogies ............. blek

Same here! :shock:
Maybe that was the plan... wink
I am at such a loss for words !!!! :shock:
Sex God
Quote by Kiss
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Thats for shattering all of my favourite fantasies about PK rolleyes
bogies ............. blek

Same here! :shock:
Maybe that was the plan... wink
:idea: glad someones thinking here :thumbup:
Quote by Pete_sw
smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
Thats for shattering all of my favourite fantasies about PK rolleyes
bogies ............. blek

rotflmao I'd still do er!!!!!!
What!!!! dunno
:scared: Only joking!! did'nt mean it bolt