you can be anything you like in any thread you like.
remember PC rules... or is it Mac ???
oh goodness I can't remember,
you be happy until you pop with it.
you ain't seen me, right?
Yes Im happy..........the sun is shining..........getting my veggies planned (hey I mean gardening, nothing kinky :shock: )............and Im off to meet up with a new friend for naughtiness at 2pm...........spring is in the air!
Today Im happy just because I made ciabatta bread to perfection.............
Woohoooooooo.... Im happy, just got my Self Representing Artist number through :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Im really shiny and happy! got a new ipod with some brill music on - Cocteau Twins and some Wendy and Lisa going to be rockin' at my carers job today...!
WOOHOO!!!!! :thrilled:
(its silver.. does that count as shiny??)
Finally got back in the forums for yonks.....thats enough to make me a shiny happy people....person...pppp....something!
have lived in my current address for just over two years now,the other night i came home and forgot my car lights on,this lady from over the road knocked o my door to remind me to turn them off....i was lost of words never said hallo or even seen her me feel really good
hey jags any chance this thread can permanently next to steam room,some of us could do with a positive vibe before and after crap day at work....just a suggestion pls dont bite