What post are you talking about? I'm an early riser.. care to PM me the problem? Can't promise to help but give me a try.
Foxy, In the case of the Lorry Drivers thread, which you did understand why the lock was necessary, I think that the main reason it couldn`t carry on was because of the emotive nature. I can understand what you were trying to do with the second thread, but unfortunately with such high emotion, and personal experiances which fuelled these emotions, I don`t think it would have ever remained a calm discussion. I think the mods recognised this and acted accordingly.
I`ve run a site where I`ve been criticised for the opposite, not acting soon enough. Sometimes I think the Mods are all too often damned if they do, and damned if they don`t!
I always thought that when a thread was locked a mod pm'ed you to tell you and say why,ive always been pm'ed when ive been a naughty boy!!!!
OK.. I've now got the gist of the problem from Dambuster and have sent it winging it's way to ALL the other Mods and Mark.
I can confirm that the thread did exist - but what happened and why is a mystery to me. However, most times people are PMd to say why but not always.
There is a complete and total difference in taking something personally that was not meant that way and putting something across to an individual,thats when a debate goes too far when getting at individuals!
(just my twopenneth)
my two penneth ....
dangerous driving sucks , so do witchhunts
ok. once again i'm talking from very, very limited experience . . . i am claiming nothing for myself . . it's very much IMHO! and most likely not my place to even have a humble opinion!
exactly how do you all think "open forum" is preserved. particularly this one?
once upon a time, for a coupla short weeks, i felt i was up to opping a chatroom not a million miles away!
one of my major reasons for not opping anymore, was cos i found that there's a very, very fine line between allowing free speech, and allowing things to get personal and derogatory. i erred on the side of caution, and looked entirely kick happy as a result! it was altogether impossible for me to find the right time to step in to preserve a balanced discussion!
allowing "open forum" or an "open chatroom" is a very difficult job, and i think many would be surprised by what goes on behind the scenes to ensure it stays that way! i'm quite sure it wasn't an arbitrary decision, but was discussed the first time round.
the discussion was locked, rightly so, cos it had degenerated into personal slanging matches. to re-open it was a mistake. it was rightly locked again! nuff said!
if i've said too much even here, a mod will rightly be along any moment to delete my entire post. in the interests of balanced argument, i will not argue!
neil x x x ;-)
Fair point Ice but to say that they can delete a post or lock it just because they can is wrong,and an abuse of authority!!
Authority figures or public servants, trying to please as many people as possible?
People see Authority figures, but when you are on the otherside of those buttons it really doesn`t feel that way.
Yeah alright possibly the wrong wording there,but you know what i meant,so i therefore put my point across correctly!!
I'm in tears - and they're not of laughter. It's not that serious. It's easy to pick up bruised feelings but the rules are the rules and the way the site is run is the way the site is run. If you don't like it ......
I'm genuinely not getting at anyone just the whole argument!!
I'm going to watch Ken Stott in thingy now!!