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Other Swing sites

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I was just wondering if any of you, like me, have tried other swingers sites. One in particular gives me cause for concern and could damage the reputation of sites like this Excellent and Honest site. I joined one recently for free and bingo within 24hrs I had 3 cpls and 1 fem, all in my area trying to contact me. The only problem was I had to join, i.e. pay, in order to contact them. And you've guessed it, once paid, total silence, not a dicky bird. A chat room that's never worked, and when you write to the said site, you never get a reply. I'm probably not allowed to mention the site by name but it has a "UK" in the title. As I hate, with a vengeance, this sort of practice, I would love to know if any of you have had similar experiences. I must add at this point that SH, as we all well know, is a totally honest and respectable site. Unlike other gutter sites.
It's a well known con I'm afraid.
It's not just swinging sites either, a lot of the less honest dating sites use it as well.
Put it down to experience.
:shock: you mean there are more swinging sites........ rolleyes
One other site in particular has a propensity for trolling and pm'ing members here to tempt them away from SH to their awful site with all sorts of "offers". rolleyes
Very underhanded and has been stamped on more than once to my certain knowledge.
However, it could be said that imitation is the best form of flattery cool 8-) 8-)
SH is the best site which is why so many keep coming back. :thumbup:
Quote by Jetranger
I was just wondering if any of you, like me, have tried other swingers sites. One in particular gives me cause for concern and could damage the reputation of sites like this Excellent and Honest site. I joined one recently for free and bingo within 24hrs I had 3 cpls and 1 fem, all in my area trying to contact me. The only problem was I had to join, i.e. pay, in order to contact them. And you've guessed it, once paid, total silence, not a dicky bird. A chat room that's never worked, and when you write to the said site, you never get a reply. I'm probably not allowed to mention the site by name but it has a "UK" in the title. As I hate, with a vengeance, this sort of practice, I would love to know if any of you have had similar experiences. I must add at this point that SH, as we all well know, is a totally honest and respectable site. Unlike other gutter sites.

Why don't/can't you name and shame them ... then we can all avoid falling into the same trap?
"** ********" Phil. These sites need to get a life and realize that no one would ever deal with them, or anyone associated with, ever again.
Perhaps naming and shaming will pull SH down to their level, which would be a shame dunno
I don't see how Gav, as SH is a proven site run by HONEST people. So hopefully not, and I personally have never seen a complaint made against them.
Quote by Jetranger
I don't see how Gav, as SH is a proven site run by HONEST people. So hopefully not, and I personally have never seen a complaint made against them.

I'm sure there are quite a few out there who would complain about SH - all those who have been banned for one reason or another?
Still doesn't mean we need to name and shame any other site though.
Quote by GnV
SH is the best site which is why so many keep coming back. :thumbup:

Including those that seek to slate this site on other sites ;-)
This is getting political smile
Quote by Jetranger
This is getting political smile

It was political when you started it rolleyes
It was a gripe about another site; you were conned and wanted to know if others had been too - can't see why you'd need to know that anyway.
Hopefully it will be locked.
Mmm I seem to have upset a few of you, just by being ripped off. Sorry about that.
Quote by Jetranger
"** ********" Phil. These sites need to get a life and realize that no one would ever deal with them, or anyone associated with, ever again.

So, Jetranger's reply to my post is a row of stars, and I have to PM him to ask him what he said.
I suppose someone edited out his reply; couldn't they just have said that's what they were doing?
If the guys are a con, what's wrong with saying so? I don't see that that does anything but enhance the reputation and status of SH, and vouch for its honesty.
Quote by Philfuller
"** ********" Phil. These sites need to get a life and realize that no one would ever deal with them, or anyone associated with, ever again.

So, Jetranger's reply to my post is a row of stars, and I have to PM him to ask him what he said.
I suppose someone edited out his reply; couldn't they just have said that's what they were doing?
If the guys are a con, what's wrong with saying so? I don't see that that does anything but enhance the reputation and status of SH, and vouch for its honesty.
Some words are picked up by filters and * out automatically.
Naming and shaming is not allowed at all and for good reason. Jetranger was duped; he's not the first, he won't be the last. People are hardly likely to stand up and admit that they were taken in are they, so that they too look daft?
Why is SH so popular??
Is it because we have owners who actually care about "our community" and are not just running the site for the money side of things.
And they are honest and real people not faceless money men.
Most of the day to day running of this place is done by members who have a few extra buttons ops/mods and most of you have met those people, and know that they are genuine people too who also care about what happens in here.
I have a rough idea on how much the guys that own this site have spent trying to improve things, and there is no way that they have got much of that outgoing back as income, it will take time to actually see those improvements being noticed by all and sundry but most people are quick to criticise and slow to praise.
Sh is the best site around,not because it has the most members but because IMHO it has become a community where people come to chat to friends and have a laugh and ohhh!! yes meet fellow swingers too rolleyes.
We have met and made loads more friends on here than we have had swings.
Quote by Freckledbird
"** ********" Phil. These sites need to get a life and realize that no one would ever deal with them, or anyone associated with, ever again.

So, Jetranger's reply to my post is a row of stars, and I have to PM him to ask him what he said.
I suppose someone edited out his reply; couldn't they just have said that's what they were doing?
If the guys are a con, what's wrong with saying so? I don't see that that does anything but enhance the reputation and status of SH, and vouch for its honesty.
Some words are picked up by filters and * out automatically.
Naming and shaming is not allowed at all and for good reason. Jetranger was duped; he's not the first, he won't be the last. People are hardly likely to stand up and admit that they were taken in are they, so that they too look daft?
What is the good reason? Jetranger - give him is due - did stand up and say he had been duped! Why can't he be allowed to say who duped him?
As for automatic ***, filtering posts - as emails - without saying so is just sneeky, and no credit to SH at all!
I'm not saying anymore until I've spoken to my brief biggrin
Quote by Philfuller
"** ********" Phil. These sites need to get a life and realize that no one would ever deal with them, or anyone associated with, ever again.

So, Jetranger's reply to my post is a row of stars, and I have to PM him to ask him what he said.
I suppose someone edited out his reply; couldn't they just have said that's what they were doing?
If the guys are a con, what's wrong with saying so? I don't see that that does anything but enhance the reputation and status of SH, and vouch for its honesty.
Some words are picked up by filters and * out automatically.
Naming and shaming is not allowed at all and for good reason. Jetranger was duped; he's not the first, he won't be the last. People are hardly likely to stand up and admit that they were taken in are they, so that they too look daft?
What is the good reason? Jetranger - give him is due - did stand up and say he had been duped! Why can't he be allowed to say who duped him?
As for automatic ***, filtering posts - as emails - without saying so is just sneeky, and no credit to SH at all!
Mmmmmmm? This is slightly worrying particularly as it seems it's not common knowledge.
Also if Jetranger was merely ranting about another site, then I'd agree the site shouldn't be named and shamed. However if his comments prove to be correct would the name be re-instated so that others are not duped as well?
That surely would be useful.
The good reason is that it's way too open to abuse. We only have Jetranger's word for it that he was duped. What if he had a gripe with the site owner or someone on the site and used 'name and shame' to give them a bad reputation? I'm not suggesting that he did, but it's possible.
Quote by Philfuller
As for automatic ***, filtering posts - as emails - without saying so is just sneeky, and no credit to SH at all!

Why sneaky? Have you paid for your membership? To allow you to contact people and post on here? Some people don't want to do that so they post email addresses in an attempt to get out of paying. Yet you and others have to pay - is that acceptable?
Quote by woohoo
Why is SH so popular??
Is it because we have owners who actually care about "our community" and are not just running the site for the money side of things.
And they are honest and real people not faceless money men.
Most of the day to day running of this place is done by members who have a few extra buttons ops/mods and most of you have met those people, and know that they are genuine people too who also care about what happens in here.
I have a rough idea on how much the guys that own this site have spent trying to improve things, and there is no way that they have got much of that outgoing back as income, it will take time to actually see those improvements being noticed by all and sundry but most people are quick to criticise and slow to praise.

My last two posts - one in this thread - have been critical of SH! Was I too quick? I know no other swinging site, but I do chat on several other boards, and the practices there have prompted me to make several suggestions to SH. Although they have been acknowledged, I can't see that any have been implemented yet ... and that leads to frustration, for I have no idea whether my suggestions - which were intended to be helpful - are simply ignored. What would be useful would be a statement by the owners of what they are planning by way of improvements; perhaps they could post a monthly blog somewhere on the site.
It is obvious, from what others say, that there have been many changes in the past year or so, but if you have come to the site - as I have - since then, you see it as you find it, and you take the past changes for granted.
It would be good to meet the owners. How can I do that?
I'm not saying anymore until I've spoken to my brief biggrin
Quote by Freckledbird
As for automatic ***, filtering posts - as emails - without saying so is just sneeky, and no credit to SH at all!

Why sneaky? Have you paid for your membership? To allow you to contact people and post on here? Some people don't want to do that so they post email addresses in an attempt to get out of paying. Yet you and others have to pay - is that acceptable?
Yes, I've paid the full amount, and still my emails are edited ... or, to use the euphemism, filtered ... without telling me. mad :x
OK here's another thought. Phil has already said that he hadn't heard of that site. Even though Jetranger was moaning about it, other people (like Phil) might have thought 'I'll go and have a look there'.
Ever heard the phrase 'there's no such thing as bad publicity'?
And Jetranger, posting the same message repeatedly is spamming, however many smiley emoticons you post after it.
Phil, there are suggestion boxes in most places now. Do you expect a reply every time you make a suggestion to an establishment? Do they post timetables of improvements? When they do, if they don't keep to those timetables you can guarantee that someone will be there to ask them why. Have you met with the owners of many major establishments or businesses?
Here we go again!
Another round of the perennial posting board (bored) game:
"I'm OK, You're not OK!"
Quote by ukbeannie
Here we go again!
Another round of the perennial posting board (bored) game:
"I'm OK, You're not OK!"

Jetranger, i.e. me, has only posted his message once, that is not spamming, and the smiley’s are to keep this conversation friendly. I apologies to frecklebird for saying how good this site is and how bad others are. :shock:
Quote by Jetranger
Jetranger, i.e. me, has only posted his message once, that is not spamming, and the smiley’s are to keep this conversation friendly. I apologies to frecklebird for saying how good this site is and how bad others are. :shock:

Once at 3:47 and once at 3:49 - maybe you hit 'submit' twice?
I don't think the conversation's unfriendly, actually. I can see your point Jetranger about warning people, but naming and shaming is just open to abuse. We don't all need telling that this site is better than some others.
Quote by woohoo
Why is SH so popular??
Is it because we have owners who actually care about "our community" and are not just running the site for the money side of things.
And they are honest and real people not faceless money men.
Most of the day to day running of this place is done by members who have a few extra buttons ops/mods and most of you have met those people, and know that they are genuine people too who also care about what happens in here.
I have a rough idea on how much the guys that own this site have spent trying to improve things, and there is no way that they have got much of that outgoing back as income, it will take time to actually see those improvements being noticed by all and sundry but most people are quick to criticise and slow to praise.
Sh is the best site around,not because it has the most members but because IMHO it has become a community where people come to chat to friends and have a laugh and ohhh!! yes meet fellow swingers too rolleyes.
We have met and made loads more friends on here than we have had swings.

I can see you are a fan of SH woo, but how do you cope with knowing the claim of '773,243 members
can't be wrong!' on the front page is clearly untrue.
They may have 773,243 records on their database, but most are obsolete non-paying members who have not accessed the site for months or years.
The saying 'Garbage in, Garbage out' springs to mind
Quote by Liaisons
I can see you are a fan of SH woo, but how do you cope with knowing the claim of '773,243 members
can't be wrong!' on the front page is clearly untrue.
They may have 773,243 records on their database, but most are obsolete non-paying members who have not accessed the site for months or years.
The saying 'Garbage in, Garbage out' springs to mind

Yep loads of people not signed in for yonks.. and it is a bit of a pain having to look through them when doing a search.. but have you seen how many is joining on a day basis?
if not, click the link below! ( takes a min to load )
242 new accounts so far today :shock:
Tony wink