I was just wondering if any of you, like me, have tried other swingers sites. One in particular gives me cause for concern and could damage the reputation of sites like this Excellent and Honest site. I joined one recently for free and bingo within 24hrs I had 3 cpls and 1 fem, all in my area trying to contact me. The only problem was I had to join, i.e. pay, in order to contact them. And you've guessed it, once paid, total silence, not a dicky bird. A chat room that's never worked, and when you write to the said site, you never get a reply. I'm probably not allowed to mention the site by name but it has a "UK" in the title. As I hate, with a vengeance, this sort of practice, I would love to know if any of you have had similar experiences. I must add at this point that SH, as we all well know, is a totally honest and respectable site. Unlike other gutter sites.
It's a well known con I'm afraid.
It's not just swinging sites either, a lot of the less honest dating sites use it as well.
Put it down to experience.
"** ********" Phil. These sites need to get a life and realize that no one would ever deal with them, or anyone associated with, ever again.
I don't see how Gav, as SH is a proven site run by HONEST people. So hopefully not, and I personally have never seen a complaint made against them.
Mmm I seem to have upset a few of you, just by being ripped off. Sorry about that.
OK here's another thought. Phil has already said that he hadn't heard of that site. Even though Jetranger was moaning about it, other people (like Phil) might have thought 'I'll go and have a look there'.
Ever heard the phrase 'there's no such thing as bad publicity'?
And Jetranger, posting the same message repeatedly is spamming, however many smiley emoticons you post after it.
Phil, there are suggestion boxes in most places now. Do you expect a reply every time you make a suggestion to an establishment? Do they post timetables of improvements? When they do, if they don't keep to those timetables you can guarantee that someone will be there to ask them why. Have you met with the owners of many major establishments or businesses?
Here we go again!
Another round of the perennial posting board (bored) game:
"I'm OK, You're not OK!"
Jetranger, i.e. me, has only posted his message once, that is not spamming, and the smiley’s are to keep this conversation friendly. I apologies to frecklebird for saying how good this site is and how bad others are. :shock: