Hi All,
Its my first topic on here so be kind ;-)
Probaly been said a million times but being relatively newly single and new on here, here goes my discussion piece.
It seems there is an ageism going on with dating sites and Adult clubs.
I am too old to speed date, too old for all default searches and now even too old to be deemed worthy of going to some Adult clubs on a Saturday!!!
Really...... Should I just pack up my genitals and go live like a spinster now lol
In reality I have no problem with my age and neither has any guy I have liaised with; all younger I may add due to personal preference.
Your thoughts on this would be fun :-D
I think age can be an issue for a lot of people.
Along with height it seems to be the most imaginative aspect of profiles.
I always do the Dr Who test. Ask em who their fave Dr Who is and you get a fair idea of their real age.
Then we shag em anyway cos who gives a shit?
I get you both lol
It just surpries me that whoever sets up these parametres and rules is blindly ignorant to the fact that it really is nothing to do with the date on your passport, so why restrict people on it??
I guess its just frustrating, kinda feels like segregation is being cultivated within the general dating scene and such a shame for all.......
As I said I tend to date younger guys generally but this is because of common interests and where I socialise; I would never turn someone away purely for age.
I just found it odd to come across a two tierd society where there is some specific cut off point(35)at which you should pack up and go away quietly or play with 'fellow oldies' only. lol
Anyone remember the film 'Logans Run'?? :scared:
Oh and Tom Baker/Peter Davidson on the Dr Who :-D
Haha, I am a Jon Pertwee.
Yup, stick with an open mind and bugger the rest of em.
Patrick Troughton! :thumbup:
And :welcome: Pammy! I'd like to say you're too young for me, but I'm an old perve so I can't! ;)
I'm 46 and I am certainly NOT to old - for anything!
There are some guys who are too young - but that's about filtering out those with less experience without having to actually give them a competence test.
Age is just a number but unfortunately when you get really old like me 44+vat you forget how to add up :twisted:
Hell perhaps I should hang up my swinging boots, get out the hot chocolate and just generally admit that life should consist of only meals for one and being kind to animals and small children. Surely not ............
wait till you're approaching 50 as rapidly as laff - not chilli cos I'm taking a year off for every year over 45
He's as grumpy as an old man, but as bouncy as a puppy, as set in his ways as a statue, and as gentle and loving as any man had ever been
(enough of the praise - he'll be getting a big head - and back to the topic)
Age has put some ppl off meeting us - we know cos they've said so - and some ppl even say as much in there profile, but all we say is that your loss is our gain. Just means there's even more of us to go around for those who aren't blinded by their age-ist attitudes.
Now really..... once you get past 40 years of age you should just accept that you swinging career has petered out....sorry Peter.....and just relax into the online "wank over porn" group...cos you're not gonna get laid....mind you there are still chatroom options where you can pretend to be virile or sexy and deceive some young couple that you can actually deliver the goods....but hey...we all know that it's not gonna happen..so just retire gracefully....I mean who would want to shag someone over 40 years of age?
We're both well the wrong side of 50 and we've had fun meets (with repeats) with 30 yr olds as well as cples our age. So haven't come across ageism
I think it depends on how you take it....
If I'm looking at a profile that interests me and then I come accross an "under 40s only" type restriction (and there are a fair few out there) I simply move on. If they are that set against it by putting it in writing then I would only be wasting my own time as well as theirs by continuing my interest. No problem there.
Where I would have a problem was if I'd got to know someone and was getting on well and then when it came to meeting up they backed out because of my age.
For the record I have guidelines on my profile, simply as an aid to those browsing. It's simply a statistical analysis of the most common age of people I meet - a 'ballpark' starting point if you want. I would (and have) met people outside of that range.
Don't take it personally.....just look at it as their loss.
34 year old.....
A toyboy to my more mature meets.....dirty old man in training for younger ladies looking to find an experienced partner in filth :rascal:
Simply Fraser to anyone inbetween.
The only change age has brought is I have stopped using the word girl and replaced it with the word lady; in both my adverts and conversations (still preceded by the words filthy or dirty in most cases).