Thanks to all of you who replied to my question about ankle bracelets...Here's another question...
I was told that you can tell a swingers house becuase it has pampass grass in the front garden !
I really hope that this is another myth, cause my neighbour has some and she is in her 70's !
If someone were tovisit a house, approaching the front door after negotiating a route via the grasses and be greeted at the door by a glamourous woman wearing a small decorative ankle chain... then notice when being offered a cup od tea in the lounge, lit casually by a well placed lava-lamp, that the car keys had been casually tossed into a crystal-cut bowl on the smoked glass coffee table... well, they get ideas might they not?
The saucie people
It has to be a cream leather sofa tho!! :giggle:
i went to a certain swingers club a while ago and there were some very mature members there!!