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passed the 100 mark...

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Hey hey hey....
I've been so totally engrossed in the forums and everything I've only just realised we've topped the 100 postings mark!!!!
Nowhere near enough to be thought of as 'regulars' just yet... but we're getting there. I don't think you realise how much fun we've had and how many forum users we now look upon as 'friends' in weird kinda way(even though we've never met any of you)
Hopefully, some of that will change when we meet a few of you nutcases at SurreySingles party on Saturday!!!!
Anyway, here's to the next 100 and beyond and also big thanks for making us feel very much a part of your community!!!
Paul and Susie xx
Quote by PaulnSusie
forum users we now look upon as 'friends' in weird kinda way

Hmpf. And I was under the impression we were all dreadfully normal in here! :P
Anyways, congrats on your first 100! :thumbup:
~Reese! surprised
PaulnTheDivineSusie . . . .
many many congrats! few stick around long enough! t'is an achievement to be proud of! tho be warned, you're no longer newbies, and we will now expect completely random bollox on a daily basis! good luck at surrey's, keep having fun!
neil x x x x ;-)
:thrilled: :thrilled: CONGRATULATIONS :thrilled: :thrilled:
Paul and Susie it has been a pleasure reading every post (It means we get to perv at your avatar) :inlove: hump passionkiss sillyhwoar:
SoPLEASE keep em coming lol :lol2: :smile2:
Clare and Steve,xxx
congrats on reaching 100..........
you do realise there is no escape now!!! biggrin :D :D :D
one you get to 200 they have a lovely padded room waiting for you....
sean xxxxxxx
p.s how is your birthday party plans coming?
Quote by Fabio
once you get to 200 they have a lovely padded room waiting for you....

bastards!!! they gave me no such thing! email to admin is winging it's way as i speak! maybe they're trying to tell me summat, but i'm not so easily rid of! pah!
n :P
It feels good doesn`t it? 100.
Before you know it there will be NO ESCAPE
Well done! lol

100 is something special isn't it??
But I've recently passed 200 and I didn't even notice. dunno
Does that mean complacency is settling in?
Or insanity?
Congrats PaulnSusie,i myself have just gone through 800 and didnt even realise at the time.
thx guys...
we really do feel as though we are becoming more and more part of the furniture here and you've all made us both feel very welcome.
Fabio... birthday plans nothing concrete yet matey, there's been a few PM's from couples and a couple of singles who are interested in doing something on the 21st..... just unfortunate that my birthday coincides with the NW Munch(how inconsiderate of my mother to give birth to me on that particular day!!!!)
Anyways...if anyone else down South and aint going to the NW Munch.. if ya fancy getting together somewhere... let us know......
Paul and Susie xx