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People that we find attractive

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OK, so here's a topic for discussion. Sometimes we find people attractive that others may seem a little odd, or are not appealing in 'the normal' run of things. But, to some people this personality is very appealing and elicits fantasies. I suppose it's a bit like having a fetish. Some people like gasmask and rubber suits, but after having tried them a few years ago working against the evil empire and removing sand from some raw spots they don't appeal to me.
So, here's my confession to kick start the conversation. Bonnie Langford, yes, Bonnie Langford. I think it's got something to do with the leotards, dancing and the masses of red hair. Also she seems such a goody two shoes, it makes you want to be real diiirty with her.
Anybody else have a fantasy figure that winds their watch?
Go on be daring, sorry but I'm also claiming Liz from Blue Peter.
I know it's an old cliche but it really is about personality (stop yawning everyone). Whilst the physical attributes will turn your head (everyone loves a stunning woman or man) after the initial lust has gone, what are you left with?
Of course I say this because I am a completely average looking guy who has to use wit, charm and loads of money to entice women into my lair
John Cleese and Clive James do it for me - and I wouldn't kick Michael Palin, Alan Rickman or Liam Neeson out of bed either.
As for the thinking woman's bit of rough, well Sean Bean will do for starters!
Sappho xxx
PS: Mmm, what does our choice of fantasy figure say about us? Very Freudian...
Joanna (Purdy) Lumley, Oh & here's a confession "Penelope Keith"
Yep; intelligence, humour and personality do it for me everytime. It is perfectly possible to fall in love with somebody's mind first and then their body - thank God!
Sometimes people just click on so many different levels. That's what makes the world go round (sorry for the tacky cliche to end with! rolleyes )
then it would have to be Dianna Rigg. It's the catsuit!!!
Quote by Fun365
Of course I say this because I am a completely average looking guy who has to use wit, charm and loads of money to entice women into my lair

Spare a thought for us poor guys without loads of money!! confused forgot Sean Connerry
Cambsman......Penelope Keith???? :shock: are you sure you don't mean Felicity Kendall?
Well once again Sappho we seem to have commonality!
Alan Rickman & Sean Bean are high on my list too
But I have to admit to Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson and Alex Baldwin too
Actually maybe this topic should be a poll or maybe two polls - seperate one for men & women
What attribute of a person first attracts you?
The trouser bulge (men) Big Boobs (women)
The six pack (or lack of it)
After Shave/Perfume
Beard/Mustache (in my experience this could be either gender - girls get the immac out)
Nice Smile
etc etc
Perhaps when we know & publish the results we may find a change in approach from some of our more 'direct' members
Love, Alex x x x
wow felicity kendall what ever happened to her
i have to say courtney cox does it for me
Kindness and openness and honesty.
If it has to be something physical then it would have to be a cheeky smile and a wicked twinkle in the eyes. smile
Spot on Andy!
noooooooo Andy hasn't got a spot!
Love Alex
P.S. - like the new pic!
Has to be the whole package - the chemistry has to work even if the other person is not conventionally 'beautiful' or 'handsome'.
Other threads have been about this very topic (have a hunt around) and the general consenus is that usually (for others) and only (for me) it has to be brains/personality/behaviour way above conventional looks.
I like people who are that little bit eccentric, a lot intelligent, a lot funny, can hold a conversation which is of a higher level than 'fancy a shag luv' but still has the confidence to talk dirty when dirty talk is needed/wanted.
Yes, an ideal man for a woman may be Sean Connery, Sean Bean, Alan Rickman et al but that's not how the world revolves.
Make me laugh, make me think and then make me squeal with pleasure!!
(oh, and yes he does exist!)
who do most people think they look like then? alex do you really look like your avatar
I just took it about 5 mins ago - I thought I looked a bit too miserable in the last one. smile
Glad you like it.
Maybe I'm a bit too open and out there, putting a face pic on my avatar, but I have nothing to hide and dont care if anyone I know in "real life" sees it, cause people take me how I am or not at all. :)
aownen said
alex do you really look like your avatar

Oh Noooooooooo
I'm a 20 stone female wrestler, wispy beard and BO - got the picture now?
Andy - I think you are lucky to feel you can put a face pic up. I would die to be that comfortable with myself to do that.
Quote by Andy_Wakefield
I just took it about 5 mins ago - I thought I looked a bit too miserable in the last one. smile
Glad you like it.
Maybe I'm a bit too open and out there, putting a face pic on my avatar, but I have nothing to hide and dont care if anyone I know in "real life" sees it, cause people take me how I am or not at all. :)

Don't think you looked miserable at all - and you did say there was a woman lower down your body so I would think you were lost in pleasure!!
Well I have to say Sean Bean would do for starters, but I also have a thing for Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn LOTR). It's something to do with his cheek bones lol
Failing ever getting the chance with those two 'cos I'd be way behind Sappho et el in the queue, I'd have to say, I would go for a man with intelligence, articulation, and personality more than looks. If he happened to have loads of money too, I could cope with that - one has to take the rough with the smooth wink
Looks do not really figure in my taste in men - and I married Jon to proove it :twisted:
sorry Jon! couldn't resist :lol:
Back to topic.....
Cheryl Baker! redface surprisedops:
OMG - did I really say that? :shock:
Why? - I have absolutely no idea - she just "dings my bell" as a complete package.... confused:
Pass me my medication nurse! rolleyes
Showing your age now Fred - not so much bad taste as 'quirky' taste and that's what it's all about.
Don't think she's got a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs though... lol :lol:
Steve, no I really did mean Penelope Keith (big teenage fantasy), but then again I wouldnt turn Felicity Kendal away either smile
biggrin Well I have to say the quirky guy that does it for me is Donald Sutherland......ever since he flashed his bottom in Animal House......... my God I get excited just thinking about it :thrilled: :thrilled:
Quote by aownen
who do most people think they look like then? alex do you really look like your avatar

I would have to say Penfold from Danger Mouse. What a guy biggrin . Not really obviously 8) . Although it was a nickname on a lads holiday.
Complete package comes in two forms for me.
Liv Tyler - Grrrr, funny gal too. I don't think it is the ears (LOTR) but I wouldn't complain if she wanted to wear them. Something extra to grab hold of :twisted:
Christina Aguilera - Only for her complete dirty side to go with that nice tight little body of hers. Me and my girlfriend would love to get our mits on her.
The entire population of my female friends all seem to go for Orlando Bloom. So they all loved it when he shared the screen with Johnny Depp. They couldn't sit still all movie. :shock:
Oh dear, maybe I don't watch enough television or I'm the wrong generation but I don't know half the people you've all mentioned. Equally, I don't suppose any of you know the girl who works in the shop opposite my office so I'd better not mention her to you.
There is one girl on TV, that I should mention, though, and that is Officer Suhn (spelling?) in Farscape. My girlfriend is bi and we used to sit there watching that programme with both our tongues hanging out.
Red Baron
I can't believe that no-one has mentioned Kylie :shock: :shock: :shock:
Felicity Kendal and the mum from the Oxo advert, not necessarily both at the same time.
Here's one that will baffle most of you....... I think that Maggie (from Maggie and the Ferocious Beast) is much fitter than Dora The Explorer !!!!! redface surprisedops: confused :? :?
Quote by bluexxx
I can't believe that no-one has mentioned Kylie :shock: :shock: :shock:

Sorry Blue, just couldn't resist. :twisted:
Bl**dy hell, only been posted for 2 hrs and 25 replies already.
Penelope Keith's on the list for me as well. Would just love to have her in jodphurs and riding gear, bent over and spanking her bottom, ooh.
Actually Darcy Bussel(?) ballerina after she'd just come off stage in toutou. just the once and i'd die a happy man.
the mum from the Oxo advert

So the Sarge has the hots for Lynda Bellingham!
Maggie who?
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I think that Maggie (from Maggie and the Ferocious Beast) is much fitter than Dora The Explorer !!!!!

Earth to Sgt Bilko.....come in Sgt Bilko......
Wtf is he on about??