I think I am forever changing... whether it is something I read.. or something that happens....everything around you is constantly changing... so you grow/adapt to it...
I don't see change as a bad thing... am I the same person with the same set of beliefs that I was when I stepped in here 3 and a half years ago... no, but I do think I have changed for the better, be that thru the people I have met... of the things I have seen... or the conversations I have had.....
I think that each and everyone of life's upheavals shapes us. If it (life) kicks you in the teeth enough times, you start to preempt it.
I've always been a trusting person. When a guy was trying to get me paralytic a while back, I told him that "nothing was going to happen" and believed him when he said "I wouldn't dream of it....." the events of the next few hours left me not trusting men. However- I soon came to realise that most of them weren't fuckwits, and went back to treating them accordingly.
A lot of people find themselves changed irreversibly. I was lucky not to be one of them, I far prefer my trusting nature.
I don't think I've changed over the years, more like developed a confidence in myself and acceptance of who I am. It's something that comes with age and maturity. You tend to adapt to change better and are a bit more laid back about things.
People's feelings do change though, I've no doubt about that. I've seen a massive change in someone who used to be very close to me and they're almost unrecognisable as the person I knew and cared for a little while back.
Personally I don't really think that people change ever.
Whats inside has always been inside, but in some cases the individual has just not discovered it, or in some cases has discovered it, but will choose to hide it from themselves and others.
Maybe another reason why I believe life is about discovery .........
I think it can be hard to change what you really are, I think what you can do is change an opinion/way depending on a situation.
I have changed the way I am at work, I used to do alot of the DIY around the cab office where I work, I could not stand seeing something that needed doing and not doing it. I now won't do anything that I don't have to at work, this is because the boss got to the stage were he expected me to do it and would not pay me. I decieded to change.
i used to be so quiet :shock:
When I was young I looked to others to protect and guide me. As I grew I was eager to learn. Then one year I changed from someone who stood by to someone who acted, and protected. I know when and who to thank for that. Call it confidence if you wish, but I consider it social obligation. As Kennedy said 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.'
Was it a good change? I think so. Not everyone does.
The point is I always had a sense of justice, but someone made me understand that for evil to prosper good must do nothing. I was doing nothing, now I do something. It was not me that changed, but the way I inter-act with the world.