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People who change...

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Quote by Corrie2007
We all change and we all affect people intentionally or otherwise. How often I have said to myself is it me? What have I actually done? I have been told I am too honest - in fact people spend a lot of time telling me who I am without realising how much it can hurt. Oh and yes I can do that back so I am not looking for sympathy just making a comment. Sure there are people who feel I have hurt them.
I really get tired of the way people in the cyber world say they are your friend and then something happens they may not like and thats it - you are no longer on the list - no talking, no being honest about what upset them, just toys taken away. Happens to men and women too.
I am feeling low today because of change - nothing bad just a change. People say 'be yourself and stay true to yourself'. I think that is very good advice and its something I will do.
But with change comes opportunities to grow and make new friends and have new experiences - here and in life in general. So strangely enough I can usually celebrate change.
Anyway this is the time of year for reflection and to look at what friendship really means. I have some good friends and have made some great mates on here. My friendships last a lifetime. Mates will come and go but each got something out of knowing me - good or bad - they will decide. lol

Corrie to me you haven't really changed. You are still the person Ian shouted at and I spoke to many moons ago kiss
You are very honest but I love that in you. I know I can talk about anything and get a genuine answer.
I also know that I'm going to laugh my head off in your company rotflmao
I've learnt some things this year that have made me change slightly. I trusted people I shouldn't and that won't happen again. I've not trusted people I should have done. Individuals can change because of the people around them and the affect they have, not always a conscious choice confused
Life is one big learning curve!
ive noticed a huge change in (what was) my closest friend she now works and living the lady muck life good luck to her but she is a worse person for it as in forgetting where she comes from and the people who were there when she had nothing or no one, many times we do not say anything because it comes across or may seem like jealousy on our side so we keep quiet and thats how many friendships are lost
Quote by Srne
Now this one has changed tack slightly, we have got into people who change because of money or financial circumstance!!
I can totally understand where Marya is coming from (what me agreeing with Marya :shock: lol) about people developing snobbish traits where money has been involved.
We went to the opposite scale, from having loads of money because i was in a very well paid job, flashy cars 4 holidays a year etc etc, to having plain old cars (see what i mean about the snobby wording) :lol: not loads of money but i job i enjoy more.
We arent skint by any stretch but we no longer hang around with the same bunch as we used to as we just dont fit in!!
We no longer WANT to go to london for the weekend hob knobbing with £200 sunglasses on or go out every weekend and have to wear something new, those lot were always bitching about each other anyway if were honest.
We now enjoy life more, are much less caught in the "rat race" of better car, bigger house more clothes and our circle of friends has changed we can go out now without having to worry if we come up to scratch or have the right designer label on this week rolleyes
Im sure they probably call us every time they see us now in our "banger cars" cos i mean, "who drives a car that costs less than 20 grand?"
So iv back tracked from my original post an yeah people change and are twats :lol:

yes but I still liked your first post x
There are many good points in all the comments above, some that I agree with, others that I don't, but too many too quote individually and comment upon, here.
We probably all change to a degree. But others around us may appear to change more, as they change differently, of in a different direction to the way we've changed.
Therefore a gap develops in the similarity, or the attraction between close friends.
But what causes it?
Is it changes in circumstances? Is it just a natural change in personality as we age, or mature?
Possibly both.
Friends will come and go. It's unfortunate, but any that go, just consider that it's their loss.
Quote by Corrie2007
you are no longer on the list

Hey look on the brightside
your still on my reserve list...... wink
I appreciate what you say about your friend, but with the best will in the world, you are bound to lose touch with some people anyway.
Although, I'm now divorced, there were none of our "when the children where young" friends that we kept in touch with later - it was just the children at the time. Strangely, at that time, we had lost touch with people we knew before the children came along :!:
Plim rolleyes
Quote by Stuart_Tanina
There are many good points in all the comments above, some that I agree with, others that I don't, but too many too quote individually and comment upon, here.
We probably all change to a degree. But others around us may appear to change more, as they change differently, of in a different direction to the way we've changed.
Therefore a gap develops in the similarity, or the attraction between close friends.
But what causes it?
Is it changes in circumstances? Is it just a natural change in personality as we age, or mature?
Possibly both.
Friends will come and go. It's unfortunate, but any that go, just consider that it's their loss.

Possibly, yes. I think maybe our needs change also and what we look for in friendship is perhaps deeper than when we were younger? I tend to turn to my pals in times of trouble and know they will be there for me and that goes both ways. When I was a kid, my friendships were more about hanging out.. there wasn't anyone in
Quote by winchwench
When I was young I looked to others to protect and guide me. As I grew I was eager to learn. Then one year I changed from someone who stood by to someone who acted, and protected. I know when and who to thank for that. Call it confidence if you wish, but I consider it social obligation. As Kennedy said 'Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.'
Was it a good change? I think so. Not everyone does.
The point is I always had a sense of justice, but someone made me understand that for evil to prosper good must do nothing. I was doing nothing, now I do something. It was not me that changed, but the way I inter-act with the world.

Is T Mann a code?
For Superman? :shock:
T is for telephone box...or tachi. wink
Quote by markz
you are no longer on the list

Hey look on the brightside
your still on my reserve list...... wink
I was talking generally but come to think of it being a reserve has its advantages lol :lol: