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people who play without their partners knowledge

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MWPK :-Married WithoutPartners Knowledge
or could be :- >>>>>>
MarriedWithPartners Knowledge.
Can you be 100% you are not hurting someone? ever?
I know of at least 2 'swinging couples' where one of the 2 are only 'going along with it' so they don't lose their partner!!!!!!!!
I was almost blackmailed into swinging years and years ago in the same way!
Never ever assume that just because people say one thing - it is actually what is in their hearts!!!!
People will lie thru their teeth to keep hold of what they want!
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
MWPK :-Married Without Partners Knowledge

Crikey!! The beer was strong that night if the partner doesn't know they got married :shock: :shock:
Quote by Alexandra
Can you be 100% you are not hurting someone? ever?
I know of at least 2 'swinging couples' where one of the 2 are only 'going along with it' so they don't lose their partner!!!!!!!!
I was almost blackmailed into swinging years and years ago in the same way!
Never ever assume that just because people say one think - it is actually what is in their hearts!!!!
People will lie thru their teeth to keep hold of what they want!

True.....we have been to clubs and seen some women look like they would rather be else where! how can you tell them all apart the couples that swing together because that is what they want and the ones who do it to save relationships?
Quote by Alexandra
Can you be 100% you are not hurting someone? ever?
I know of at least 2 'swinging couples' where one of the 2 are only 'going along with it' so they don't lose their partner!!!!!!!!
I was almost blackmailed into swinging years and years ago in the same way!
Never ever assume that just because people say one think - it is actually what is in their hearts!!!!
People will lie thru their teeth to keep hold of what they want!

this is true, i did actually meet a guy several times who turned out to be married even tho he told me he wasn't, i felt my 'rules' and boundrys' as a swinger had been totally ignored, chewed up and spat back out again lol i do not see that as any different to a couple meeting for soft swing and when the woman wasn't looking the other guy trying to get inside her!
The thing is we cannot be held responsable for other peoples lies, if people cannot be honest (including about their feelings) then mistakes will be made
Quote by da69ve
Its a crazy world we live in......have an affair and its accepted!.......have sex with strangers(as thats what they would call it)....and you are frowned upon!.....but your not hurting anyone, as with affairs (cheating)...someone will always get hurt!
My wife and i went to a club a while back....we met a couple that we got on well with,they told us they were having an affair with each other without the knowledge of their partners, we were wary about what to do but they seemed like nice people so we didn't judge cut a long story short we decided to swing with them,while i was playing with the female without no reason she started to cry,at first i thought i had done something wrong but i now believe it was out of guilt that she was crying as not only was she having an affair but was swinging as well with other people and i think this overwelmed my wife and i decided not to allow ourselves to get in this sort of situation again and only swing with couples in relationships with each other.
MWPK.....Please tell me what it means?'s not in terminology!
MWPKs marrieds without partners knowledge

Clubs are often used as cheap hotels by couples having affairs ... £10 - 15 mid-week entrance to a club, £50 Travel lodge. Sometimes they are ok with swinging, sometimes not. It looks as though the woman's reaction was more to do with swinging than having the affair, unless she does it every time she sees the man she's having the affair with.
We never ask couples or singles theirmarital status. As far as we are concerned it's not our business what they do outside the club. However, we don't play with couples that do not appear to be 100% in tune with swinging. We have seen couples ( not many) in clubs where 1 of them appears to be unhappy with the swinging scene. That's where we draw the line.
Quote by da69ve
True.....we have been to clubs and seen some women look like they would rather be else where! how can you tell them all apart the couples that swing together because that is what they want and the ones who do it to save relationships?

The ones where one partner is not happy stand out like sore thumbs. Look for the body language, the facial expression and the stage whispered arguments. Sometimes the fisticuffs give it away too. lol
Quote by northwest-cpl

Its a crazy world we live in......have an affair and its accepted!.......have sex with strangers(as thats what they would call it)....and you are frowned upon!.....but your not hurting anyone, as with affairs (cheating)...someone will always get hurt!
My wife and i went to a club a while back....we met a couple that we got on well with,they told us they were having an affair with each other without the knowledge of their partners, we were wary about what to do but they seemed like nice people so we didn't judge cut a long story short we decided to swing with them,while i was playing with the female without no reason she started to cry,at first i thought i had done something wrong but i now believe it was out of guilt that she was crying as not only was she having an affair but was swinging as well with other people and i think this overwelmed my wife and i decided not to allow ourselves to get in this sort of situation again and only swing with couples in relationships with each other.
MWPK.....Please tell me what it means?'s not in terminology!
MWPKs marrieds without partners knowledge

Clubs are often used as cheap hotels by couples having affairs ... £10 - 15 mid-week entrance to a club, £50 Travel lodge. Sometimes they are ok with swinging, sometimes not. It looks as though the woman's reaction was more to do with swinging than having the affair, unless she does it every time she sees the man she's having the affair with.
We never ask couples or singles theirmarital status. As far as we are concerned it's not our business what they do outside the club. However, we don't play with couples that do not appear to be 100% in tune with swinging. We have seen couples ( not many) in clubs where 1 of them appears to be unhappy with the swinging scene. That's where we draw the line.
:thumbup: and that is how we feel now......totally 100% with it.
Quote by northwest-cpl

True.....we have been to clubs and seen some women look like they would rather be else where! how can you tell them all apart the couples that swing together because that is what they want and the ones who do it to save relationships?

The ones where one partner is not happy stand out like sore thumbs. Look for the body language, the facial expression and the stage whispered arguments. Sometimes the fisticuffs give it away too. lol
we have definately seen that we know who to stay well clear of!
Quote by da69ve

True.....we have been to clubs and seen some women look like they would rather be else where! how can you tell them all apart the couples that swing together because that is what they want and the ones who do it to save relationships?

The ones where one partner is not happy stand out like sore thumbs. Look for the body language, the facial expression and the stage whispered arguments. Sometimes the fisticuffs give it away too. lol
we have definately seen that we know who to stay well clear of!
But can you 'hand oin heart' guarantee that the others are 100% sure of it?
My friends would never give you the impression that anything was wrong!
Yet it is!!!
Quote by Alexandra
But can you 'hand oin heart' guarantee that the others are 100% sure of it?
My friends would never give you the impression that anything was wrong!
Yet it is!!!

Nothing is ever guaranteed but if they are regulars at a club then people will eventually suss them.
Quote by Alexandra

True.....we have been to clubs and seen some women look like they would rather be else where! how can you tell them all apart the couples that swing together because that is what they want and the ones who do it to save relationships?

The ones where one partner is not happy stand out like sore thumbs. Look for the body language, the facial expression and the stage whispered arguments. Sometimes the fisticuffs give it away too. lol
we have definately seen that we know who to stay well clear of!
But can you 'hand oin heart' guarantee that the others are 100% sure of it?
My friends would never give you the impression that anything was wrong!
Yet it is!!!
Of course you can't be 100% sure.......people might be able to lie to your face.....but if you are having sex with someone who really doesn't want to wouldn't it be in the body language at least!
not necessarily!
You may want to decide for your own sake that you can tell from the boddy language.
That is up to you!
Quote by da69ve
Of course you can't be 100% sure.......people might be able to lie to your face.....but if you are having sex with someone who really doesn't want to wouldn't it be in the body language at least!

Ahhh, but can you put their lack of enthusiasm down to the scene in general or ..............
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by northwest-cpl

Of course you can't be 100% sure.......people might be able to lie to your face.....but if you are having sex with someone who really doesn't want to wouldn't it be in the body language at least!

Ahhh, but can you put their lack of enthusiasm down to the scene in general or ..............
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I suppose the snoring would be a good sign :lol:
<<<<<<<< Thinks this has gone way off topic now.
Just take it that "Cheating" is a platitude used often on SH to add to an overated topic that has been done many times before.
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
<<<<<<<< Thinks this has gone way off topic now.
Just take it that "Cheating" is a platitude used often on SH to add to an overated topic that has been done many times before.

And isn't that what I tried to say in my first post on here???? rolleyes
I often wonder if if Hilter ever cheated.
Or if Hitler ever shagged a cheater.
Or what Hitler would have made of our discussions.
Two search options . . . .
"Cock size" . . . . . 285 results
Cheaters . . . . . 384 results.
Go figure rolleyes
jinglejangle ffs !
Quote by dambuster
I often wonder if if Who ever cheated.
Or if Who ever shagged a cheater.
Or what Who would have made of our discussions.

LOL = Spoilsport.
phredd wink
Quote by Alexandra
<<<<<<<< Thinks this has gone way off topic now.
Just take it that "Cheating" is a platitude used often on SH to add to an overated topic that has been done many times before.

And isn't that what I tried to say in my first post on here???? rolleyes
Just re-read your post and YES smile
Quote by Alexandra
I am not going to voice my opinion on the rights or wrongs.
Everyones circumstances are different - one should not sit in judgement.
You have no idea what their home life is like or why they decide to embark on this path.
You choose who you want to swing with - that is your life and your preroggative.
Likewise, anyone who wants to play away from home - their life, their decision. I am certain many do not take the decision lightly.
However this subject HAS been done to death!
It is always immotive as you well know - and ends up with a verbal bashing of many of the members on here - most who don't warrant it.

My thoughts exactly on this one. Who are we to judge; what do we know about their family lives!?. Just leave people to their own devices, its their life and their problem. If it is of great concern to you, don't swing with them.
What I find amusing about this place is that if this thread had been started by a newbie they would have been told to shut up and use the bloody search button, they would've been shouted "we've done this a million times before!" blah blah blah and then the thread would have been locked, but because one who's in the.... what's that word mmm clique? inner circle?, wotevah......... it goes on and on and on and and on and on and.......... did I say on?
It gets actually quite boring seeing the same people over and over again having a go at the cheats and sumbags who don't swing proper like they do etc. come on!
Swingers, my dear dahlings..... always remember you're unique. Just like everyone else! wink
An open question.
Are all authors of all the "hang 'em" posts including the thread author absolutelysure that they have not played, groped, fondled or encouraged a MWPK ???????????
In edit . . . .
*have not knowingly played, groped . . . . . etc
*sits back and waits now for the real hypocrisy to show itself.
Quote by dambuster
An open question.
Are all authors of all the "hang 'em" posts including the thread author absolutely sure that they have not played, groped, fondled or encouraged a MWPK ???????????

Well said.....there are some fibbers out there somewhere!!
Quote by dambuster
An open question.
Are all authors of all the "hang 'em" posts including the thread author absolutely sure that they have not played, groped, fondled or encouraged a MWPK ???????????
In edit . . . .
*have not knowingly played, groped . . . . . etc
*sits back and waits now for the real hypocrisy to show itself.

hehehe how funny it's gone suddenly quiet since this post biggrin
Dambuster you're da man!
Quote by dambuster
An open question.
Are all authors of all the "hang 'em" posts including the thread author absolutely sure that they have not played, groped, fondled or encouraged a MWPK ???????????

I am absolutely sure that I have niether groped,fondled or encouraged a MWPK to play.
Ooops = that a lie, I have been knocked back by Two because of another well known topic (platitude) of SH, that ofAge
Still here though taking all the fun.
phredd (you dont have to be a fool to be proud)
As others have noted, attached people may play singly without their partner's knowledge for any of a hundred reasons, and I don't think it really matters to them whether I approve or disapprove... frankly it's none of my business.
I've said before that NO ONE on this site is in a position to pass moral judgements on anyone else... we all behave according to our own moral standard and our own needs, and I will never accept that anyone's morality here is "better" than anyone else's.
Let any among you who is without sin cast the first stone. :shock:
Of course, if my decision whether or not to play with someone whose partner doesn't know invokes MY code of conduct for myself, that can only apply if I know about it. If I know about it, I may or may not want to know the reason before deciding, and the other person may or may not choose to tell me the reason. If they don't want to tell me the reason, I do not believe I am entitled to that reason, but I DO believe that I am entitled to know the other person has a partner, for a number of reasons:
Firstly I want my choice to be an informed one, but there's also the possibility of the unaware partner becoming aware, and that affects my public behaviour towards the person concerned in regard to discretion... even to the extent of not openly flirting with a married "single" (a Mingle??) to the same level that I might flirt with someone who was operating with their partner's approval.
There's also the danger of developing a futile emotional involvement with someone you believe to be available, and I've seen too many dear friends hurt by the eventually revealed truth to ever wish to see it again.
I guess what I'm saying is, the only true "wrong" if you want to call it that, is hurting someone as a result of deliberately deceiving them. If the cards are on the table, we are all, I hope, adult enough to make up our own minds what we can or can't deal with.
I couldn't agree more Ice.
I'd just like to add to your comment about "Mingles". If your unaware that they're attached it's not just the public behaviour you need to worry about.
I would hate to be put in a position where someone I don't know confronts me about spending time with their partner when I'm of the opinion that they're a "Single" not a "Mingle"
Note to self. another word to add to my SH dictionary:
I found it offensive that a married 40 year old man was advertising for a 'young(ish)' mistress to share 'hedonism and a champagne lifestyle' with him. cool
There have been discussions with younger posters about why older posters prefer to swing within their own age group. It's because we all know how exploitive and easily influenced we can be when we were younger. I felt this person was using exploitive means to lure young girls into swinging with him.
Quote by dambuster
An open question.
Are all authors of all the "hang 'em" posts including the thread author absolutely sure that they have not played, groped, fondled or encouraged a MWPK ???????????
In edit . . . .
*have not knowingly played, groped . . . . . etc
*sits back and waits now for the real hypocrisy to show itself.

well i am against people cheating but no i cannot honestly say i have never played with anyone whos cheating because i know i have, but if they lie and say they are single when they are not these things happen, i am here to meet people and have a good time like the rest of us and i can only take people on face value and hope they are telling the truth, but then i have never started a thread moaning about people who cheat as i have said earlier in the thread they can do what they like its nothing to do with me so long as they don't invlove me.
as for awol's post, fabio has been told to use the search button and that the topics been done to death if you read wink