right then...having just had the iamge of two of our forum buddies wafted before me in a grotesque picture of forum basement perversity whilst reviewing old threads... I had the thought:
Just how "perverse" are we?
My current thoughts of eating Minstrels from twixt the cheeks od a Raven Haired Maiden certainly hold no shock value for me...and no niggling feelings of potential moral foreboding or guilt.
Nor a little 'thing' that I fully intend to enact involving a St Andrews Cross, coils of soft rope, various 'impliments' and an enthralled audience... well, not too many 'niggles' anyway. Perhaps excited nerviness?
hmm... dunno.
but tell me... just how perverse might you be... or how do you view the 'thoughts' you might have?
... and then: would you do it?
I'm quite scandalously perverted.
No really, there are no depths of depravity to which I will not sink in order to sate my corrupted fantasies.
Well, apart from going on the Jeremy Kyle show, obviously.
I have one or two little preferences for certain things (perversities is a little harsh I feel) which I would only be comfortable sharing with certain people and which lie dormant, but ready to be awakened when the time is right.
Would I do them? Absolutely, if the circumstances and people were right.
The chances of this happening? Probably remote, but one lives in the rosy fresh cheeked joy of eternal hope.
am i perverse, dunno, what is perverse, do i have fetish's, dunno might have, i also may have a few kinks, am not really sure, depends how you look at it i suppose
soz not much help lol
I think the most perverted thing i've ever encounterd on here was seeing Bilko naked :scared:
I is normal you knows. Tut.
Its you lot that are the weirdos.
p.s. Just dont look under the bed
box in the corner, and a Gladstone Bag here
There is almost nothing legal I can think of that strikes me as perverse.
Depending on circumstance I will have a go at just about anything and if I find it is fun I will probably do it again.
would it make sence if I told you that a great deal of the time I rather just like the "feeling" of being potentially rather perverse?
It feels good when Im in that frame of mind?