I got 2 elderly rats, a hamster and a Guinea pig, oh and 2 kids, do they count, hehe...
We were given a guinea pig a couple of years ago. We didn't know what he looked like - apart from being fat, furry and somewhat docile. On the way to picking him up, I asked my daughter what she wanted to call him and she said "Ginger". Yes, you guessed it, he's ginger! Bit weird, I thought.
Had several hamsters - Funky, Olga da Polga, Petal, Lotta and Hilda, to name but a few.
A Jack Russell called Jack (surprise!) and an imaginary mouse called Fred.
Ironic, mine also called Ginger by the kids, small world...
oo i love my dog ..shes a big fat black labrador
Bitch Shih Tzu - Megan
Dog Shih Tzu - Benji
Torti long hair female cat - Porsha
Black n White cat - Clio
2 Fem gerbils with no names lol
4 kids and a Smurf
Got a pony called Malcolm, although he probably isn't classed as a pet cos he doesn't come into the house, more of a freind in the garden type creature.
We do have a couple of goldfish that live in the pond niether of whom are called by a name because they are deaf, so they are just referred to as 'the fish'
Well having done the rounds of all different kinds of Pets Im now just the proud owner of a mad talking budgie called Pip
Mummys little shitehawk
When i want Manic moments I go to my daughters shes got 4 Labradors one of which is about to have puppies, 1 hampster and 2 Parrots :shock:
I've got 4 tropical fish and lots of creepy crawlies, although i guess as i din't buy them they just moved in with me they don't count as pets. I've got a natural wildlife garden (ie i don't garden but own a plot of land) and i am reliably informed by my neighbour that at least one fox lives there
2 cats - California (Cali for short) whos 12 and Tigger whos 7
1 white mental rabbit called Vampire aka. shagger lol
Did have a hamster called Nibbles, but it died recently :cry: I was in tears, the kids just said, oh well, we still have the cats! :shock:
I have to confess I once spent several weeks looking after an earwig that took up residence in a nail brush in the bathroom. Dripped him the odd spot of water, said hello each morning, I thinkhe was called "Hector".
Actually that's a bit sexist, I have no idea which gender, or even if earwigs have two.
We've got a lovkley little kitten called Rufus.....
My first pet was a goldfish I named Cosmic creepers after the cat in bedknobs and broomsticks, he lasted about 4years.
I had three other goldfish that lasted 3years called Mickey, minnie and Blackbeard.
I then got two hamsters.
Hugo- lived for 4and a half years
Pepsi- lived for 4 and a bit years
The hamsters did well, theyre only supposed to live for two years!
Black character of a cat called Paddy.
Golden retriever called Bella - soft as shit.
Grumpy dictator of a Jack Russell called Josie.
Debbiewebs you crease me up. Kindly fold me up and put me in your pocket and take me home please! (Cancel that - I'd never get on the computer!)
Pippa the mongrel dog who is almost 15, deaf and has had 2 strokes, we're dreading her going.
2 corn snakes, Rosie and Spike