Sex pheromones
In animals, sex pheromones indicate the availability of the female for breeding. Many insect species release sex pheromones to attract a mate and many lepidopterans can detect a potential mate from as far away as 10 km (6.2 miles). Pheromones can be used in gametes to trail the opposite sex's gametes for fertilization. Pheromones are also used in the detection of oestrus in sows. Boar pheromones are sprayed into the sty, and those sows which exhibit sexual arousal are known to be currently available for breeding.
Male animals also emit pheromones that convey information about what species they are, and their genotype. The purpose of pheromones giving information about genotype is a mechanism to avoid inbreeding. Females are attracted to males with the least similar genotype, which means they are attracted to males who are the least likely to be related to them. An exception to this is when the female is pregnant. Then they are most drawn to individuals with the most similar pheromones (and therefore genotype) most likely because they want to keep family close by to aid with the raising of their young and to take advantage of protection
So do you reckon they work?
I'm skeptical on this, if I were walking round town horny as hell, then I would be producing pheromones so therefore in reality should have men following me about like dogs on heat!
Possibly the only thing stopping then following you around is thousands of years of conditioning due to civilisation. Wouldn't it be interesting (just scientifically you understand) to put a few females and a group of men on an island with no limits as to what happens. How long before morals and law and stuff breaks down? not long i bet. Frightening thought.
not so much pheromones, I believe that had more to do with celeberamones, provoking a far more dangerous drive on the afflicted than any sex-based instinct... and also, poor tools, leaving them oblivious of the depths to which they'll descend
There was a university experiment that did some odour tests. Women are attracted to some individuals more than other, just by smell.
The other thing they discovered is that chimps are so closely related that the odours over lap.
In another case, human female swimmers have to be removed from dolphin shows once a month. The male dolphins are attracted to them.
Well I get horny as hell when I finish training on a Monday night. Methinks it has a lot to do with having to share a tiny changing area with up to half a dozen blokes in their 20's, who have just spent an hour and a half working up a sweat :rascal:
this post reminded me of something that happened a long time ago.......
when i was about 19 i was at a friends house whilst his parents were having a party...... my mate had bought a spray bottle of pheromones and we'd been spraying it all around his room, generally larking about.
anyway,to cut a long story short, that night, i managed to seduce (or was it the other way round??) one of his parents guests....... a sexy middle aged woman with a big house and fast car ( curtesey of a large divorce settlement).... it lasted about a week all in all........... maybe until the scent wore off ( or maybe something else)
I have been thinking about this, and am reminded of Israel settlements. The children are all looked after in a group. Members of the group tend not to marry each other. So is it more to do with pheromones that are familiar?
It is said that marriages have seven year itches. Is that how long it takes for pheromones to become familiar?
Apparently the 7 year itch is real and is to do with the biochemistry of love - it is actually 2 three-and-a-half year itchs. Can't remember exact details though - sorry!