Bloody cheek!
Get home from work - quite hot - so out come the shorts for the first time this year. Out into the garden and ten minutes later I get a phonecall from NASA saying they've picked up something glaringly white on the satellite image and could I please turn it off.
Anyone who saw Mr Davej's comments about my white thighs will know what I mean, I guess!!
Go put some trousers on Tune, your another member who's thighs are better suited to being in a KFC bucket than dangling outa some aint fair on the neighbours.
I'll have you know there are people hereabouts who would quite fancy my thighs if they weren't so white - and it's got nothin' to do with fitting into a KFC basket!!
Huh - first NASA now Davej - have I got all the world's agencies against me??
Awwww Tune, they're probably being really unfair to you here...............but I couldn't possibly defend your thighs until I've seen them, so..........................come on show me them :twisted:
Tune, can you just turn around a bit for me??
(purely to get a better angle on the thighs of course)
NOOOO!!!......It's tea time FFS!
Hmmmm....I smell something fruity going on with choccie and nuts :lickface: my fave. Save me some?
Tune hun, you stay white. I'm as white as a lily and proud of it!
I'll still have skin when everyone else has given up on theirs! :smug: