I am also having the same problem, you can pick up some ads in latest, but not on search
I've had this problem intermittently a few times now and I'm guessing Yorkie and R&J that the ads stopped diplaying approx. at the 11:30am mark on the 23rd ? Difficult one to submit via a support ticket since the problem tends to rectify itself before you have chance to !
It looks like the search isn't showing anything after 11:30 on the 23rd, I'll see if I can get someone to take a look.
Newer ads are showing now but seemingly only up to approx. Midnite on the 24th
The server handling the searches got out of sync with the rest of the site, it will probably take a few hours to catch up.
It looks like the Photo Ads are stuck again, this time at 16:05.
Are the photo ads stuck at 14:00? - can anyone help.
Its happened a few times
but seems to be ok at the moment