Not sure if this has been done before, or if allowed ( please close if not and accept my apologies ) but have we any amateur ( or professional ) photographers in the house?
Harry and I are both keen photographers....and not just the smuttyartistic type shots, but allsorts.
Harry is getting into sports/action photography and I’m keen on botanical and other macro stuff as well as general landscape and wildlife shots.
Anyone like to share some pics ( within the AUP ) with others?
Here’s one of early test of my macro lens.
wow that pic of the rose is a stunner hunny, you have captured its colours and the velvetiness of its petals perfectly....i can almost smell it.
Well done on a fab photo xxx
Thanks, both, I'm quite pleased with it too. One of my first attempts with my new macro lens.
Another flower....gerbera centre.
Wow they are great hun amazing close ups.
I haven't sorted my own account yet but some guys at work are on
Just a couple of early ones from a trip to Aus last year. I had only had the camera a few days and was still learning about shutter speeds and F-stops, so be gentle with your comments.
Oh and the whale one is very similar to a one you get free with windows but I can guarantee this is a genuine photo I took.
That whale pic gave me goosebumps, must have been amazing seeing them right there!
I'm still very amateur, learning my aperture priority from my shutter priority!
I'm very like you in my choice of pics, NWC, animals and scenery, not just a pretty landscape but a broken down old shed or an old twisted tree. I love textures too, which is why I love macro photography.
Harry has been having a go with some action pics.
Sorry Peanut, I wasnt clear what I was saying. I have no problems resizing the pics for my use, but I had uploaded these ones to photobucket and wanted to keep the size and resolution on there, but they just displayed as too large on here.
But thanks for the link, I will certainly have a look at it.
wow there amazing all of them i wish i had an eye for seeing through the lense i have never been able to take a decent photo in my life you have a gift ... x
Winchwench, really interested to know if you applied a colour to that Whitby shot, as it is stunningly monochrome...fab!
But, favourite are the sea defences at Whitstable.....absolutely perfect composition.
this is close to my house.. a month or so ago....
I just wish that I had the talent to do the scene justice
Splendid, thats stunning!
If you're using Photobucket, resize to about 600 pixels wide :thumbup: