I see a fair few pics on here and, I'll admit, some of them turn me right off. They are usually the close ups. Lady bits and men's dangly things are not pretty when magnified and shown in such 'glorious' technicolour. :scared:
We like the normality of the background of the shots
It takes people watching to a whole new level
Yeah ugly people and genital shots really turn me off too.
aside from the ones already mentioned..the ones taken in a mirror....usually male, naked, holding a mobile phone with the flash blurring their face.
What on earth makes people think its such a good look?
Ooooooo! I love people watching! It's one of my favourite things to do sometimes. I agree with the sentiment of looking at the photos on here as taking things to a whole new level of people watching.
I ususally spend more time looking at the background of the picture than the object of the photo, if there is background included that is. I do like cock shots, although the ones where they're taken downwards and you can see their (pulled half way up the leg) socks nearly always make me giggle.
Visually, I like the arty ones but I don't find them very sexually attractive on their own that often. Not much makes me twitch when looking a piccies, but I know it when I see it.
Eyes and smiles, yes, maybe a look, but don't ask me to define it.
Close-up bits, not really for me.
Do you really make huge (and possibly totally inaccurate) snap judgements on people of that scale based on their photographs alone?!?
I'm truly gobsmackled.
You learn something new every day don't you?
In Edit : I forgot to answer BIoke's original question, sorry!
Like : Smiles! Boobs! People who look like they are enjoying themselves. Pics that look natural.
Dislike : None really, but I can't really see the point of having pics up that are so blurry or dark that you can't see anything vaguely human.