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Photos - looking beyond the obvious...

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What turns you on or off in photos/cams on here. Aside from the obvious I mean....?
For me:
Turn ons: handsome/pretty face (as opposed to cock/pussy cam/pic), suggestive rather than explicit body part shots and a nice ass do it every single time :thumbup:
Turn offs: lack of condoms, nasty carpet and general untidyness in the background tend to switch me off quickly. I can't remember how many bloke's cock shots I've seen, taken from above while they are hidden away in their home office with a spaghetti of wires and empty McDonalds wrappers underneath them - eeewww! Oh and 'I'm locked in the bathroom doing something I shouldn't' type shots don't really turn me off but do make me grin.
Am I a freak? Is it just me? dunno
BIoke x
Quote by BIoke
What turns you on or off in photos/cams on here. Aside from the obvious I mean....?
For me:
Turn ons: handsome/pretty face (as opposed to cock/pussy cam/pic), suggestive rather than explicit body part shots and a nice ass do it every single time :thumbup:
Turn offs: lack of condoms, nasty carpet and general untidyness in the background tend to switch me off quickly. I can't remember how many bloke's cock shots I've seen, taken from above while they are hidden away in their home office with a spaghetti of wires and empty McDonalds wrappers underneath them - eeewww! Oh and 'I'm locked in the bathroom doing something I shouldn't' type shots don't really turn me off but do make me grin.
Am I a freak? Is it just me? dunno
BIoke x

... and plagiarised photos, I recall :grin:
I see a fair few pics on here and, I'll admit, some of them turn me right off. They are usually the close ups. Lady bits and men's dangly things are not pretty when magnified and shown in such 'glorious' technicolour. :scared:
We like the normality of the background of the shots
It takes people watching to a whole new level
Quote by BIoke
What turns you on or off in photos/cams on here. Aside from the obvious I mean....?
For me:
Turn ons: handsome/pretty face (as opposed to cock/pussy cam/pic), suggestive rather than explicit body part shots and a nice ass do it every single time :thumbup:
Turn offs: lack of condoms, nasty carpet and general untidyness in the background tend to switch me off quickly. I can't remember how many bloke's cock shots I've seen, taken from above while they are hidden away in their home office with a spaghetti of wires and empty McDonalds wrappers underneath them - eeewww! Oh and 'I'm locked in the bathroom doing something I shouldn't' type shots don't really turn me off but do make me grin.
Am I a freak? Is it just me? dunno
BIoke x

:thumbup: Genital shots do absolutely nothing for me either.
I've yet to see a close up shot of a pussy that's made me thing 'Ooo that's attractive' and don't get me started on cock-shots. evil
Why do people feel the need to take pictures when the house looks like a bomb-site? It doesn't take much to clear a small space on the floor and stand on ladders or a chair to take shots from above. They're usually quite flattering too. ;)
Oh and BIoke ............ is that some dust on the picture frame behind you? ... :giggle: bolt
Quote by New_eastmids
We like the normality of the background of the shots
It takes people watching to a whole new level

I do like this idea too. :giggle: Don't know how many times I've said 'That settee really doesn't go with that carpet! :shock: ', but that's about me being nosey.
Oh and very nice pics New_eastmids. worship Welcome to the site guys. :cheers:
Yeah ugly people and genital shots really turn me off too.
aside from the ones already mentioned..the ones taken in a mirror....usually male, naked, holding a mobile phone with the flash blurring their face.
What on earth makes people think its such a good look?
Quote by whiplash
aside from the ones already mentioned..the ones taken in a mirror....usually male, naked, holding a mobile phone with the flash blurring their face.
What on earth makes people think its such a good look?

These are especially attractive if the mirror is filthy! :giggle:
Quote by Dirtygirly
aside from the ones already mentioned..the ones taken in a mirror....usually male, naked, holding a mobile phone with the flash blurring their face.
What on earth makes people think its such a good look?

These are especially attractive if the mirror is filthy! :giggle:
or 'stained'? :lol2:
I love pics where the person genuinely looks smiley/happy - mean and moody is all very well, but I think a smile can speak volumes. lol
Sorry but it has to be said, cocks are like Tirimasu in my book, looks like cat sick but tastes devine lol Its she sheer lack of imagination that gets me every time (and when I say gets me, I dont mean in a good way). And when will guys get the message that us girls, for the most (as I dont want to generalise) DONT want to see a profile with cock shots taken at various angles (with the McDonalds wrapper, on the dirty carpet, up the ladder etc etc). We want to see a face, hell its what I am going to be kissing first and I have to like what I see!!!
I think, for me, this only goes to give me the answer to my own personal formula "lack of imagination in pics = lack of imagination in the bedroom to the power of 2" :lol:
As a post script to this, ahem may I apologise for the lack of photo's on my Tillie account, I was too busy cleaning the house and ushering Ronald McDonald out the door. His Big Mac was finger licking good though wink
Ooooooo! I love people watching! It's one of my favourite things to do sometimes. I agree with the sentiment of looking at the photos on here as taking things to a whole new level of people watching.
I ususally spend more time looking at the background of the picture than the object of the photo, if there is background included that is. I do like cock shots, although the ones where they're taken downwards and you can see their (pulled half way up the leg) socks nearly always make me giggle.
Visually, I like the arty ones but I don't find them very sexually attractive on their own that often. Not much makes me twitch when looking a piccies, but I know it when I see it.
Eyes and smiles, yes, maybe a look, but don't ask me to define it.
Close-up bits, not really for me.
Some of the pictures have backgrounds?
bolt Off to have a look and see if your correct
My worst habit is scrutinising the background of photos! :lol2: I hate it when people haven't bothered to tidy up. I know it's picky but if someone can't put a bit of thought into their pics then it's a straight off no from me. Plus if someone can't put their dirty undies in the wash basket to take a photo what is their place going to be like......or their personal hygiene! *yuck*
Don't like genital shots either. Just a nice bum pic or something similar will be enough for someone to perk my interest and consider getting to know them better. smile
Do you really make huge (and possibly totally inaccurate) snap judgements on people of that scale based on their photographs alone?!?
I'm truly gobsmackled.
You learn something new every day don't you?
In Edit : I forgot to answer BIoke's original question, sorry!
Like : Smiles! Boobs! People who look like they are enjoying themselves. Pics that look natural.
Dislike : None really, but I can't really see the point of having pics up that are so blurry or dark that you can't see anything vaguely human.
I'm not sure if that's aimed at me Res but as you've posted directly below me I assume it might be.
Yes, I do make snap judgements about people. Not just on peoples photos but in every day life we have to make them at times. I'm not saying that I am always right in this but I think there are very few people in this world who can put their hand on heart and say the never make decisions on things without knowing all the facts.
Where it comes to photos on a site like this, they are often the first impression you give to someone. Therefore I would expect people to take a bit of time to think about what pictures they want to show and how these will be received. My assumption (although I might be wrong) is that if people have a bed covered in weeks worth of washing and about the same amount of dirty dishes/takeaway wrappers, then they probably live like that every day and it doesn't bother them. Fine for it not bothering them but personally I like nice clean houses so on that basis if I see a picture like that then I skip over it. smile
Quote by Resonance
Do you really make huge (and possibly totally inaccurate) snap judgements on people of that scale based on their photographs alone?!?
I'm truly gobsmackled.
You learn something new every day don't you?
In Edit : I forgot to answer BIoke's original question, sorry!
Like : Smiles! Boobs! People who look like they are enjoying themselves. Pics that look natural.
Dislike : None really, but I can't really see the point of having pics up that are so blurry or dark that you can't see anything vaguely human.

Apart from the profile text (whish is generally at the same level as the pics or worse), it's all we are offered. So, YES, I do make huge judgements from the pics. I have to judge whether it is worth the effort to get to know someone and eventually to let them share some of the most intimate expereinces people can have. The picture they show is the impression they CHOOSE to make. Maybe they are looking for people who like slovenly housekeeping. dunno
Damned right I make judgements!
Quote by Resonance
Do you really make huge (and possibly totally inaccurate) snap judgements on people of that scale based on their photographs alone?!?
I'm truly gobsmackled.
You learn something new every day don't you?
In Edit : I forgot to answer BIoke's original question, sorry!
Like : Smiles! Boobs! People who look like they are enjoying themselves. Pics that look natural.
Dislike : None really, but I can't really see the point of having pics up that are so blurry or dark that you can't see anything vaguely human.

That may well be true Res but....for many...first impressions count.
Quote by poshkate
I'm not sure if that's aimed at me Res but as you've posted directly below me I assume it might be.
Yes, I do make snap judgements about people. Not just on peoples photos but in every day life we have to make them at times. I'm not saying that I am always right in this but I think there are very few people in this world who can put their hand on heart and say the never make decisions on things without knowing all the facts.
Where it comes to photos on a site like this, they are often the first impression you give to someone. Therefore I would expect people to take a bit of time to think about what pictures they want to show and how these will be received. My assumption (although I might be wrong) is that if people have a bed covered in weeks worth of washing and about the same amount of dirty dishes/takeaway wrappers, then they probably live like that every day and it doesn't bother them. Fine for it not bothering them but personally I like nice clean houses so on that basis if I see a picture like that then I skip over it. smile

Hiya Posh
It wasn't just your comments here (though I can see why you'd think so), it was the general idea that you can make judgements on people based on photo's alone.
Of course, we all make a judgement based on first impressions, but that is, for me, all they are, first impressions. I have no idea of the context the pics were taken in.
Our pics are always taken in the heat of passion. I'm sure many others are. They are never posed. I can never think of what will look good. I am not a photographer and I have no idea of what makes a good pic because I am thick and too busy enjoying myself. So our pics tend to be what we like and what I can get in the 5-10 mins each year we get to take some!
I think it takes a great deal of bravery for some folks to post pics on here (I know we agonised over it a great deal) and I think sometimes to make judgements on their level of personal hygiene, housekeeping skills etc based on one pic, without getting to know them and without being able to put that picture into context, is a tad unfair in my view.
But as always, it's a matter of opinion and I quite happily concede that yours is as valid as mine and I can understand where you are coming from. I have seen some outstanding pics on here taken by amateurs that I am really envious of but I am not sure that qualifies them as being ideal swing-mates over someone else who hasn't got that same level of ability with a camera, or whose pictures are not the most well thought out and contain sundry items others view as undesirable. That's why I use pics as a starting point only really. I see it as one pic being better than the other, not one person being better than another.
Quote by foxylady2209
Do you really make huge (and possibly totally inaccurate) snap judgements on people of that scale based on their photographs alone?!?
I'm truly gobsmackled.
You learn something new every day don't you?
In Edit : I forgot to answer BIoke's original question, sorry!
Like : Smiles! Boobs! People who look like they are enjoying themselves. Pics that look natural.
Dislike : None really, but I can't really see the point of having pics up that are so blurry or dark that you can't see anything vaguely human.

Apart from the profile text (whish is generally at the same level as the pics or worse), it's all we are offered. So, YES, I do make huge judgements from the pics. I have to judge whether it is worth the effort to get to know someone and eventually to let them share some of the most intimate expereinces people can have. The picture they show is the impression they CHOOSE to make. Maybe they are looking for people who like slovenly housekeeping. dunno
Damned right I make judgements!
You're right, I'll only shag those who can't wash or iron and leave their lunchables all over the floor. It's a fetish I have had for many years.
I think we all make judgements I agree. I just worry that some people make a snap judgement and then see that as being "the truth" when you have no idea of the context the pictures were taken in, or what that person is actually like. I don't believe pictures tell you anything about the person, other than what they look like.
How do you know, for example, the pictures have been taken at their own home?
And please don't shout at me, I am not an naughty schoolboy. I just wanted to make my point in the same way others did.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the well crafted pics people do put together and I can see their appeal, but I wouldn't judge that person as being any better or less suited to me as someone who is as inept as I am with a camera.
For me pics are just a starting point really. Nothing more. But I am usually wrong, foolish and deluded and no doubt will be again here.
Quote by Kaznkev
I make huge,and possibly innacurate judgements on wether they make me laff in the forum

How could you do that?
Quote by Kaznkev
Do you really make huge (and possibly totally inaccurate) snap judgements on people of that scale based on their photographs alone?!?
I'm truly gobsmackled.
You learn something new every day don't you?
In Edit : I forgot to answer BIoke's original question, sorry!
Like : Smiles! Boobs! People who look like they are enjoying themselves. Pics that look natural.
Dislike : None really, but I can't really see the point of having pics up that are so blurry or dark that you can't see anything vaguely human.

I make huge,and possibly innacurate judgements on wether they make me laff in the forum
So Res,how you doing? :twisted:
If you are talking about me, your judgements are probably quite valid. I am an ugly, argumentative, soulless, moribund arse and have very limited sexual capabilities. I take offence easily and have no life other than wandering around the local park in my stained flasher mac, frightening the wildlife.
I can however order my socks neatly, wipe my bottom with alacrity and occasionally punctuate, can I have sex please?
And yes, this is all a front. I'm an extremely dull sociopath in real life with bodies hidden under the patio, festooned with STD's of all magnitudes and A ring of scum so deep around my underwashed neck that David Attenborough is coming up shortly to do a documentary. I just pretend to be funny so I can lure people in before eating them.
Quote by Resonance
Do you really make huge (and possibly totally inaccurate) snap judgements on people of that scale based on their photographs alone?!?
I'm truly gobsmackled.
You learn something new every day don't you?
In Edit : I forgot to answer BIoke's original question, sorry!
Like : Smiles! Boobs! People who look like they are enjoying themselves. Pics that look natural.
Dislike : None really, but I can't really see the point of having pics up that are so blurry or dark that you can't see anything vaguely human.

I make huge,and possibly innacurate judgements on wether they make me laff in the forum
So Res,how you doing? :twisted:
If you are talking about me, your judgements are probably quite valid. I am an ugly, argumentative, soulless, moribund arse and have very limited sexual capabilities. I take offence easily and have no life other than wandering around the local park in my stained flasher mac, frightening the wildlife.
I can however order my socks neatly, wipe my bottom with alacrity and occasionally punctuate, can I have sex please?
And yes, this is all a front. I'm an extremely dull sociopath in real life with bodies hidden under the patio, festooned with STD's of all magnitudes and A ring of scum so deep around my underwashed neck that David Attenborough is coming up shortly to do a documentary. I just pretend to be funny so I can lure people in before eating them..As long as I am accompanied with a good Chianti.
Quote by
Do you really make huge (and possibly totally inaccurate) snap judgements on people of that scale based on their photographs alone?!?
I'm truly gobsmackled.
You learn something new every day don't you?
In Edit : I forgot to answer BIoke's original question, sorry!
Like : Smiles! Boobs! People who look like they are enjoying themselves. Pics that look natural.
Dislike : None really, but I can't really see the point of having pics up that are so blurry or dark that you can't see anything vaguely human.

I make huge,and possibly innacurate judgements on wether they make me laff in the forum
So Res,how you doing? :twisted:
If you are talking about me, your judgements are probably quite valid. I am an ugly, argumentative, soulless, moribund arse and have very limited sexual capabilities. I take offence easily and have no life other than wandering around the local park in my stained flasher mac, frightening the wildlife.
I can however order my socks neatly, wipe my bottom with alacrity and occasionally punctuate, can I have sex please?
And yes, this is all a front. I'm an extremely dull sociopath in real life with bodies hidden under the patio, festooned with STD's of all magnitudes and A ring of scum so deep around my underwashed neck that David Attenborough is coming up shortly to do a documentary. I just pretend to be funny so I can lure people in before eating them..As long as I am accompanied with a good Chianti.
Fava beans? Fvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrrrrr!
I think I have to kinda agree with Res :shock: lol
Dek takes a lot of pictures in general not just rude ones but for the rude ones the camera often comes out at 2 or 3 in the morning in the middle of a session - now at 2 or 3 am there will be an ashtray laid about somewhere, there will also be cups, books, shoes, dog hair, tv remotes, maybe some dvds or cds if we are listening to music, cushions scattered about the place, maybe some chocolate or crisp wrappers from just that night
that's just the front room
Now I'm quite a tidy person but I aint going to ruin that little bit of passion for 10 minutes fleeing around to tidy up what can wait till bedtime - some times i have no choice in the matter I can be wanking away in my own little world then realise the camera is out redface but sometimes they turn out to be the best pictures - the unplanned caught unaware ones :lol:
*but* if its a planned camera session then I will have the place tidy ish
Now if you could see the state of the stair carpet in my avatar then you would have a damn good right to be utterly turned off and disgusted surprisedops:
Quote by Kaznkev
We have just recieved a pm complete with cock shot,it doesnt look like a bsd cock,but in no way inclines me to contact the person,especially as they only included 3 lines about meeting!
A face pic and invitation to view there private album would have been so much more effective

well you did better than me i had one with 3 pics 2 of his cock one of his face and the only writing was his name i mean honestly what should i even reply i'm lost on this one
Quote by Kaznkev
We have just recieved a pm complete with cock shot,it doesnt look like a bsd cock,but in no way inclines me to contact the person,especially as they only included 3 lines about meeting!
A face pic and invitation to view there private album would have been so much more effective

well you did better than me i had one with 3 pics 2 of his cock one of his face and the only writing was his name i mean honestly what should i even reply i'm lost on this one
just dont,eventually they will learn,im not willing to take the time to teach them,selfish but hey its my time their wasting
true ok for once i won't even reply ty xx
Quote by Kaznkev
We have just recieved a pm complete with cock shot,it doesnt look like a bsd cock,but in no way inclines me to contact the person,especially as they only included 3 lines about meeting!
A face pic and invitation to view there private album would have been so much more effective

well you did better than me i had one with 3 pics 2 of his cock one of his face and the only writing was his name i mean honestly what should i even reply i'm lost on this one
just dont,eventually they will learn,im not willing to take the time to teach them,selfish but hey its my time their wastingCan I waist your time?