Quote by de_sade
As part of the governments plans to milk everybody dry in this seemingly bankrupt country (IMHO) the proposed LGPS (local government pension scheme) has initiated the requisite response from most members of various Trade Unions and a national one-day strike of all those members affected or who will / may be affected will take place on the 28th March.
This is not a political site, nor should it be (unless swinging is your politics) but this action will affect a lot of people on the site (directly and indirectly) and many more will be on the picket line (myself included) such as teachers, etc - ( though there are not many swinging teachers on this site) .
The LGPS will affect nurses, firefighters, police, etc, etc.
So if you swing and give a damn give those that will be on the picket line on Tuesday a HONK of support...And remember because so many of us will be off work Tuesday, those that aren't on PD will be posting and chatting here in SH towers. It is going to be a busy day.
Give a HONK.
Quote by neilinleeds
*neilinleeds would like to apologise unreservedly for suggesting that our beloved Home Sec was a complete fuckwit!*
*neilinleeds wishes to make it clear, that what he should have said, in a vague and roundabout way, was that Her Majesties Government are a complete set of :insertrudewordhere: who seem to have forgotten who elected them in the first place?!*
no, no ,no . . . . i mean . . . erm . . . they are all thoroughly decent people, acting in the best interests of the country?
except of course, one day in the last couple of months or so, all these public servants turned up at work to find that their employer had unilaterally decided to tear up all the agreements they had in place re: pension rights when they agreed to work for them, for a piss poor salary, in the first place . . . cos it's a vocation yeah . . . and they'd done that without consultation, negotiation, mediation, yadda yadda ya . . .
. . . . and then the government said "fuck off out of my office, and stop your pissing and moaning . . . it's like this . . . . deal with it!"
. . . and then of course the public at large said . . . "NOOOOOOOOO . . . .how dare you go on strike? we rely on you lot we do?"
. . . but the public at large failed to realise that if they rely on these people who choose to deliver Public Services to them, who've just been shafted by their employer, who've accepted a piss poor salary cos their pension rights kinda made up for it in the long run, then they have a duty to support them, no matter how inconvenient it might be to them, cos fuck knows, if the people that need 'em don't support 'em, no bugger else is gonna do it, are they? and then all those Public Sector workers are gonna think, "sod this for a game of soldiers, why should we bother?" and they're gonna go to the Private Sector, and then we'll all be well and truly stuffed!
. . . . and then the Labour Government, that's committed to Public Services allegedly, gets away with pulling the rug from under their feet, with the support of MrDisgustedOfHampshireWheresMyFireBrigade in the Daily Mail?
who'd have thunk it when they voted for this set of :insertrudewordhere:?
Up the workers! :thumbup: :P
MrDisgustedInLeeds x x x ;)
Quote by Pete_sw
do you know how little a prison officers can earn ?
I do feel for our bobbies, they take some deranged axe murderer into custody (very dangerous i admit,) Take 37 well armed, and armoured coppers, add 14 vans, an armoured land rover, MP5's coming out of your ears, ballistic helmets, stun grenades, a tactical deployment force, scene of crime scientific branch, contact with MI5, MI6, Interpol, Cross agency cooperation, ……. Etc etc, these are just some of the tools that your average bobby has at his disposal.
Prison officer:
A uniform, and a bit of old wood that he’s not allowed to use in case it frightens someoneoh I almost forgot, police liaison officer ffs
Police starting rate: 20,397pa
Prison service: 11,290 pa
Makes sense to me ……………… NOT, you have one force that spend about 24 hours with dangerous individual, getting paid a “just about liveable wage†and you get another force that has to handle these people 24/7, who get paid peanuts ……. And you know what they say about paying peanuts……………..
I have recently come into contact with the prison service through the business I run, I have been shown all the ropes and have now had opportunity to talk to people in the service, from governors down to OSO’s
My god, no wonder its known as the “forgotten serviceâ€
I take my hat off to them all, top to bottom.
Quote by neilinleeds
*neilinleeds wishes to make it clear, that what he should have said, in a vague and roundabout way, was that Her Majesties Government are a complete set of :insertrudewordhere: who seem to have forgotten who elected them in the first place?!*
Quote by natandh
do you know how little a prison officers can earn ?
I do feel for our bobbies, they take some deranged axe murderer into custody (very dangerous i admit,) Take 37 well armed, and armoured coppers, add 14 vans, an armoured land rover, MP5's coming out of your ears, ballistic helmets, stun grenades, a tactical deployment force, scene of crime scientific branch, contact with MI5, MI6, Interpol, Cross agency cooperation, ……. Etc etc, these are just some of the tools that your average bobby has at his disposal.
Prison officer:
A uniform, and a bit of old wood that he’s not allowed to use in case it frightens someoneoh I almost forgot, police liaison officer ffs
Police starting rate: 20,397pa
Prison service: 11,290 pa
Makes sense to me ……………… NOT, you have one force that spend about 24 hours with dangerous individual, getting paid a “just about liveable wage†and you get another force that has to handle these people 24/7, who get paid peanuts ……. And you know what they say about paying peanuts……………..
I have recently come into contact with the prison service through the business I run, I have been shown all the ropes and have now had opportunity to talk to people in the service, from governors down to OSO’s
My god, no wonder its known as the “forgotten serviceâ€
I take my hat off to them all, top to bottom.
Quote by Pete_sw
Prison service: 11,290 pa
Quote by neilinleeds
Prison service: 11,290 pa
Quote by peenut
An what is the point exactly ? We all "protest" now because we are going to loose out on pensions that years ago we were only too happy to sign up for and now its gone all horribly wrong, like with mortgages, negitive equity , jobs etc..... Maybe the connection you make with swinging/sex could be that we were all too busy shagging others back then to realise that we were being shafted ? Does the terms "trousers round ankles and getting caught" mean somthing now ?
Quote by peenut
An what is the point exactly ? We all "protest" now because we are going to loose out on pensions that years ago we were only too happy to sign up for and now its gone all horribly wrong, like with mortgages, negitive equity , jobs etc..... Maybe the connection you make with swinging/sex could be that we were all too busy shagging others back then to realise that we were being shafted ? Does the terms "trousers round ankles and getting caught" mean somthing now ? Its not nice to laugh at others misfortunes but I am kinda looking forward to hearing what sort of reply out of work job centre staff are going to be giving to the "So why havn't you got a job then questions" that they used to ask me !
Quote by piercedJon
While I agree that thoes people who signed up to an agreed pension should be entitled to that penstion... I also disagree that a huge proportion of council tax is now being used directly to pay the agreed pension schemes and to top up the system so future comitments to people who are yet to retire get the pension they are entitled to.
The problem is that as its ultimatly HMG and local covernement that has "mis sold" the pension schemes we're fucked either way... either as a tax payer or as a pension holder or a mix of both...
While its ok for the covernment to prosecute private businesses and take money out of the profit they make if they mis sell pensions how can the same be done to covernment without impacting all the innocent victems of convernment and its crappy and ill concieved idea of acounting.
Lets face it, one of the main reasons for moving and promoting pensions over to the private sector was cos they knew they were in deep shit and had squandered all the NI contributions for non "insurance" related expenditure and also used NI as a hidden tax so they could say "we have not up up income tax."
The people should not be afraid of the covernments, covernments should be afraid fo the people!
Quote by peenut
OK just once more guys !![]()
My point is its too late !
Even if the Government "pay up " they are going to clawback that money by cutting Jobs.
and that means more unemployment and lack of services..
You may get your pension but make sure you don't get ill because there will be no hospital and keep driving your car because there will be no bus ! Oh and "buy a shotgun" because there will be no police .in short take your money and run !
Quote by natandh
OK just once more guys !![]()
My point is its too late !
Even if the Government "pay up " they are going to clawback that money by cutting Jobs.
and that means more unemployment and lack of services..
You may get your pension but make sure you don't get ill because there will be no hospital and keep driving your car because there will be no bus ! Oh and "buy a shotgun" because there will be no police .in short take your money and run !
Quote by natandh
I agree to a cirtain extent, what's the point of striking if there's no money there to stike for. But surely the people who decided that this was the best thing to do are the same people who award themselves payrises above and beyond inflation. The amount of money waisted on burocracy in this country is appauling.
Quote by Medic_1
I agree to a cirtain extent, what's the point of striking if there's no money there to stike for. But surely the people who decided that this was the best thing to do are the same people who award themselves payrises above and beyond inflation. The amount of money waisted on burocracy in this country is appauling.
Quote by Calista
I've not read all the way through but part of the reason we're striking is the double standards of the proposed legislation. I work in FE .. my colleagues train adults students in IT all day but due to a loophole, are no longer being classed as lecturers, so Fred Bloggs next door who trains kids gets all his rights, but my colleagues who train adults don't! Where's the fairness in that?
I'm fortunate in that I have a private pension scheme but in principle I support all those on strike. We've no picket lines as our "god" has closed the whole college for the day.
C x