Have yet to go to our first munch but this would seem to be the best way to see if you naturally click with someone.
This has happened more than once:
Get a reply to our ad with no pic. We ask for facial pics, so usually we don't respond to these. We say "no pic, no reply"
But occasionally, we like what they have written so respond, asking again for a pic.
The usual "I have no digi-cam/only on-line at w*rk"/bullshit excuses finally overcome and the remaining peeps eventually send us a pic.
The horror, the horror! This dude looks like an RTA in action! We have been emailing and all seemed well. Now we have to say "sorry, but it's a 'no' this time".
Not really nice to be telling them all was fine, but now we've seen your face - no chance mate, go get Ordained - only God could love that!
yeah but what about when u get a face pic and it looks mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyuuuuumyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and so you tell then. i am having you for sure! lol
but then u meet the person and they are a hobbit with a stunning face or something?
thats quite tricky to get out of.
WBB (looking quite shallow at the moment i admit!)