:bounce: teach me :bounce: :bounce: teach me :bounce:
Quote by tyracer
they should ban guitar playing until over the age of at all them young people going to college or that music school in guildford.
It looks like a mafia convention all them bloody guitar more than half are just going to smoke weed or get pissed.
Bloody taxes double there debt and make them work!Achtung :x
Quote by Aristophanes
What ever style of playing you adopt be sure to practise every day. Aim for at least an hour if you get time. Be sure to practise very, very slowly. That way you'll learn things a lot quicker. Play both electric and acoustic. On the acoustic front, if you can afford it, have both steel stung and nylon strung. If you have all three types of guitar you'll have a wider spectrum of playing and thus lots more fun. Good luck!
Quote by west-brom-babe
ggggggggg dont do it please!!!!! think of your neighbours!!!!!!!!!!!! my next door neighbour is doing my head in with his he started playing it at 9am this morning yes i was still asleep in bed, iam not impressed usually it goes on till late the other night it was way past 11pm im sure hes got his kit set up beside my wall ffs and the worst thing is not only is he stopping my son sleeping ive got to turn my tv up to 24 just to hear it grrrrrrrrrrrrr my tv is usually 0n 7 ffs. he only plays 1 song ffs. think of ya neighbours gggg if ya wanna learn to play it take it over dartmouth park where ya cant disturb anybody lol xxxxx
Quote by slightlyshy
if u stick at it u will get there,
first u really do need a tutor or u never know where ur going wrong,,,,
it seems like u getting nowhere fast but u gotta practice, practice practice,
there plenty on the net to help u through,,,,
first u gotta get the chords then start looking at playing scales and where each note is on the fretboard,
ur tutor will take u there,
it gonna bash ur head for a while then things will come together,,,,,, what a buzz when u can actualy make ur ax play a tune, good luck
Quote by Just-for-laughs
I started playing when I was 40...wish I'd started playing when I was 4 instead !
It's harder to get 'muscle memory' as your fingers just aren't as flexible as when you were younger but you do get there eventually.
At least everyone in the house kind of recognises what I'm playing now !
Whatever guitar you get, make sure it's set up properly. Nothing will put you off quicker than a guitar that you need bionic fingers to get the strings down to the frets and that won't stay in tune.
Quote by Witchy
I have my first lesson on Tuesday :shock:
Quote by Just-for-laughs
I started playing when I was 40...wish I'd started playing when I was 4 instead !
It's harder to get 'muscle memory' as your fingers just aren't as flexible as when you were younger but you do get there eventually.