It occurred to me today that I seem to spend half my life doing stuff I REALLY don't want to do just to please other people, even people who really don't matter to me much.
I get myself into intensly stupid situations JUST because I don't want to upset others, trying to spare their feelings ... which results in m being too busy even to come to SH heaven to read the forum. Today was one of those lovely days when I had time to myself... feels great!
Now I've decided, to be more assertive, so next time someone asks me to do something I don't want to do I'll say... SORRY NO and if that doesn't work... i'll say... NO!!! NO!!! WHAT PART OF NO IS IT YOU DONT UNDERSTAND??
Do you think that'll work? Is it better to be brutally honest and upset others? Do you find yourself saying yes when you should be saying NO!?