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Polite single guys who can chat - do they exist in clubs??

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o.k., I'm sure that they do. It's just that we never seem to meet them!
Why oh why oh why BBC (oops, dropping into points of view mode) is it that single guys don't seem to want to put a bit of effort into chatting up a lady in a club.
We went to Chams last night intending to let a single guy join us for a bit of fun. No problem to find one in the upstairs rooms, but what we really wanted was for 1 to come and talk first downstairs. Sitting in the lounge there was plenty of opportunity for any guy to wander over, ask if he could join us, chat, flirt, check what our limits are and then, possibly, get very friendly upstairs. sadly they all missed out by just wanting to jump in. Sorry.
Rant over!
Oh well, we're going to try again on the 14th....
Because they think (wrongly) that all the ladies are up for it because thats what they're there for. To me (mike), its exactly the same as if you are down town having a drink and on the 'pull' so to speak. Why should swing clubs be any different. Most ladies like to have a chat. Personality is important.
Hope you have more luck.
Take care
Mike xx
Quote by Moorcroft_69
o.k., I'm sure that they do. It's just that we never seem to meet them!
Why oh why oh why BBC (oops, dropping into points of view mode) is it that single guys don't seem to want to put a bit of effort into chatting up a lady in a club.
We went to Chams last night intending to let a single guy join us for a bit of fun. No problem to find one in the upstairs rooms, but what we really wanted was for 1 to come and talk first downstairs. Sitting in the lounge there was plenty of opportunity for any guy to wander over, ask if he could join us, chat, flirt, check what our limits are and then, possibly, get very friendly upstairs. sadly they all missed out by just wanting to jump in. Sorry.
Rant over!
Oh well, we're going to try again on the 14th....

did you try to make conversation with any single guys while you were downstairs.....maybe through your lack of conversation,they thought you was just there for the same thing as them!
A good point well made smile
Yes, we do put the effort in and the guys that we chat to in this way often turn into good friends. But sometimes it's nice to have the guy come and chat you up biggrin
"You'll always find me in the kitchen at Parties"
And you can find me at the bar at Chams. Not all SM's are like that.
Friday x
Quote by Moorcroft_69
A good point well made smile
Yes, we do put the effort in and the guys that we chat to in this way often turn into good friends. But sometimes it's nice to have the guy come and chat you up biggrin

True....probably some of the guys are conversation killers....and thought best to just keep their mouths shut! lol
"You'll always find me in the kitchen at Parties"
Russ Abbott
Surely that was Jona Lewie?
yes lots can chat..............
n u will find lots have been shot down by couples being rude to them for trying........
Fully agree with your last comment Two's.
As a singleton I should know more than most about the perils of saying "Hi" to the wrong person. One broken jaw proves it and I wasn't being anything other than friendly to the lady at the time!
If there are couples out there who seriously want to enjoy the company of a single man then the lady has to make the first move and indicate that her man is ok with the situation.
Otherwise someone else will be holding their jaw together time and time again in the same fashion I did! It's not a pleasant sight believe me!
On my first and only so far club experience, i was in the club for 7 hours, most of that time playing and chilling with "my" couple and another couple who are friends of theirs.
Come 4am ish i got dressed and was saying my goodbyes when a guy said he had been watching me all night and it was such a pity we hadnt had time to chat.
FFS, if 7 hours isnt long enough for someone to say hi then what hope is there.
Over the yrs ive joined several dating agencies and had a date arranged with well over 60 men. Many stood me up, some turned up, pissed to the eyeballs for dutch courage and some turned up innapropriately dressed- stinking dirty clothes straight from work or dressed over the top for a pub.
A fair few were sober and well presented but were like frightened rabbits in the headlights, some had nothing to talkabout, one guy brought his 11 yr old daughter cos he couldnt get a babysitter, some wanted counselling and talked all night about the ex wife.
Its a lottery, but not helped by men who loose their bottle.
Just cos its a man, dont go thinking hes a confident man about town or Swiss Tony.
In a club I find them in the minority, when I initiate a conversation, sometimes it's ok, sometimes it's 'she's said hello so must be time to fuck' rolleyes
The ultimate a few weeks ago was one guy tapped me on the arm so I looked up and he pointed to a bed without speaking :shock:
Needless to say he got a mouthful...but not of what he wanted wink
Quote by hornyinslough
The ultimate a few weeks ago was one guy tapped me on the arm so I looked up and he pointed to a bed without speaking :shock:

I was gonna post something nice and controversial and say 'are there any? dunno' in response to the thread title.....
then I read your post and thought 'ah, no need' lol
am sure he'd have showed slight evolutionary progress with 'ug ug' if given the chance, so all is not lost :lol:
I go to clubs alone (me being the female half) and i have to admit most guys just watch and follow but i have met a few really nice guys who have taken the time to talk to me at the bar etc and i have to admit they are always the ones that i'd go back to and play with again, saying that i think more men would talk if they had the bottle, i know some men are just rude and want a shag but i dont think thats the case with all guys who don't talk to you i think some just arn't sure what the done thing is and if you even want them to talk to you.
Quote by hornyinslough
sometimes it's 'she's said hello so must be time to fuck' rolleyes

i have to admit i have found this the case many times lol
i'm quite a sociable person and really will talk to anyone but i think cause guy find most women/couples ignor them if you do actually talk your after a shag
To post a positive on this, a guy chatted to me before Christmas at a swinging club and I've been seeing him most weeks since and we're going to start swinging together. Just shows what chatting and flirting can lead to lol
Quote by Fridayiminlove
But what I want to know is what ever happened to Bella Emberg? :P
Friday x

Still alive and kicking. She was in a Dr Who episode last year, as Mrs Croot.
once in a club in bury i went to go to the toilet came back to find several guys all sitting around mrs north,not one had actually spoke to her not even a "hi" once i sat down they all buggered off .we will speak to any one but i found this very strange for people to have the bottle to go to a club on there own but not even speak to any one but think they will be lucky enough to get the chance to join in with a couple.
i have never once been approached by a single guy at a club.
once, a man sat opposite me with his legs apart so i could see up his towel. not much of a pretty site to be honest.
maybe that was a come-on?
we know we exist.....honest....
me personally wouldn't even dream of playing with people without at least talking to them first...
I have been in clubs where loads of singles guys have chatted to people and some where they haven't said boo to a goose... saying that i have seen in clubs where i have seen the same things from couples....
it is like most things in life a two way street... i have talked to couples for what seems like hours before play... i have talk to couples where they just turn around and say "we are only here to have sex, not talk" and good for them
but you do wonder where you do stand at times.....if you want to chat to people first... go up to them and chat, if they don't want to do that, they are not for you and move on... just be proactive
you tend to get out what you put in, but if you are waiting on someone else making a move...what are you putting in?
just a thought....
sean xxxxxx
The attitude of some SM's is a reason I don't go to Clubs much nowadays......the other being the bloody cost! :shock:
But, yes unfortunately there are those that are just ignorant - couples and SW's too. I once went to a club and merely asked a couple if it was their first time there like mine and was told to "Fuck off, we aren't interested..." :shock:
Good manners are free and I've always followed the Maxim "Do unto others..."
Works so far anyway.
Its quite simple really Moorcrofts.......
Firstly get one of these fitted to Mrs Moorcrofts ass..

You will find due to their inate subconcious training , indoctrinated by Tescos - the men will form a very orderly queue.
Glad To Help
Peace xx
..............but seriously though , there are rude tossers in all walks of life ,and the very LAST place you should expect a lower quotient of them is at a swingers club !
Well I am off to a club for the first time tonight and bloody scared. Sensual will be fine, she is great at making eye contact and flirting. Me ...well I have been married to sensual for 22 years and we went out for 5 years before that...So I am a little out of practice in the art of approaching and chatting up women!. I do get annoyed at the attitude of many women who expect the men to make the first move, and also be witty and make them laugh. I know that I can hold a conversation and be amusing and interesting, but it is best when it is a two way street...So very scared at taking a large but fragile ego and setting it up to be shattered by someone who is not interested in giving me a chance to chat. Scared ...but also excited.
Quote by twos_company
yes lots can chat..............
n u will find lots have been shot down by couples being rude to them for trying........

hmmmm... shot down for trying eh? about the time you threatened to punch me on the nose! :giggle:
(but the thing is... I didn't approach twos on the night!) dunno
if u want to wear a wig n walk around in disguise
n look like some one that was very rude to us once
thats yr problem
but i only ask for a lift home' not to be pinned down on the back room floor for the rest of the night.
i screamed n yelled but u would not stop...........
but i was not giving u the front door key,,,,,,,
well.....................not till i was worn out........
those days i never liked snakes.....but im all right now.......
Quote by twos_company
if u want to wear a wig n walk around in disguise
n look like some one that was very rude to us once
thats yr problem
but i only ask for a lift home' not to be pinned down on the back room floor for the rest of the night.

:gagged: :gagged: :gagged: :gagged: :gagged: :gagged: innocent

once.... ahem..... it was just a small conflict of opinion... you wanted to beat me up!!!!!!! biggrin
ffs dont see a post from the old members
then they come out of the wood work.......pmsl
n i suppose the two of u want a invite to the norm
summer party at ours............
well get yr wall-papering bodys into gear n help us get ready for it..........
One time I went the girl came over to me having walked past a few minutes earlier. She came over to the couch I was sitting on, said hi. There was a porn on, I was discussing with her if she liked it. Was with her hubby (who was downstairs) and we talked about how long she'd been into the scene etc, what type of men she liked (described people similar to me, nice). Then she asked me to the bedroom and things went on from there. nice to have some one on one and not five cocks wanking at the same time...
So I suppose it's the same deal as a club of chatting someone up first (albeit it a bit more directly and in a different envt). Sometimes a woman will be taking on a few at once and you can join in I suppose most times. But for me, I suppose I prefer a bit of build-up first - besides it's very flattering having a woman chat you up first, even if you are just one more cock. wink
Ok here is my 2 pence worth, i have been in a club and ofen will talk to people at the bar, even if it as about the most random of shit...
when i go to cupids, my acent is a lot diffrent from most people in the club so when i speak people ask oh where i am from and take it from there....
i have often just chated to people in the jacuzi as a way just to talk. I have aprocached cpls before and the started to talk to me then fucked off...
i wanst asking for a shag i was just having a natter, i think sometimes it can be hit and miss, you dont want to be to foward but then you dont want to sit in the corner and say nothing either...
Not quite the same, but we had a corking one a few weeks ago. A single bloke started talking to us - we made it fairly clear that we were there just to chill out and not really do anything. Anyway, he carried on talking but then started talking about his girlfriend.
So, I said "Is she here, then?"
"Christ no - I wouldn't let her come to a place like this."
We just walked off.
Quote by vdub
"Christ no - I wouldn't let her come to a place like this."
We just walked off.

OMG that takes some beating for pure hypocritical stupidity. Bet to this day the prat doesnt know what he did.