For what it's worth.....
Language and vocabulary is evolving all the time, some for the good and some bad.
Think back 30 years (you oldies!!), golliwogs on the jam labels, as a kid was very innocent as far as i was concerned. Long gone.
I remember my best mate had three or four cats, one was called , because he was brown, and Brown was an acceptable description of colour (to many) in the dim and distant past.
An how about good old Jack Smethurst and Rudolph Walker slagging each other off in 'Love Thy Neighbour' in the '70s - sambo, nig-nog, white honkey, all ok (?) then, imagine the complaints now.
No point getting worked up about it, countless examples across the spectrum, everyone will use language which they have been taught is ok, by parents, school, peers, and what they see others around them use, unfortunately the minority will not follow the accepted trend where abusive language is concerned and will tread their own path.
No offence intended in any of the words above...just examples.
I don’t know what to say really, or rather how to say it.
I feel this is just trivialising things, where has all the common sense gone. I can’t speak for everyone.
Every one has a right to fee speech, but as I keep saying there is no such think as true free speech, there is a limit to every thing. Now let’s put some perspective on this;
Rest assured that you can ask for a black coffee or a black pen or say that a board is black etc. Without us ethnic minorities getting offended because we do have sufficient grasp of the English language to understand that you are not being abusive towards us. Upon hearing a white person saying can I have a black coffee please, we wont be phoning round our fellow coloured peoples saying here this white person has called this here black coffee black, lets all start a riot in this here England init booyakasha.
Now don’t be shocked but from time to time we ethnic minorities some time ask for black coffee or a black pen or say that a board is black etc too.
You may have all the right in the world to exercise your freedom and call me a f ing packi, just because I have brown skin. But I equally may have all the right in the world to exercise my freedom and not take too kindly to it, especially as im not from Pakistan.
Common sense ffs
Poilitical correctness is everywher these days somtime you can see somtimes you cant but its there in some respects is probably right in others its just political b.s.
Were getting to stage were people eventualy wont have the freedom of speech that we are all so accustomed to it realy is crazy
Interesting stuff... as I am sort of involved with a local political party will not go into much detail here.
There are laws that may come into place, if people get there way.. One is that at Christmas, you will no longer be able to have a shopping bag given to you from a store with Santa on it, in case it offends people. They want to change the Easter holiday to a Spring holiday ... these are just a couple that spring to mind, and that may be made law.
Seems strange though that I can tell a joke about and English man, and Irish man and a Scottish man, and we will all laugh.. change that to any other race... mnnnn and you know what will happen.
We can also have religious humour on TV, take Dave Allan (RIP) or the vicar of Dimbldy good humour about religion..... But change them to another non Christan religion, and gawd, can you imagine what would happen...
Yup the GB has gone barking mad....
seems like we're stuck in the middle of the idiots who somehow get paid huge amounts of money to come up with these things and the people who get large compensation payouts for being offended by what was probably an innocent and unrelated comment.
as Andy_Wolves said earlier, Wolverhampton has a very diverse mix of people who generally get on very well as everyone is in the same boat, trying to wade through the crap that comes with everyday life. occasionally everyone will balls it up and say something offensive either due to ignorance or lack of experience or just by judging a situation wrong. a quick apology usually does the trick and you learn something and move on. As i've lived in the area my entire life i have a pretty wide cross section of friends and aquaintances and guess what, they're all pretty similar people regardless of age, race or sex- don't be offensive and if you are, apologise sincerly and move on. They don't give a shit if you call a 'chalk board' an blackboard cos thats what they call it!
another thing that really bugs me is the idea that the only people that are racist are white- utter bollocks, in my experience it's probably about equal percentages in each race (its just perceived higher for white due to the higher percentage of population), see the pattern? average is a useful description to apply to all races, sexes, ages etc. Treat people with respect and you will probably find you get the same in return. Sorry if im off on a rant but it get on my tits when people try to make personal gains by antagonising everyone for no good reason.
One story springs to mind. Ian Dury relased a single called 'Spasticus Autisticus' and there was a great rush of politicians and other general useless windbags instantly condeming this foul offensive song and condeming the singer, with much debate and hurrumphing. at this point he quietly and articulatly pointed out he was half crippled by polio and wrote the song about the way these same people treated him. as usual the ones who find things most offensive have no real grasp of how it's truly perceived.
i'll stop typing now cos my fingers are bleeding
i strongly resemble that remark
People should also consider the implications of "enforcing" political correctness.
When I lived in London, the local school decided to change Christmas one year - no Christmas tree, Christmas carols, overtly Christian decorations etc. - and change it to something like a Festival of Lights as the traditional ceremony might offend some people. There was a lot of local opposition but it went ahead anyway.
Next local elections in May guess what happened?
The sitting councillor lost his seat and a National Front candidate was duly elected!!!!!
Nobody really wanted or expected this but if the professional education/council do-gooders had left well alone then I doubt the NF man would have had any publicity let alone have been elected which meant that his very wrong views suddenly were given credence.
Oh you so know that I am going to post a reply to this one .....................
but not whilst under the affluence of inkahol. this one will take some careful consideration........ :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I know I am going to open a debate up here, BUT I have to answer Aspals.
Why do you complain about Enid Blyton books? They may or may not have been standards in childrens literature but they are now historical - the main arguement against them is that they reflected middle class life in Britain in the 1950s/1960s and the same can be said even for JK Rowling as all her characters are middle Blyton wrote her books (which are all about Britain and in particular England) we did not have a multi racial community so she was representing what was then a British point of view.
Little Black Sambo as a kids' storey is a reflection of British life in India but the book (as far as I can remember) never mentions a white kid and as such is a non racial storey about an Indian boy and a tiger.
Now I do see that the book showed a somewhat paternalistic view and I am of course sorry if anyone has suffered from remarks emanating from ignorant people reading the book and making comments.
However, as people who are British (no matter which football/cricket/rugby team me may support) we should recognise and accept what is part of our history (sorry personstory)
because by trying to hide or ban or rewrite these things I believe we are gong down a dangerous road.
If people - no matter who they are or where they are from - want to be British (or indeed Dutch/French or any other european nationality) then should they not accept that country's values?
We all live in the 21st century and those people that have respecting others views are of course right. The more the do-gooding liberals (note with a small "l") try and enforce change before allowing to happen naturally the more problems we will have. Refer to my earlier post about the NF councillor.
Ah, good to see Alspals turn up eventually on this thread with his usual good sense. When I posted on page 2 I was hoping to see a contribution. Excellent! :thumbup:
The non sandal-wearing, non muesli-eating, non limp-wristed, non communist,