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POLL:Best avatar-Results now annouced (kind of!)

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80 replies
7 watchers
I'm going for Dambuster on the cleverness quotient, though it's not one of the ones I most like looking at! :shock: :shock:
I like Davej's head up arse! Very cool! biggrin
For some reason ;) i like dazandlou's avatar. I vote for that even though i can't because its not on the list. If i have to choose one from the list it would be Dambuster. But really deep down it's Lou's image i like
can i vote for 2? lol clare gets mine but im oh so torn with calista and then again dambuster and ooh celtique in those knickers god ive blown it now!
put me down for clare wink
love peppsxxx
I love Clare's secretary pose and Calista does it for me too but humour wins everytime, so I'm going for Davej.
Who nominated the 12 btw? Was that a previous thread I missed out on?
Best avatar has to be musketeer. It portrays in graphics the futility of man existance
Quote by Marya
I love Clare's secretary pose and Calista does it for me too but humour wins everytime, so I'm going for Davej.
Who nominated the 12 btw? Was that a previous thread I missed out on?

Yeah there was a nomination thread,probably on page 2 or 3 now,but everyone had the chance and thats how the 12 were picked!!
See??? See??? i get 1 and a half votes and i wasnt even NOMININATED!!!! so flipa to you all who didnt nominate me!!!! (i'm joking by the way!!) Oh, heandtr.... i most definitly DO remember yours from the SMB.... i was sober for that event, lol!!! lol
Can't decide between Clare's avatar and Calista's.
I also love Lou's pic (Well done Lou- I'd of nominated you if I'd seen the thread lol ).
In actual fact I like them all. Can I put a vote in for all of them :dunno:
Quote by Clare_Lincs
I love Clare's secretary pose and Calista does it for me too but humour wins everytime, so I'm going for Davej.
Who nominated the 12 btw? Was that a previous thread I missed out on?

Yeah there was a nomination thread,probably on page 2 or 3 now,but everyone had the chance and thats how the 12 were picked!!
Thanks, hun xx
i am gutted that my avatar didn't make the final 12........ all that hard work of drinking 12 guinness' on day!! charming!!!!! biggrin :D :D :D :D
i suppose if i have to choose another avatar then it would have to be davej... well played that man!!!!!
sean xxxx
After much thought and deliberation confused I vote for clare_lincs' secretary pose ... not that I'm brown-nosing or anything biggrin
I'm just grateful that deancannock's avatar isn't in the 12 ... enough to put anyone off his dinner lol :lol: :lol:
Given that Foxy's isn't an option worship then it's got to be a vote for Clare_Lincs - why doesn't my secretary look like that confused sillyhwoar:
Quote by JonJon
Given that Foxy's isn't an option worship then it's got to be a vote for Clare_Lincs - why doesn't my secretary look like that confused sillyhwoar:

Hmmm only second best eh??Not sure if i take that as a compliment or not :?
Sorry redface Yours is a very fine avatar too sillyhwoar:
(maybe it would be better if I put my spade down now bolt
Can we vote for ourselves ... not because i'm vain but 'cause I'm determined to win a prize in one of these bloody things !!!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx :angel:
Quote by RSAB2
Can we vote for ourselves ... not because i'm vain but 'cause I'm determined to win a prize in one of these bloody things !!!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx :angel:

No you bloody can't,vain or what?? rolleyes :roll: :roll:
(im sure we can give you a special prize though in person!!) :twisted:
We can't vote and if we could we'd never vote for ourselves(not that i'm up for it,i never win anything and its not fair and its leaving me mentally scarred.I'm not bitter you know).
(Talk about bloody love yourself,tut) smackbottom :smackbottom:
I nominated Dawn_Mids and the amazing bouncing boobs but having looked at the different avatar's my vote goes to :-
That pic is very good and IMHO one of the most sexy pics on here. It was a very close thing though and I think there are some really great avatar's out there.
I think my vote has to be CelticQ smile
Methinks Clare is copying me!!!!! Get your own bloody avatar you tart!!! lol
ive got tons of money to give your girls for bribing etc..... wink
Quote by dazandlou
Methinks Clare is copying me!!!!! Get your own bloody avatar you tart!!! lol

Gee thanks Lou,you know how to make a girl feel good about her avatar,im gonna change it back now because of you!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Quote by mark/surrey
ive got tons of money to give your girls for bribing etc..... wink

:shock: Jeezus ... for a second I thought it was Grant Mitchell ... :lol2:
Quote by Clare_Lincs
Methinks Clare is copying me!!!!! Get your own bloody avatar you tart!!! lol

Gee thanks Lou,you know how to make a girl feel good about her avatar,im gonna change it back now because of you!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Look!!! Look!!! the guilt trip thing for votes!!!!!!! she's only saying that for the sympathy thing!!!!!
grant mitchell! leave it aaaht innit. lol
Quote by dazandlou
Methinks Clare is copying me!!!!! Get your own bloody avatar you tart!!! lol

Gee thanks Lou,you know how to make a girl feel good about her avatar,im gonna change it back now because of you!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry:
Look!!! Look!!! the guilt trip thing for votes!!!!!!! she's only saying that for the sympathy thing!!!!!
Lou i feel horrified that you'd think that :shock:
Avatar changed back,i promise to never get my tits out again!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Never noticed until J3diMast3r pointed it out....

Yep, your avatar makes you look like Ross Kemp.
What is an Avatar...........
AVATAR is a word that is commonly heard but rarely understood. In English, the word has come to mean "an embodiment, a bodily manifestation of the Divine." However, the Sanskrit word Avatara means "the descent of God" or simply "incarnation." Here is the definition based on India's ancient Vedas, the oldest and most comprehensive spiritual literature known to man:
The Avatara, or incarnation of Godhead,
descends from the kingdom of God for material manifestation.
And the particular form of the Personality of
Godhead who so descends is called an
incarnation, or Avatara. Such incarnations are
situated in the spiritual world, the kingdom of
God. When They descend to the material
creation, They assume the name Avatara.
( Chaitanya-caritamrita -264)
So we hope this helps.