Why not just split it into two polls? This way removes anonymity which may or may not bother people!
just a thought ....
Not being picky ornything - but I'd rather not join in this at the moment.
The one mentioned isn't of me and anyway I change my avatars that frequently it wouldn'tbe relevant.
I'm not trying to be a spoilsport or anything - just now isn't a good time for me!
Thank you!Alex
Thanks for thinking it worthy of a mention here though
RSAB2 isnt them either - well, i dont think it is!! :shock:
celtiq, as I nom'd her in the first place.
well thats it..... :cry: ....putting my jeans back on now!....lol
Oooo, so many to choose from.
I think I will have to go for RSAB2 as I'm sure I've seen that road sign when our driving.
I am quite shocked that I wasn't even in the consideration but hey. What do two cute fluffy Moles playing dentist and patient know?
OOhh - nice to be nominated Vix but I've just realised I've not got the swing on anymore. You see I took my knickers off to put my swimming hat on and then I lost my knickers so I put the swing on which was my original one but then I found my knickers again so I've put them back on!
Forgot to vote - Davej - cracks me up everytime.
If you are going to partners tomorrow you'll be needing a lend of it!!!!
I vote for CelticQ - The Wiggly Bum. :P
well I'm sorry but I just been cruising through all the avatars and i think we missed some real beauties......look up
but my vote for the best arse on view has to go to foxylady123
oh and nearly forgot...love blue's " human leagues,,, phil oakley " look avavtar
its the way she looks at me with that one eye !!!!!!!!!!
I vote for Calista's avatarwith her in just her knickers :twisted:
Lots of the others are very good, but that one is my fav.
Charlotte xx