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2 watchers
American porn is shite....european porn is much better!
Do like watching abit of Ben Dover!
I prefer the more "realistic" type.
Having said that i did enjoy "Pirates", the worlds first High Definition porn film. Also the most expensive porn made lol.
try the website its a free site and loads of amatuer stuff on it
My (dodgy) source seems to have a load of amateur stuff, it's all I really get these days! All the american stuff is so fake, I only ever get it if the girl appeals A HECK OF A LOT
its a free site that costs a Dollar a film (which is cheap i know) but you pay from your visa card.......and the search goeson for a free movie site smile
i'm seeing the gap in th market for some good swinging heaven amateur porn, members only allowed to view/purchase. sure there'd be some great stuff, and think a lot of us would agree that we fit the normal average kinda people catergory!!
id say definately. although youll still end up with the pic collectors and the worry about people giving the clips to god knows who in god knows what.
Quote by badger_boy
i'm seeing the gap in th market for some good swinging heaven amateur porn, members only allowed to view/purchase. sure there'd be some great stuff, and think a lot of us would agree that we fit the normal average kinda people catergory!!

You're not seeing a gap in the market, but you are ignoring the premis of 'no trading' on this Site. That's why there hasn't been anything done previously..

its free and you can get as much home made porn as you like !! Just download any bit torrent program (all free) There is somegreat stuff on there !!
Best wishes Alan
point taken, apologies
i'm slapping my wrists as i write this sad
Quote by Mal
i'm seeing the gap in th market for some good swinging heaven amateur porn, members only allowed to view/purchase. sure there'd be some great stuff, and think a lot of us would agree that we fit the normal average kinda people catergory!!

You're not seeing a gap in the market, but you are ignoring the premis of 'no trading' on this Site. That's why there hasn't been anything done previously..
Gonzo !!! ??? well you learn something new every day!
i'd recommend home made, it doesn't have to be over complicated and can be quite anonymous with good results. it's a while since i made any but i used a decent 8mm camcorder, hand held a lot of the time and the lens set to wide angle this way it gave great close ups. no need for tripods or fancy lighting in my experience.
forget about tripods and full length body shots, try some of these.
woman sat on sofa man knelt between her legs, wide angle camera held above or from the side gives great close up action.
woman laid on floor camera between feet tilted slightly upwards, man on top, gives a great view.
man on floor hand held camera woman on top, camera can be panned from the action up to the womans bouncing breasts, no need to go any higher if you want anonimity.
if your concerned about someone else seeing the video and recognising the carpet/furniture then just cover the area with a sheet or something similar, if hands are going to come into view then remove any rings etc. if you want total anonimity of your surroundings use a hotel room. don't forget, the resulting video will be in your hands so if you're not happy with it you can destroy it and try again, even more fun for you.
give it a go, it takes practice to get the results you want but practicing is great fun.
p.s. why did it take an hour to type this reply ?
i was distracted downloading some vids from the net :-)
p.p.s that "your account has insufficient whatsit to post" just happened to me, glad i saved it as a text file.
If you join site % of there business is selling things the same as on ebay there is a section Over 18s then you go to DVDs & VHS section there are all different types of adult dvds & videos for sale even home made ones made by couples & other people
Quote by ibgary69
try this commercial UK website www:// which has some good amateur and semi-pro action and the prices are reasonable biggrin
it features 'real' looking people not glamour models and the orgasms look pretty authentic on the videos as well (but you can judge for yourselves)
several of my lady friends and couples I know have also found them quite stimulating as well and a nice change from the over manufactured and glossy US stuff!

Great site I have just downloaded some to my IPOD how cool is that. I can now have porn on the go lol
Quote by Mal
i'm seeing the gap in th market for some good swinging heaven amateur porn, members only allowed to view/purchase. sure there'd be some great stuff, and think a lot of us would agree that we fit the normal average kinda people catergory!!

You're not seeing a gap in the market, but you are ignoring the premis of 'no trading' on this Site. That's why there hasn't been anything done previously..
We'll see how long the "no trading" lasts with the new owners - they have to recoup their investment somehow...
We'd be happy to share some of our exploints if you're still intersted? Just ask...
Quote by xyoungcouplex
We'd be happy to share some of our exploints if you're still intersted? Just ask...

Not sure if they will reply as this thread was started 3 years ago lol
I join with you. Lets try and continue with this thread as long as possible.
In my opinion watching a homemade or amateur porn is much better than watching tanned up pornstars.
Oh yes. I've got loads of homemade porn. You can't beat it. Don't get me wrong i still dable with the conventional now and again but it's homemade porn i watch 90% of the time.
It's the thought of knowing the star of the film is doing it because she wants to and not because she's getting paid.
Let's just say i've ammased a large collection lol redface
I think most of the stuff i've got is 'your choice viewers wives'
i dont watch pornos.
too busy listening to military marching music and famous speeches. lol
I know it's not been used for a while... but at least it's getting read again now... LOL.
Yeah, most porn is crap, when on earth are women going to wise up and see that silicone implants and botox just make them look like transexuals !
Checkout films by Maria Beatty, she did a good lesbian one with Mistress Midori, can't remember the title offhand, also Joy Bear tend to be quite good. The ameteur films made by the London stripper "Mouse" are also good, mainly because she is both drop dead gorgeous and naughty.
Quote by Riotandantony
Yeah, most porn is crap, when on earth are women going to wise up and see that silicone implants and botox just make them look like transexuals !
Checkout films by Maria Beatty, she did a good lesbian one with Mistress Midori, can't remember the title offhand, also Joy Bear tend to be quite good. The ameteur films made by the London stripper "Mouse" are also good, mainly because she is both drop dead gorgeous and naughty.

I saw Mouse perform once. Quite incredible. Good job I was wearing drip-dry clothing!!!
(That's if we're talking about the same Mouse?)
Quote by __random_orbit__
Yeah, most porn is crap, when on earth are women going to wise up and see that silicone implants and botox just make them look like transexuals !
Checkout films by Maria Beatty, she did a good lesbian one with Mistress Midori, can't remember the title offhand, also Joy Bear tend to be quite good. The ameteur films made by the London stripper "Mouse" are also good, mainly because she is both drop dead gorgeous and naughty.

I saw Mouse perform once. Quite incredible. Good job I was wearing drip-dry clothing!!!
(That's if we're talking about the same Mouse?)
Yes - if you needed you're waterproofs; it was the same Mouse ! for those of you who don't know what we're talking about she pours water or milk into her pussy and/or arse and then squirts it out ! She is well worth booking for ant stag night etc - lovely lady with it too !
ps; just remembered the name of the Maria Beatty film is "Silken Sleeves".