Getting ready to watch my soaps last night ( cos hubby was away and i'm just plain sad lol). When you've guessed it had a power cut, half of wxm is in dark. After sitting for an hour with one poxy candle for light decide to go off to bed (at eight o clock ). Lying in bed i start remembering a really bad horor movie i'd watched the previous night so spent most of my night lying in bed with my head under the covers jumping at every flamin noise.
Any suggestions what i can do next time? Cos last night was one hell of a long night in my opinion.
Lou xx
We live in nowhere land- a powercut here means- no cooking (we don't have mains gas) lights or heat! (Except where the coal fire is in the living room)
A long powercut has been known to mean fenagaling (?) a camping cooking pot into the fire to make a stew for 6- all prepared by candle light!
Not something I want to repeat often!
Buy a generator, seem to spend a lot of time instaling them lately and change overswitches.
the problem is my land line phone is connected to the electric and i flaming ran out of credit on my mobile (not allowed a contract phone after my last bill :shock: ). typical that the one night i had to light candles and make the house look romantic and wheres he? in a pub in london........
why not go and join him
and if the electric till not working
does that mean free beer lol
Funnily enough I was just talking about the winter of discontent with Fire the other day. I can clearly remember sitting at home a kettle of water on the Rayburn for making hot chocolate and listening to plays on the Radio by the light of an oil lamp, and thinking they were truly magical times. We as a family talked and played games, listened and used our imaginations. I know we were lucky, we had heat and hot food that others had not, but I thoroughly enjoyed the times when the electricity went off.
what to do in the event of a power cut... grab torch, run to shed and fire up generator then carry on as if nothiong had happened.
I would simply go to bed and read.
Like some of the other posters I live in the countryside, and experience several power outages a year. The longest in the last four years was 36 hours during and after a period of very high winds. Although it was the middle of January the winds were from the south west so fortunately it was relatively mild.
As soon as the power goes off I put extra clothes on rather than waiting until the house starts to cool so as to not lose heat. Then I get the candles lit and read or write letters to friends. Aye, real letters!
Then, of course, I'll get bored and think "I fancy some toast - oh, of course, 'leccy's off. Cuppa. Err, nope. Right, well, I'll check e-mail, ah, no I won't."
I have a little UPS on the PC to protect it against the regular glitches, but I have a question about standby generators.
Does anyone know approximately how much a generator, the interface into the house wriing system and a network isolator switch to support the essentials like heating, microwave oven and lighting would cost? Say, a unit so I wouldn't have to switch stuff off to use the microwave.
Supplementary question: Do modern generators put out a stable enough supply to run electonic kit like the telly/hifi without risk of damage due to voltage fluctuations?
roughtly speaking without seeing the house a 2,5 kva long run generator with a Electronic AVR (Automatic voltage regulation) is about £600 (A Proper generator not these 120 quid things in netto's)
A change over switch is about £300
Instalation costs and associated wiring about another £250
add £120 - 150 if you require automatic startup on generator
if you don't require a generator thats going to run the pc you could use one with a standard avr which is more like £300
hope this helps
There is a product on the market (fekk knows what its called) It is a battery operated light that you plug into a socket. The battery is charged when electricity is available but as soon as the power is cut it switches on automatically. That should sort out the darkness.
As for boredom ??????