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Problem At Work...............Advice Needed.

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Quote by Missy
biggrin excellent result good on you!! I was getting ready to go up there and set the boys on him mad

Ooh oooh :bounce: I've had a terrible day at work, been everso bossy and I'm not even a manager
Can you set the boys on me?? :twisted: :bounce:
how many would you like???? :twisted:
Quote by Lissa
Well, I went into work today armed with a plan, and with Pete's last words to me as I got out of the car ringing in my ears...........'Don't lose your temper' biggrin
The factory manager was waiting for me and asked me to step into his office. Steve was already in there, and my first thought was that he had beaten me to the punch, but that wasn't the case. The two lads who had witnessed the argument had both gone to the manager on arrival that morning and told him about it. He had been off yesterday.
He asked if the version of events he had been given was true, and they were.
He then told Steve that he had checked the units I had rejected and I was 100% right to do so. That if we expected our client to pay almost £1000 each for them then the least they could expect is that they were perfect. He also pointed out that Steve wouldn't be aware of this but we were on the verge of losing the client concerned before I took over sole responsibility for finishing these units. I was meticulous in my work and if I decided something wasn't right, no if's, but's or maybe's, it was to be redone.
He then said that the allegation that I had a problem with the Polish lads was unfair and untrue. I think his exact words were, 'She isn't racist, she hates everybody equally' :D That did lighten the tone a little, and Steve admitted that he had been out of line to say that, and apologised.
So for the moment everything seems to have been sorted out. Steve has spent the day working with the Polish lads showing them what was wrong with their work and why it must exactly match the technical drawings, and I didn't have to knee-cap anyone :twisted:
I would seriously like to thank all of you for your helpful suggestions and support. I just didn't know what to do or which way to turn yesterday, and your advice helped me to get things straight in my head. Big kiss to you all.

Remember to build bridges with Steve, you don't want any rifts with anyone you work with.