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Problem At Work...............Advice Needed.

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I'm still so angry about this that I'm having to try really hard to post calmly.
We have, over recent months, had several Eastern Europeans come to work in the factory. 3 of these are Polish lads, only one of whom speaks English well. Because he has been employed longer than the others he has been put in charge of training them, even though he is fairly new himself and not anywhere near experienced enough. And this is where the problem starts. My job involves taking the basic unit they turn out and transforming it into the finished product. Unfortunately, I have had to reject a fair bit of their work recently because it just isn't up to standard.
Today I rejected a whole batch. The measurements were wrong, each unit was different to the others even though they are supposed to be the same...they were just crap. I called the foreman over to tell him they would have to be re-done. The following is the exact conversation I had with the foreman.
Me....Steve, these are no good, they'll have to be done again.
Steve...What's wrong with them?
Me...The partitions are on the piss, some are too wide.
Steve...Can't you work round the problem.
Me....No. The measurements are precise, the kits won't fit.
Steve...They don't look too bad to me.
Me...They're crap. I'm not prepared to work round the balls up and send them out with my name on them when I know they aren't right. They're shoddy and badly made.
Steve...According to you everything those lads do is shoddy and badly made. I think you just have a problem with the Polish.
I was absolutely gob-smacked at what he'd said. I replied, 'Steve, I don't care if they come from Poland, Venus, Mars or Ur-fucking-anus.....their work is crap and I will not accept it.'
At which he scuttled off and hid in the office for the rest of the afternoon.
My dilemma is, what do I do now? I think his accusation was totally unfair and certainly not true. It may even have been defamatory. Do I make a formal complaint about it, or just let the matter drop and see what happens?
invite him to sit alongside you for a bit, and to do your job, ask him to "make it fit"
then once he has failed miserably, ask him to explain to quantify his comments to you, and if he still stands by them - if there is no apology and improvement, go above his head to his manager
if its measurements then I guess its very easy to list waht the measuremnts SHOULD be..... and then list what they actually are........ then its clear to see and no-one can have any dispute.
I guess there will be a tolerance of some sort, but its clear that if they are beyond a certain figure then they are wrong plain and simple....... so you are totally right to reject.
The solution i guess is to stay calm, don't get mad, and just calmly reject thos that are made to wrong sizes.
Quote by essex34m
invite him to sit alongside you for a bit, and to do your job, ask him to "make it fit"
then once he has failed miserably, ask him to explain to quantify his comments to you, and if he still stands by them - if there is no apology and improvement, go above his head to his manager

What he said
Sounds like a typical gaffer/foreman/team leader comment often used at my place ie:- it'll be allright it only does so and so. I just tell them to do it and stamp for it then and i'll do something else.
Very difficult one this and needs to be handled sensitively so it doesn't get out of hand.
You don't say too much about the structural relationship between you and Steve and how you both fit into the greater scheme of things. If you are the first line supervisor and Steve is your line manager, it will not help matters at all by going over his head at this stage to the next line of management. You do not say whether you have had good relationships with Steve in the past.
Moreover, you don't say whether he has countermanded your rejection of the below standard worksmanship offered by the new workforce.
Your company probably has a complaints/disputes procedure. Read it up now.
Tomorrow, approach Steve directly with a level and clear head and ask him if you can talk to him over a cup of coffee in his office. Outline clearly and without emotion your concerns about yesterday. Ask him how he sees the matter can be resolved in the most efficient way possible and how the two of you can work together to make sure change happens. You seem to have identified a training need, perhaps even a Health and Safety issue and this is your motive, nothing more.
If he blanks you, having read the company complaints/disputes procedure, you will know what the next step should be. In a non confrontational style, ask him how you can invoke the next stage of the procedure since you do not wish the poor workmanship elsewhere to reflect badly on your otherwise good record. Remind him that you do not wish to escalate the issue if it can be resolved at his level of management but, if he has been given pressure from his next level of management, assure him that you will help as much as you can to protect his interests too.
Try to identify the root cause and pressures that may be coming from elsewhere in the chain of command. Keep a level head and don't alienate yourself from the people closest to you at the workplace - once resolved, you will still have to work with them afterwards!
Bite your tongue... analyse what it is you actually want and aim for that. I'm not sure that embarrasing Steve by asking him to make the components fit will work. Work with him if you can to get a result that is win/win.
Hope this can be resolved for you.
just to echo some of the previous comments the racism card is being subtely played here so keep everything official - which means witnesses.
Best thing to do is call his bluff. Get a witness in to sit with you and him and make it explicit that any accusation of racism will not be tolerated, in fact you will take action if accused.
Unfortunately with this sort of thing if you don't treat it very seriously from the beginning you can lose ground legally.
Quote by GnV
Very difficult one this and needs to be handled sensitively so it doesn't get out of hand.
You don't say too much about the structural relationship between you and Steve and how you both fit into the greater scheme of things. If you are the first line supervisor and Steve is your line manager, it will not help matters at all by going over his head at this stage to the next line of management. You do not say whether you have had good relationships with Steve in the past.
Moreover, you don't say whether he has countermanded your rejection of the below standard worksmanship offered by the new workforce.
Your company probably has a complaints/disputes procedure. Read it up now.
Tomorrow, approach Steve directly with a level and clear head and ask him if you can talk to him over a cup of coffee in his office. Outline clearly and without emotion your concerns about yesterday. Ask him how he sees the matter can be resolved in the most efficient way possible and how the two of you can work together to make sure change happens. You seem to have identified a training need, perhaps even a Health and Safety issue and this is your motive, nothing more.
If he blanks you, having read the company complaints/disputes procedure, you will know what the next step should be. In a non confrontational style, ask him how you can invoke the next stage of the procedure since you do not wish the poor workmanship elsewhere to reflect badly on your otherwise good record. Remind him that you do not wish to escalate the issue if it can be resolved at his level of management but, if he has been given pressure from his next level of management, assure him that you will help as much as you can to protect his interests too.
Try to identify the root cause and pressures that may be coming from elsewhere in the chain of command. Keep a level head and don't alienate yourself from the people closest to you at the workplace - once resolved, you will still have to work with them afterwards!
Bite your tongue... analyse what it is you actually want and aim for that. I'm not sure that embarrasing Steve by asking him to make the components fit will work. Work with him if you can to get a result that is win/win.
Hope this can be resolved for you.

Wow worship Superb advice I reckon :worship:
Darn site better than mine ....... which was to stick yer fingers up at him flipa every time his back was turned innocent
Not very constructive, admittedly confused redface
Nope, I say deffo go with GnV's advice ............... then do the :flipa: if that don't work :lol2:
Good luck btw, v. awkward situation kiss
Never ever put your name to something you are not happy with, I don't know what you make, but what if it went wrong further down the line and someone got injured?.
I am a controller in a taxi office and my boss keeps taking on drivers who can't speak english and it causes massive problems, as I am writing this a customer has phoned and complained about a driver going the wrong way and swearing at her. You must always maintain the highest standards possible.
Please don't escalate this further than you have to. Talk again tomorrow. Apologise for being angry even if you don't mean it. An apology will often put people off their guard and make them more cooperative because they are no longer wrong and losing face. be calm explain your problems talk it through and be nice. People tend to react to hostility with hostility. Try to be on the side of the angels.
If a quiet word doesn't work then you can get a bit more officious and supply measurements and highlight the defects
I hope this is clear but it may be gibberish even though I've read it through twice.
Main thing is be calm, nice and reasonable and if that doesn't work go to plan B
Quote by keeno
Please don't escalate this further than you have to. Talk again tomorrow. Apologise for being angry even if you don't mean it. An apology will often put people off their guard and make them more cooperative because they are no longer wrong and losing face. be calm explain your problems talk it through and be nice. People tend to react to hostility with hostility. Try to be on the side of the angels.
If a quiet word doesn't work then you can get a bit more officious and supply measurements and highlight the defects
I hope this is clear but it may be gibberish even though I've read it through twice.
Main thing is be calm, nice and reasonable and if that doesn't work go to plan B

Sound advice from Keeno
Awww, thanks Missy redface
Ok first piece of advice on this is calm down... Easier said than done but it is this kind of stuff that shortens your life, makes you ill and can cause outburts of emotion at work that could put the shoe on the wrong foot confused
A bigger boss should completely appreciate the problem and dilemer that you have faced today. Put it this way these faulty goods could cause your company to loose a contract that costs the directors money and could cost jobs on the shop floor. No business will want that!! wink
Dont be afraid to go above his head IF YOU DONT GET ANY UNDERSTANDING. The first thing to do tommorow is empithise with the line managers position eg. "I completely understnd that returned goods cost us money as a business but what would happen if etc etc". However by you impying that I am racist you have concerned me that I might need to escilate this problem etc. At this point he should be worried pulling that card on you as it could be his job on the line.
I would suggest you do all of this in ear shot of someone else who could verify the position later if required.
Good luck and remember you have done nothing wrong by refusing to produce sub standard work. You should suggest that the Pols need more supervision and training in order for your products to meet to basic required standards!! :idea:
Quote by Martin_M
Ok first piece of advice on this is calm down... Easier said than done but it is this kind of stuff that shortens your life, makes you ill and can cause outburts of emotion at work that could put the shoe on the wrong foot confused
A bigger boss should completely appreciate the problem and dilemer that you have faced today. Put it this way these faulty goods could cause your company to loose a contract that costs the directors money and could cost jobs on the shop floor. No business will want that!! wink
Dont be afraid to go above his head IF YOU DONT GET ANY UNDERSTANDING. The first thing to do tommorow is empithise with the line managers position eg. "I completely understnd that returned goods cost us money as a business but what would happen if etc etc". However by you impying that I am racist you have concerned me that I might need to escilate this problem etc. At this point he should be worried pulling that card on you as it could be his job on the line.
I would suggest you do all of this in ear shot of someone else who could verify the position later if required.
Good luck and remember you have done nothing wrong by refusing to produce sub standard work. You should suggest that the Pols need more supervision and training in order for your products to meet to basic required standards!! :idea:

More sensible advice from Martin_M. But do follow procedure! I'm still not sure about getting someone else in at this stage of proceedings though.. that might be perceived as threatening and might be regarded as "hear-say" anyway. Do it one-to-one initially. Don't harp on the racist issue (you can't prove it anyway) and keep focused on the real objective.
Think everyone else here has hit it on the head with constructive comments, may I just advocate taking a large stick with you to work to beat the muppet with? :twisted:
Quote by Missy
Very difficult one this and needs to be handled sensitively so it doesn't get out of hand.
You don't say too much about the structural relationship between you and Steve and how you both fit into the greater scheme of things. If you are the first line supervisor and Steve is your line manager, it will not help matters at all by going over his head at this stage to the next line of management. You do not say whether you have had good relationships with Steve in the past.
Moreover, you don't say whether he has countermanded your rejection of the below standard worksmanship offered by the new workforce.
Your company probably has a complaints/disputes procedure. Read it up now.
Tomorrow, approach Steve directly with a level and clear head and ask him if you can talk to him over a cup of coffee in his office. Outline clearly and without emotion your concerns about yesterday. Ask him how he sees the matter can be resolved in the most efficient way possible and how the two of you can work together to make sure change happens. You seem to have identified a training need, perhaps even a Health and Safety issue and this is your motive, nothing more.
If he blanks you, having read the company complaints/disputes procedure, you will know what the next step should be. In a non confrontational style, ask him how you can invoke the next stage of the procedure since you do not wish the poor workmanship elsewhere to reflect badly on your otherwise good record. Remind him that you do not wish to escalate the issue if it can be resolved at his level of management but, if he has been given pressure from his next level of management, assure him that you will help as much as you can to protect his interests too.
Try to identify the root cause and pressures that may be coming from elsewhere in the chain of command. Keep a level head and don't alienate yourself from the people closest to you at the workplace - once resolved, you will still have to work with them afterwards!
Bite your tongue... analyse what it is you actually want and aim for that. I'm not sure that embarrasing Steve by asking him to make the components fit will work. Work with him if you can to get a result that is win/win.
Hope this can be resolved for you.

Wow worship Superb advice I reckon :worship:

Darn site better than mine ....... which was to stick yer fingers up at him flipa every time his back was turned innocent
Not very constructive, admittedly confused redface
Nope, I say deffo go with GnV's advice ............... then do the :flipa: if that don't work :lol2:
Good luck btw, v. awkward situation kiss
Sorry I know this is a serious thread but Missy's advice made me giggle :grin:
ooo... this is all good sound advice... coming from level heads *outside* the situation, always good to get a bit of perspective on issues such as these.
I can certainly add nothing further, except to reiterate the *diary* notes, dates and comments abouts conversations/confrontations etc... always very handy should needs be.
Im watching this closely... may not be in the same business, but any advice regarding proceedures & complaints is always welcome.
a calm head... and sadly, no violence.
though I understand that can be catered for in the safe realms of the imagination.!!
Good Luck!
Quote by Lissa
I'm still so angry about this that I'm having to try really hard to post calmly.
We have, over recent months, had several Eastern Europeans come to work in the factory. 3 of these are Polish lads, only one of whom speaks English well. Because he has been employed longer than the others he has been put in charge of training them, even though he is fairly new himself and not anywhere near experienced enough. And this is where the problem starts. My job involves taking the basic unit they turn out and transforming it into the finished product. Unfortunately, I have had to reject a fair bit of their work recently because it just isn't up to standard.
Today I rejected a whole batch. The measurements were wrong, each unit was different to the others even though they are supposed to be the same...they were just crap. I called the foreman over to tell him they would have to be re-done. The following is the exact conversation I had with the foreman.
Me....Steve, these are no good, they'll have to be done again.
Steve...What's wrong with them?
Me...The partitions are on the piss, some are too wide.
Steve...Can't you work round the problem.
Me....No. The measurements are precise, the kits won't fit.
Steve...They don't look too bad to me.
Me...They're crap. I'm not prepared to work round the balls up and send them out with my name on them when I know they aren't right. They're shoddy and badly made.
Steve...According to you everything those lads do is shoddy and badly made. I think you just have a problem with the Polish.
I was absolutely gob-smacked at what he'd said. I replied, 'Steve, I don't care if they come from Poland, Venus, Mars or Ur-fucking-anus.....their work is crap and I will not accept it.'
At which he scuttled off and hid in the office for the rest of the afternoon.
My dilemma is, what do I do now? I think his accusation was totally unfair and certainly not true. It may even have been defamatory. Do I make a formal complaint about it, or just let the matter drop and see what happens?

heres my advice....dont let it drop.. and dont complain......
1) cut and paste the above and use it to form a letter to a) the managing director of your company
b) copy the letter to the guy concerned
c) do a copy to your supervisor
do nothing else and wait to see what happens............
its not worth a complaint by you......... his remarks are not actionable..or supported....... but your confirmation of them is extremely important.........and its unlikely he will do the same....
im a great believer in getting people by the balls and creating a position of power for oneself and by doing the above, you achieve both.
bearing in mind the beaurocracy of any complaints procedures that he might have to go through..... if you do this first thing 2morrow, youll beat him to the punch ( for any complaint or action he might take) AND be in the most powerful position you can be in..............
ie daring people to argue with you.............daring people to accuse you formally
yours will be the first and only evidence of the situation.......... powerful stuff in litigation.......
give it a go.........
Thank you all so much for your help and advice, it is truly appreciated. I am feeling much calmer about it this morning, and the suggestions you have made are all good ones, and give me a plan of to speak biggrin
The conversation was overheard by two other lads who work there, who will be more than willing to confirm my version of events, should that be needed. Hopefully though, the situation will be resolved without that being necessary.
I will let you know this evening how it went.
And Missy.....................I'll be carrying out your suggestion regardless of everything else wink
Thank you once are a wonderful lot kiss
If it was the polish you didn't like, couldn't they just give them an extra buff?
Quote by winchwench
If it was the polish you didn't like, couldn't they just give them an extra buff?

smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
biggrin :D :D
Well, I went into work today armed with a plan, and with Pete's last words to me as I got out of the car ringing in my ears...........'Don't lose your temper' biggrin
The factory manager was waiting for me and asked me to step into his office. Steve was already in there, and my first thought was that he had beaten me to the punch, but that wasn't the case. The two lads who had witnessed the argument had both gone to the manager on arrival that morning and told him about it. He had been off yesterday.
He asked if the version of events he had been given was true, and they were.
He then told Steve that he had checked the units I had rejected and I was 100% right to do so. That if we expected our client to pay almost £1000 each for them then the least they could expect is that they were perfect. He also pointed out that Steve wouldn't be aware of this but we were on the verge of losing the client concerned before I took over sole responsibility for finishing these units. I was meticulous in my work and if I decided something wasn't right, no if's, but's or maybe's, it was to be redone.
He then said that the allegation that I had a problem with the Polish lads was unfair and untrue. I think his exact words were, 'She isn't racist, she hates everybody equally' :D That did lighten the tone a little, and Steve admitted that he had been out of line to say that, and apologised.
So for the moment everything seems to have been sorted out. Steve has spent the day working with the Polish lads showing them what was wrong with their work and why it must exactly match the technical drawings, and I didn't have to knee-cap anyone :twisted:
I would seriously like to thank all of you for your helpful suggestions and support. I just didn't know what to do or which way to turn yesterday, and your advice helped me to get things straight in my head. Big kiss to you all.
Glad it all went well for you Lissa :thumbup:
Lissa, I am sooo glad this worked out for you. You went in prepared, held your ground accordingly and the result was absolutely perfect.
I guess the result would have been the same without our respective advice in this thread but at least you had your head straight, your head held high and your self respect intact. Well done!!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I love a happy ending biggrin
Quote by Shireen_Mids
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
I love a happy ending biggrin

Me too!! :D
That's great news Lissa, happy to hear that it all turned out ok and you were vindicated.
Nice one Lissa! Perhaps now would be a good time to mention pay rises ;-)
biggrin excellent result good on you!! I was getting ready to go up there and set the boys on him mad
Quote by Lissa
I'm still so angry about this that I'm having to try really hard to post calmly.
We have, over recent months, had several Eastern Europeans come to work in the factory. 3 of these are Polish lads, only one of whom speaks English well. Because he has been employed longer than the others he has been put in charge of training them, even though he is fairly new himself and not anywhere near experienced enough. And this is where the problem starts. My job involves taking the basic unit they turn out and transforming it into the finished product. Unfortunately, I have had to reject a fair bit of their work recently because it just isn't up to standard.
Today I rejected a whole batch. The measurements were wrong, each unit was different to the others even though they are supposed to be the same...they were just crap. I called the foreman over to tell him they would have to be re-done. The following is the exact conversation I had with the foreman.
Me....Steve, these are no good, they'll have to be done again.
Steve...What's wrong with them?
Me...The partitions are on the piss, some are too wide.
Steve...Can't you work round the problem.
Me....No. The measurements are precise, the kits won't fit.
Steve...They don't look too bad to me.
Me...They're crap. I'm not prepared to work round the balls up and send them out with my name on them when I know they aren't right. They're shoddy and badly made.
Steve...According to you everything those lads do is shoddy and badly made. I think you just have a problem with the Polish.
I was absolutely gob-smacked at what he'd said. I replied, 'Steve, I don't care if they come from Poland, Venus, Mars or Ur-fucking-anus.....their work is crap and I will not accept it.'
At which he scuttled off and hid in the office for the rest of the afternoon.
My dilemma is, what do I do now? I think his accusation was totally unfair and certainly not true. It may even have been defamatory. Do I make a formal complaint about it, or just let the matter drop and see what happens?

You have approached steve on this matter and he didnt help, its now time to talk to your shopsteward if you have 1 and ask his advice on your next move, or go above steves head on this one and ask that person can you have a word with him over an issue that involves your part of the him everything you told us in here and advise him that your reluctant to put your name against other peoples work when it is clearly not to standard,and also ask if these guys can be trained by an experienced person for a least a week to try iron out the shall we say cock ups that are passed to you .
Quote by sxi4uall
I'm still so angry about this that I'm having to try really hard to post calmly.
We have, over recent months, had several Eastern Europeans come to work in the factory. 3 of these are Polish lads, only one of whom speaks English well. Because he has been employed longer than the others he has been put in charge of training them, even though he is fairly new himself and not anywhere near experienced enough. And this is where the problem starts. My job involves taking the basic unit they turn out and transforming it into the finished product. Unfortunately, I have had to reject a fair bit of their work recently because it just isn't up to standard.
Today I rejected a whole batch. The measurements were wrong, each unit was different to the others even though they are supposed to be the same...they were just crap. I called the foreman over to tell him they would have to be re-done. The following is the exact conversation I had with the foreman.
Me....Steve, these are no good, they'll have to be done again.
Steve...What's wrong with them?
Me...The partitions are on the piss, some are too wide.
Steve...Can't you work round the problem.
Me....No. The measurements are precise, the kits won't fit.
Steve...They don't look too bad to me.
Me...They're crap. I'm not prepared to work round the balls up and send them out with my name on them when I know they aren't right. They're shoddy and badly made.
Steve...According to you everything those lads do is shoddy and badly made. I think you just have a problem with the Polish.
I was absolutely gob-smacked at what he'd said. I replied, 'Steve, I don't care if they come from Poland, Venus, Mars or Ur-fucking-anus.....their work is crap and I will not accept it.'
At which he scuttled off and hid in the office for the rest of the afternoon.
My dilemma is, what do I do now? I think his accusation was totally unfair and certainly not true. It may even have been defamatory. Do I make a formal complaint about it, or just let the matter drop and see what happens?

You have approached steve on this matter and he didnt help, its now time to talk to your shopsteward if you have 1 and ask his advice on your next move, or go above steves head on this one and ask that person can you have a word with him over an issue that involves your part of the him everything you told us in here and advise him that your reluctant to put your name against other peoples work when it is clearly not to standard,and also ask if these guys can be trained by an experienced person for a least a week to try iron out the shall we say cock ups that are passed to you .
I think you need to read the whole thread Hun, its all sorted now biggrin
Quote by Martin_M
biggrin excellent result good on you!! I was getting ready to go up there and set the boys on him mad

Ooh oooh :bounce: I've had a terrible day at work, been everso bossy and I'm not even a manager
Can you set the boys on me?? :twisted: :bounce: