what do the folks on SH think, should prostituition be legal, my view is why not, if people want to pay for this service why not, at least if legal like Holland it would take the stigma, and clean it all up. and then like everything else the government will be able to tax it.
not sure what they would call the tax though cant be VAT could be the Cummin Tax, what do you all think it should be called???
You seem to ask a lot of 'opinion' based questions? Don't work for the press do you?
A reporter would probably know that prostitution IS legal.
From a good faq on the subject: "While prostitution is technically legal, there are a number of restrictions which can make it difficult to work legally. Brothels, streetwalking and kerb-crawling are illegal, but there are no prohibitions against a girl working solo from her home. More than one girl in an apartment is considered a brothel, however, and would be illegal. There are a few co-ops in which a group of working girls gets together and rents a flat, then they take turns working one day each. This falls within the boundaries of the law."
To repress prostitution as this country does is to supress women.
Men are allowed and encourage to use their natural ttributes like strength for financial gain, so why should women not be allowed to exploit their natual strengths??
If theres a buy why should the sale be illegal? What happened to free trade?
Well Foxy as others have rightly said it is actually legal, the laws originally were there to protect the working girls from exploitation by pimps.
ellismay, tall & hairy, are you saying cant ask opinion based questions now then, cos that makes you a reporter or a policeman, do you really think its so important, that would ask you them sort of things, sure a good reporter would do his own proper research not sit on here asking people( probably a good percentage are not even genuine) questions based on peoples opinions, and do you really think your opinion is that worthwhile.
Sorry to the genuine people im not trying to offend you, and as been some good answers given, and I have learnt something from some of the anwers, and asking questions is always a good way to learn!! suggest some people should take that in also!!!
And grow up a little.
Thats one I can't answer Foxy... A lot of it is still exploitation, most likely because the laws drove it underground in the way they got applied. Personally I think the laws need re-writing and we need licenses.
Then you can have checks and balances, health screening, tax (yeah had to come in there), but also protection against abuse. If you not got the ID you can't do the clients.
Once business in there and legitimate brothels are up and running the days of the bloke running a few girls he conned into coming here will be numbered.
No offence intended if you really just searching deeper threads and some discussion I will welcome that, honestly. Just had me concerned, I take it back however as you obviously are genuinely interested in your threads. Please accept an apology for any offence given.
Not sure about the licenses thing!! I know what your driving at, the hygeine etc, but why should people have to have licenses to use their own body?? Smacks a bit of big brother for my liking and theres quiet enough of that in this country already!!
:P Would legalisation of prostituation mean that the *pimp* and *talent spotter* of today could soon be looked apon as respectable businessmen?
But in our society you can never assume that control wont happen, and you havnt addressed the issue of those who cant afford the license fee.
Remeber this is profession often embarked upon by those on the bottom rung of the ladder!!
True foxy, there no perfect solution, end of day an attractive girl would prob be put through the license process by an establishment. In that way she gets a number of opertunities to back out.
Unlicensed girls working alone could be exempt, like current system. So you get ability for larger scale companies to clean up while not supressing the home worker? Could that work??
Its begining to sound better. I just wish I had more faith in buracracy!!
BTW have you noticed how it appears to be only you and me thats interested in this topic??